Personal information
Nationality: English
Languages: English, French (intermediate), and German (basic)
Email: heap "at"
Position: Full professor
Office: D 108 (5, rue René Descartes)
Skype ID: michaeljheap
Employment and Education
2022-onwards Professeur (full professor) at EOST, Université de Strasbourg, France
2021-2026 Institut Universitaire de France (IUF, Academic Institute of France). Project: "Développement d’un système d’alerte pour les risques d’effondrement des flancs des volcans actif induits par l’altération"
2021 Invited professor at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, for four months
2018 Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), Université de Strasbourg, France. Thesis: "The mechanical and physical properties of volcanic rocks: application to volcanic hazards and building conservation". Examiners: Yves Guéguen, Ben van Wyk de Vries, Beatriz Menéndez, Mai-linh Doan, and Patrick Baud.
2010-2022 Maître de conférences (associate professor) at EOST, Université de Strasbourg, France
2009-2010 Post-doctoral researcher (funded by BV MatWerk and the DFG, [DFG GZ: PO 405/13-1]) at Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Germany. Project: "Modelling of temporal and thermal weakening of volcanic material involved in the construction of historical buildings"
2005-2009 Ph.D (defended April 2009) at University College London, UK. Principal supervisor: Philip Meredith. Co-supervisors: Patrick Baud and Sergio Vinciguerra. Examiners: Ernie Rutter and Teng-fong Wong. Title: Creep: time-dependent brittle deformation in rocks [link to UCL electronic resources]
2001–2005 First class (hons) MESci in geology at University of Liverpool, UK. Supervisor for Masters project: Dan Faulkner
Research Interests
Click [here] for information on ERC project ROTTnROCK
Click [here] for information on ANR project MYGALE
The mechanical behaviour and failure modes of porous rocks
Time-dependent deformation
Geothermal energy
Planetary Science
Building/monument conservation and preservation
Concrete and cement
Teaching and Responsibilities
2010-onwards: EOST Strasbourg (France): TD physique des roches 2A (rock physics); TD mécanique des fluide et écoulements 1A (mechanics of fluid and flow); TP mesures géophysiques en laboratoire 1A and 2A (geophysical laboratory classes); stage de terrain 3A mesures géophysiques sur la terrain (field geophysics classes); lectures in M1 and M2 (pétrophysique, microstructurale cassant, physique des roches appliquée aux réservoirs et aux risques, géothermie)
Nov/Dec 2023: Taught IAVCEI ECR-Net Research Masterclass Series workshop (6 hours over 2 days) on "How to write a research paper" (online)
Jan 2023: Taught academic writing workshop at Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group annual general meeting (London, UK)
2020-2021: Taught at the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ): Porosity and Permeability, Geoscience Seminars, Project Work 2
2021: Chinese Summer School – Summer school (12 hours) at Northeastern University (Shenyang, China) on “The physical properties, mechanical behaviour, and failure modes of porous rocks” (level: undergraduate and postgraduate students).
2021: Taught in "Geophysics for Civil Engineers 448" at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) with Marie Violay as part of an invited professor position (for four months)
2020: Taught academic writing class (online) at Northeastern University (Shenyang, China). Attendance: 554
2020: Taught summer school classes (online) at Northeastern University (Shenyang, China) with Patrick Baud on "Time-dependent brittle creep"
2018: Taught academic writing class at Northeastern University (Shenyang, China) with Alexandra Kushnir
2017: Won Erskine Fellowship to teach at University of Canterbury (New Zealand) between May and August 2017
2016: Chinese Summer School – Summer school (16 hours) at Northeastern University (Shenyang, China) on “Rock physics and natural hazards” (level: undergraduate and postgraduate students)
2022-onwards: Responsible for international mobility and attractivity at EOST
2022-onwards: International relations correspondant (CORI) for EOST (joint with Florence Beck)
2020-2021: Coordinator of the two-year Geosciences Master program (both M1 and M2) at the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) in Baku (Azerbaijan). The program is piloted by EOST Strasbourg, in collaboration with the University of Rennes-1.
Member of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) "Commission on Geoheritage" (ICG) (2021-2024)
- Post-docs and research engineers supervised/supervising:
[5] Ariane Loisel (2025-onwards, ITES Strasbourg), funded by ERC SYNERGY grant ROTTnROCK "Assessing the role of hydrothermal alteration on volcano morphology, instability, and unpredictable volcanic hazards"
[4] Lucille Carbillet (2022–2023, ITES Strasbourg), funded by ANR project GERESFAULT "Geothermal resources of crustal fault zones: exploring new systems for competitive geothermal power production"
[3] Jamie Farquharson (2022–2023, ITES Strasbourg), research engineer (journal manager and developer for diamond-open-access journal Volcanica) funded by Fonds National pour la Science Ouverte (FNSO) grant
[2] Alexandra Kushnir (2017–2019, ITES Strasbourg), funded by geothermal ANR grant CANTARE "Characterization of the transition zone in the deep basin context for the exploitation of geothermal reservoirs in Alsace" (co-supervised with Patrick Baud, ITES Strasbourg)
[1] Jamie Farquharson (2016–2018, ITES Strasbourg), funded by European geothermal grant DESTRESS "Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs" (co-supervised with Patrick Baud, ITES Strasbourg)
- Ph.D students supervised/supervising:
[12] Kamal Bayramov (2023-, ITES Strasbourg and UFAZ): "Compaction localisation in volcanic rocks" (lead supervisor; co-supervised with Patrick Baud, Strasbourg, and Adalat Hasanov, Azerbaijan)
[11] Benjamin DeJarnatt (2022-, GFZ Potsdam): "Crater rim instability hazards controlled by hydrothermal alteration imaged by remote sensing techniques" (co-supervised with Thomas Walter, GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
[10] Agata Poganj (2022-, ITES Strasbourg, ANR MYGALE): "The influence of hydrothermal alteration on the physical and mechanical properties of volcanic rocks from La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean)" (lead supervisor; co-supervised with Patrick Baud, Strasbourg)
[9] Amy Myers (2020-, based at University College Dublin, Ireland): "The role of fractures in lava dome instability" (co-supervised with Claire Harnett and Eoghan Holohan, both at University College Dublin, Ireland, and Thomas Walter, GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
[8] Yanchao Xue (2019-2024) based at Northeastern University, China, will spend one year at Strasbourg): "Time-dependent cracking and failure in rock using digital image correlation" (co-supervised with Tao Xu). Now Lecturer at Shandong University of Science and Technology (China)
[7] Taylor Witcher (2019-2024), based at Uppsala University, Sweden): "Characterisation of brittle deformation in viscous magma" (co-supervised with Steffi Burchardt and Bjarne Almqvist, both at Uppsala University)
[6] Lucille Carbillet (2019-2022, ITES Strasbourg, Ecole Doctorale): "From grains to rocks: The evolution of mechanical and hydraulic properties during diagenesis" (lead supervisor; co-supervised with Fabian Wadsworth (University of Durham, UK) and Patrick Baud (Strasbourg). Rocha Medal 2025 (International Society of Rock Mechanics); Prix Pierre Londe 2023 (Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches). Now Assistant Professor at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie, Université de Lorraine, Laboratoire GeoRessources - Site Brabois, Nancy, France
[5] Xian-yang Yu (2017-2022, based at Northeastern University, China, spent one year at Strasbourg): "Modelling of time-dependent deformation in rocks" (co-supervised with Tao Xu). Now at State Key Laboratofary of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan City, China
[4] Amy Ryan (2017-2020) (based at UBC, Vancouver, Canada): "Permeability evolution in lava domes: a trigger for explosive activity" (co-supervised with Kelly Russell). Léopold Gélinas Medal Gold medal 2021 (the Volcanology and Igneous Petrology Division of the Geological Association of Canada). Now Research Scientist and Lab Manager in the Experimental Rock Deformation Laboratory at Rice University, USA
[3] Chong-feng Chen (2015-2019) (based at Northeastern University, China, spent one year at Strasbourg): "Creep and fatigue in sandstone" (co-supervised with Tao Xu). Now Researcher at Xi'an Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group (Shaanxi Province, China)
[2] Luke Griffiths (2015-2018), ITES Strasbourg, Ecole Doctorale/LABEX): "Thermal microcracking in rocks" (co-supervised with Patrick Baud). Now at Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (Oslo, Norway)
[1] Jamie Farquharson (2013-2016), ITES Strasbourg, Initiative d’Excellence: Contrats Doctoraux): “Permeability evolution through the brittle-ductile transition in volcanic rocks” (co-supervised with Patrick Baud). "Societé des Amis des Universités de l’Académie de Strasbourg" thesis prize. Now Professor at Niigata University (Japan)
- HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches) theses examined:
[1] Guilherme Bozetti (ITES Strasbourg, France), June 2024: "Reservoir architecture in clastic systems: from deep-water to continental environments" (also president of the jury)
- Ph.D theses examined:
[11] Takahiro Shinohara (Utrecht University, Netherlands), December 2024: "Rate-dependent deformation behaviour of porous sandstones at reservoir conditions: An experimental, numerical and microphysical study"
[10] Amelie Klein (Université Clermont Auvergne, France), November 2024: "Multi-parametric study of the evolution of hydrothermal systems: contributions to the understanding of volcanic systems in unrest" (also president of the jury)
[9] Anna Theurel (Université Savoie Mont Blanc - ISTerre, France), November 2024: "Influence de la cristallisation sur la dynamique éruptive des magmas siliceux"
[8] Weiwei Shu (ITES Strasbourg, France), March 2024: "Analogical modelling of frictional slip on faults: implications for induced and triggered seismicity" (also president of the jury)
[7] Léo Petit (ENS Paris, France), March 2023: "Towards micromechanics-based brittle rheologies in long-term tectonic models"
[6] Rui Wu (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), October 2022: "Laboratory acousto-mechanical studies into moisture-induced changes of elastic properties in fine-grained granite"
[5] Camille Daffos (Université d'Orlèans, France), January 2022: "Transition explosive-effusive des éruptions volcaniques : Étude expérimentale du développement de la porosité connectée des magmas siliceux riches en cristaux sous une déformation cisaillante"
[4] Ying Li (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), November 2021: "Laboratory investigation into the effects of moisture on elastic behavior of unweathered granite"
[3] Rebecca Coats (University of Liverpool, U.K.), June 2019: “The rheology of pore and crystal bearing magmas”
[2] Tobias Mattsson (Uppsala University, Sweden), December 2018: "The dynamic emplacement of felsic magma in the upper crust"
[1] Quinn Wenning (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), July 2018: "Investigating petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks using traditional and computerized tomography techniques"
- Comité du suivi (monitoring/transfer committee for Ph.D thesis):
[4] Amelie Klein Multi-parametric study of the evolution of hydrothermal volcanic systems in unrest (Université Clermont-Auvergne, France), September 2023
[3] Weiwei Shu (ITES Strasbourg, France), July 2022
[2] Chagnon Glynn (IPG Paris, France), June 2021: “Physical geochemistry of a volcanic island hydrothermal system (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles): sources, dynamics and precursors of volcanic activity”
[1] Corentin Noël (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland), December 2017: "Experimental investigation of creep behavior of quartz bearing rocks and faults"
- I have supervised many final year engineering dipolma internships, second year research projects, and M2 research internships at EOST, Université de Strasbourg
- Topical Editor for open-access journal Solid Earth from 2012 to 2019
- I have been an Associate Editor for Journal of Geophysical Research since December 2018
- I have been a member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research since November 2018
- I am an Editor for diamond open-access journal Volcanica
- I have reviewed manuscripts for a variety of international journals (including Science, Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geophysical Research Letters, and Journal of Geophysical Research, amongst many others)
- I have reviewed large national and international grants
- I have organised sessions at EGU: 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025
Invited keynote talks:
- VMSG Award lecture (Dublin, Ireland) in 2025: The influence of hydrothermal alteration on volcanic hazards
- European Geosciences Union annual general meeting (Vienna, Austria) in 2024: A comprehensive petrophysical databank of crystalline reservoirs for assessing deep geothermal exploration targets in Finland and abroad
- International Conference on Earth Energy Science (Chongqing, China) in 2023: Geothermal energy exploitation in the Upper Rhine Graben and the role of the laboratory in geothermal exploration and exploitation
- China Rock (China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Annual Academic Conference; Beijing, China) in 2022: Permeability evolution in porous rock during deformation in the brittle and ductile regimes
- European Geosciences Union annual general meeting (Vienna, Austria) in 2020: Upscaling laboratory measurements: Quantifying the role of hydrothermal alteration in creating geothermal and epithermal mineral resources
- China Rock (China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Annual Academic Conference; Beijing, China) in 2020: Time-dependent brittle deformation in rocks
- American Geophysical Union annual general meeting (San Francisco, USA) in 2017: On the physical properties of volcanic rock masses
- Deformation mechanisms, Rheology, and Tectonics (Inverness, UK) in 2017: The mechanical behaviour and failure modes of volcanic rocks
- American Geophysical Union annual general meeting (San Francisco, USA) in 2015: The time-dependence of compaction localization in a porous sandstone
- European Geosciences Union annual general meeting (Vienna, Austria) in 2009: The influence of temperature on brittle creep in sandstones
2025 VMSG Award of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group, a joint special interest group of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland & The Geological Society of London. Citation: "Mike has been an active member of the VMSG community for many years and amongst his substantial and interdisciplinary academic contributions to volcanology he has also been a strong advocate for open science, equitable collaboration and in supporting early career researchers globally – all of which are strongly in the spirit of the award."
2023 Wager Medal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) for "outstanding contributions to volcanology" Citation can be found in the IAVCEI Newsletter.
Most-cited Bulletin of Volcanology paper of 2021 Award (based on 2020 and 2021 citations) for the paper "The mechanical behaviour and failure modes of volcanic rocks: a review"
2021-2026: Institut Universitaire de France (IUF, Academic Institute of France) laureate (Junior Member), a service of the French Ministry of Higher Education that distinguishes each year a small number of university professors for their research excellence, as evidenced by their international recognition. Project: "Développement d’un système d’alerte pour les risques d’effondrement des flancs des volcans actif induits par l’altération"
Most-cited Bulletin of Volcanology paper of 2017 Award (based on 2015 and 2016 citations) for the paper "Fracture and compaction of andesite in a volcanic edifice"
Awarded the "Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de recherche (PEDR)" at the Université de Strasbourg (2018)
Awarded a "Congé pour Recherches ou Conversions Thématiques (CRCT)" in 2018 (one semester)
2017 IDEX Prix Scientifiques Medal: "Les espoirs de l'Université de Strasbourg" ("the hope of the University of Strasbourg") 10000 Euro research prize.
Awarded the "prime d'excellence scientifique (PES)" at the Université de Strasbourg (2012)
Awarded £600 Graduate School Travel Grant (UCL) to attend the American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual general meeting 2008 in San Francisco, USA
Awarded "Young Researcher" financial support to attend the annual general meeting of the European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2008 in Vienna, Austria
Paper "Quantifying the evolution of static elastic properties in variably fractured crystalline rock" (Heap and Faulkner, 2008) nominated for the TSG Ramsay Medal (best publication to appear within two years of a doctoral award)
Awarded "Young Researcher" financial support to attend Euro-Conference of "Rock Physics and Geomechanics" on Natural hazards: thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in rocks in Erice, Sicily 2007
Awarded £75 for 2nd prize in departmental (UCL) poster competition
Runner-up to best poster at Geological Society of London Tectonics Studies Group (TSG), Manchester 2006
Awarded £200 Geological Society of London Tectonics Study Group (TSG) travel grant to attend Gordon Rock Deformation conference, Big Sky, Montana
Awarded £602 Graduate School Travel Grant (UCL) to attend Gordon Rock Deformation conference, Big Sky, Montana
Hunter Prize (UoL) for "excellence in geology" 2005
Dave Johnston Mapping Prize nominee 2005 (for the best mapping project in the UK and Ireland)
Runner-up to best poster at Geological Society of London Tectonics Studies Group (TSG) annual general meeting, Plymouth 2005
Newell Prize (UoL) for "excellence in geology" 2004
UK Mineralogical Society Student of the Year 2003
Proposals funded (PI only)
[21] European Research Council (ERC) SYNERGY grant 2024-2030
- 9989653 Euros
- Project: ROTTnROCK: Assessing the role of hydrothermal alteration on volcano morphology, instability, and unpredictable volcanic hazards
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg), T. Walter (GFZ, Germany), V. Troll (Uppsala University, Sweden), and C. Harnett (University College Dublin, Ireland)
[20] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) France-Germany PROCOPE award 2024-2025
- Project: Investigating Volcanic Rock Fracture Toughness for Volcano Edifice Stability
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and Séverine Furst (GEOMAR Kiel, Germany)
[19] Initiative d’Excellence (IdEx) Université et cité – programme « Science ouverte »
- 11000 Euros
- Project: Volcanica
[18] Fonds National pour la Science Ouverte (FNSO)
- 45000 Euros
- Project: Volcanica
[17] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) Germaine de Staël 2022-2023
- 2400 Euros in 2022 and 2400 Euros in 2023
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and Marie Violay (EPFL Lausanne).
- Project: The influence of temperature on the compaction of porous rocks
[16] Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) PRC grant 2022-2026
- 673 344 Euros
- PI: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg)
- Partners: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg), M. Rosas-Carbajal (IPGP), and C. Martel (ISTO)
- Project: MYGALE: Modelling the phYsical and chemical Gradients of hydrothermal ALteration for warning systems of flank collapse at Explosive volcanoes
[15] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) ULYSSES 2021
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and Claire Harnett (University College Dublin, Ireland).
- Project: Renewable energy extraction from volcanoes: Exploring the geothermal potential of volcanic calderas
[14] Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) 2021-2026 Junior Member
- 15000 Euros per year
- Project: "Développement d’un système d’alerte pour les risques d’effondrement des flancs des volcans actif induits par l’altération"
[13] CNRS INSU projet: Terre Solide (ALEAS) 2019
- 7000 Euros
- PI: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg)
- Project: Assessing the role of hydrothermal alteration on volcanic hazards
[12] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) GALILEE 2017
- 4250 Euros for 2017
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and S. Martino (La Sapienza - Università di Roma)
- Project: Landslide-triggered tsunami hazard in the mediterranean: improving risk mitigation strategies by understanding natural processes
[11] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) CAI YUANPEI 2016-2018
- 7750 Euros for 2016
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and T. Xu (Northeastern University)
- Project: Time-dependent deformation in andesitic stratovolcanoes: Experiments and numerical modelling
[10] Royal Society International Exchanges (U.K. - France) 2016-2020
- 11990 GBP
- PIs: H. Tuffen (Lancaster) and M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg)
- Project: Volcanic valves: The permeability of tuffisites
[9] CNRS INSU projet: Terre Solide (ALEAS) 2016
- 5000 Euros
- PI: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg)
- Project: Permeability reduction timescales in densifying magma
[8] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) France-Germany PROCOPE award [link] 2015-2016
- 3928 Euros in 2015
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and B. Scheu (LMU, Munich)
- Project: Hot hydrothermal volcanic systems: The impact of high temperatures on the physical and mechanical properties of hydrothermally-altered volcanic rocks
[7] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) XU GUANGQI 2014 [link] award
- 3500 Euros
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and T. Xu (Northeastern University, China)
- Project: The influence of vesicle/bubble size on the brittle strength of volcanic rocks and magmas
- News article for visit to Northeastern University, Shenyang [click here]
- News article for visit to Liaoning University of Science and Technology, Anshan City [click here]
[6] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) France-New Zealand DUMONT D'URVILLE award [link] 2013-2014
- 10480 Euros (5240 Euros in both 2014 and 2015)
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and B. Kennedy (Canterbury)
- Project: Permeability stimulation in geothermal reservoirs: A laboratory study
[5] CNRS INSU projet: Terre Solide (ALEAS) 2013
- 5000 Euros
- PI: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg)
- Project: Étude de la stabilité les édifices volcaniques
[4] LABoratoires d’EXcellence (LABEX) G-Eau-Thermie Profonde funding [link] 2013
- 100 000 Euros
- PI: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg)
- Project: Long-term stability of a geothermal reservoir: an experimental approach
[3] Initiative D’EXcellence (IdEx) "actractivité" [link] 2012
- 200 000 Euros
- PI: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg)
- Project: VOLPERM: Deformation and permeability of volcanic rocks at high temperature: implications for volcanic hazard assessment
[2] Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) France-Germany PROCOPE award [link] 2012-2013
- 6600 Euros (3800 Euros in 2012 and 2800 Euros in 2013)
- PIs: M. J. Heap (ITES Strasbourg) and D. B. Dingwell (LMU, Munich)
- Project: The Stability of the volcanic edifice at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
[1] Nuffield Foundation Research Bursary [link] 2004
- 1358 GBP
- PIs: D. R. Faulkner and M. J. Heap (both UoL)
- Project: Quantifying the static elastic evolution of crystalline rock approaching failure
GoogleScholar: h-index = 61; total citations = 11,866
SCOPUS: h-index = 56; total citations = 9,645; co-authors = 380
[216] Carey, R.J., Heap, M.J., Mitchell, S.J., and Wadsworth, F.B. (2025). The thermal properties of submarine rhyolite lavas from Havre volcano (Tonga-Kermadec Ridge, Pacific Ocean). Volcanica. Accepted.
[215] Carbillet, L., Heap, M.J., Baud, P., and Farquharson, J.I. (2025). Decrease in the Permeability of Microcracked and Macrocracked Granite at Elevated Pressure and Temperature. Geophysical Research Letters. Accepted.
[214] Wadsworth, F.B., Vasseur, J., and Heap, M.J. (2025). An analytical form of the pore-emanating crack model in 3D with implications for the uniaxial compressive strength of sandstone. Geophysical Journal International, 241, 495–510.
[213] Xu, B., Xu, T., Du, S., Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A.R.L., and Liu B. (2025). Time-dependent deformation of sandstone due to chemical corrosion: An investigation using the heterogeneous grain-based phase field method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Accepted.
[212] Witcher, T., Burchardt, S., Mattsson, T., Heap, M.J., Pluymakers, A., Li, K., and Lazor, P. (2025). Development of permeable networks by viscous-brittle deformation in a shallow rhyolite intrusion. Part 2: Microstructural analysis. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 461, 108278.
[211] Bofill, L., Bozetti, G., Schäfer, G., Ghienne, J.-F., Schuster, M., Heap, M.J., Knobelock, G., Scherer, C., Armenlenti, G., and de Souza, E., (2024). Sedimentary control on permeability heterogeneity: the Middle Buntsandstein continental sandstones (Lower Triassic, eastern France). Marine and Petroleum Geology.
[210] Villeneuve, M.C., Jones, T., Heap, M.J., Kennedy, B.M., Cole, J., and Siratovich, P., 2024. Physical and mechanical depth relationships of rocks from the Rotokawa Geothermal Reservoir, Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. Accepted.
[209] Wadsworth, F.B., Vasseur, J., Heap, M.J., Kendrick, J.E., Harnett, C.E., Foster, A., Weller, D., Scheu, B., Lamur, A. Pereira, L., Dingwell, D.B., and Lavallée, Y. (2024). The viscous-brittle transition in flowing crystal-bearing volcanic dome lavas. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 108198.
[208] Myers, A., Harnett, C.E., Holohan, E.P., Ryan, J.G., Zorn, E.U., Walter, T.R., and Heap, M.J. (2024). Lava dome morphology controlled by cohesion and viscosity: analogue experiments of episodic dome growth. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 108196.
[207] Carbillet L., Griffiths L., Heap M.J., Duwiquet, H., Baud, P., Violay, M.E.S., Reuschlé, T., and Guillou-Frottier, L. (2024). The Influence of Micro- and Macrocracks on the Permeability of Granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
[206] Myers, A. J., Harnett, C. E., Holohan, E. P., Walter, T. R. and Heap, M. J. (2024). The geometric spectrum of lava domes and spines: New perspectives from analysis of the Morphology of Viscous Extrusions (MoVE) global dataset. Volcanica, 7(2), 665–684.
[205] Xu, T., Heng, Z., Liu, B., Heap M.J., Wasantha, P.L.P., and Li, Z. (2024). A microscopic approach to brittle creep and time-dependent fracturing of rocks based on stress corrosion model. Deep Resources Engineering, 100111.
[204] Witcher, T., Burchardt, S., Mattsson, T., Heap M.J., and McCarthy, W. (2024). Development of permeable networks by viscous-brittle deformation in a shallow rhyolite intrusion. Part 1: Field evidence. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 454, 108166.
[203] Farquharson, J.I, Heap, M.J., Baud, P., and Carbillet L. (2024). Post-failure deformation mode switching in volcanic rock. Royal Society Open Science, 11, 8.
[202] Heap, M. J., Bayramov, K., Meyer, G. G., Violay, M. E., Reuschlé, T., Baud, P., H. A. Gilg, C. E. Harnett, A. R. L. Kushnir, F. Lazari, and Mortensen, A. K. (2024). Compaction and Permeability Evolution of Tuffs From Krafla Volcano (Iceland). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(8), e2024JB029067.
[201] Heap, M.J., Alizada, G., Jessop, D.E., Kennedy, B.M., and Wadsworth, F.B. (2024). The influence of temperature (up to 120 °C) on the thermal conductivity of variably porous andesite. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 108140.
[200] Xu, B., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A.R.L., Su, B.-y., and Lan, X.-c. (2024). An adaptive phase field approach to 3D internal crack growth in rocks. Computers and Geotechnics, 173, 106551.
[199] Li, Z., Xu, T., Zhao, L., Liu, Y., Xu, Y., Heap, M. J., ... & Su, B. (2024). Enhancing stability analysis of open-pit slopes via integrated 3D numerical modeling and data monitoring. Engineering Failure Analysis, 108495.
[198] Vairé, E., M. J. Heap, P. Baud, and B. van Wyk de Vries (2024). Quantifying the physical and mechanical heterogeneity of porous volcanic rocks from the Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France). Bulletin of Volcanology, 86, 49.
[197] Su, B., T. Xu, S. Gen-hua, M. J. Heap, X. Yu, G. Zhou, W. Zhu (2024). 3D Numerical Manifold Method for Crack Propagation in Rock Materials Using a Local Tracking Algorithm. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
[196] Xue, Y, Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Zhu, W., Ranjith, P.G., and Li, Z. (2024). Effect of pH on primary and secondary crack propagation in sandstone under constant stress (creep) loading. Construction and Building Materials, 421, 135727.
[195] Leiter, S., J. K. Russell, M. J. Heap, R. W. Barendregt, S. Wilson, B. Edwards (2024). Distribution, intensity, and timing of palagonitization in glaciovolcanic deposits, Cracked Mountain volcano, Canada. Bulletin of Volcanology, 86, 32.
[194] Griffiths L., M. J. Heap, O. Lengliné, P. Baud, and J. Schmittbuhl (2024). Thermal Stressing of Volcanic Rock: Microcracking and Crack Closure Monitored through Acoustic Emission, Ultrasonic Velocity, and Thermal Expansion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, 3, e2023JB027766.
[193] Morand, A., Poppe, S., Harnett, C., Cornillon, A., M. J. Heap, and Mège, D (2024). Fracturing and dome-shaped surface displacements above laccolith intrusions: Insights from Discrete Element Method modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, 3, e2023JB027423.
[192] Xu, B., Xu, T., Xue, Y., M. J. Heap, Wasantha, P.L.P., and Li, Z. (2024). Phase field modeling of mixed-mode crack in rocks incorporating heterogeneity and frictional damage. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 298, 109936.
[191] M. D. Jackson, M. J. Heap, G. Vola, M. Ardit, J. M. Rhodes, J. G. Peterson, N. Tamura, M. T. Gudmundsson (2024). Material and Mechanical Properties of Young Oceanic Basalt, Surtsey Volcano, Iceland. GSA Bulletin.
[190] Bischoff, A., M. J. Heap, Mikkola, P., Kuva, J., Reuschlé, T., Jolis E.M., Engström, J., Reijonen, H., Leskelä, T. (2023). Hydrothermally altered shear zones: a new reservoir play for the expansion of deep geothermal exploration in crystalline settings. Geothermics, 118, 102895.
[189] Heap, M. J., Harnett, C., Farquharson, J., Baud, P., Rosas-Carbajal, M., Komorowski, J. C., Violay, M.E., Gilg, H.A., & Reuschlé, T. (2023). The influence of water-saturation on the strength of volcanic rocks and the stability of lava domes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 107962.
[188] Carbillet, L., Wadsworth, F.B., Heap, M.J., and Baud, P. (2023). Microstructural controls on the uniaxial compressive strength of porous rocks through the granular to non-granular transition. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 21, e2023GL104678.
[187] Kushnir, A.R.L., Heap, M.J., Baud, P., Reuschlé, T., and Schmittbuhl, J. (2023). Reactivation of variably sealed joints and permeability enhancement in geothermal reservoir rocks. Geothermal Energy. 11, 32.
[186] Huebsch, M., Kueppers, U., Carazzo, G., Cimarelli, C., Hess, K.U., Hornby, A., Lejeune, A.M., Michaud-Dubuy, A., Perugini, D., Weller, D., and Heap, M.J. (2023). Fragmentation behavior of young pyroclasts from Mt. Pelée, Martinique. Bulletin of Volcanology, 85(11), 1-19.
[185] Heap, M.J., Harnett, C.E., Nazarbayov, T., Heng, Z., Baud, P., Xu, T., Rosas-Carbajal, M. and Komorowski, J.C. (2023). The influence of heterogeneity on the strength of volcanic rocks and the stability of lava domes. Bulletin of Volcanology, 85(9), 49.
[184] Jodry, C., Heap, M.J., Bayramov, K., Alizada, G., Rustamova, S., Nabiyeva, S. (2023). Influence of High Temperature on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Porous Limestone from Baku (Azerbaijan). Fire, 6, 263.
[183] Yu, X.-y., Xu, T., Heap M.J., Heng, Z., Ranjith, P.G., Su, B., & Wasantha, P.L.P. (2023). Time-dependent virtual crack model of rock with application to slope stability. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 154, 172-185.
[182] Yuan Y., Xu T., Meredith P.G., Mitchell T.M., Heap M.J., Zhou G., Stanton-Yonge Sesnic A. (2023). A microplane-based anisotropic damage model for deformation and fracturing of brittle rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
[181] Wadsworth, F.B., Vasseur, J., Heap, M.J., Carbillet L., Dingwell, D.B., Reuschlé, T., and Baud, P. (2023). A universal model for the permeability of sintered materials. Acta Materialia, 118859.
[180] Heap, M.J., Wadsworth, F.B., and Jessop, D.E. (2023). The thermal conductivity of unlithified granular volcanic materials: The influence of hydrothermal alteration and degree of water saturation. Journal of Voclanology and Geothermal Research, 107775.
[179] Xue, Y., Xu, T., Heap, M. J., Meredith, P.G., Mitchell, T.M., & Wasantha, P.L.P. (2023). Time-dependent cracking and brittle creep in macrofractured sandstone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 162, 105305.
[178] Kereszturi, G., Heap, M. J., Schaefer, L.N., Darmawan, H., Deegan, F.M., Kennedy, B., Komorowski, J.-C., Mead, S., Rosas-Carbajal, M., Ryan, A., Troll, V.R., Villeneuve, M., & Walter, T.R. (2023). Porosity, strength, and alteration – Towards a new volcano stability assessment tool using VNIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 602, 117929.
[177] Goupil, M., Heap, M. J., & Baud, P. (2022). Permeability anisotropy in sandstones from the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal reservoir (France): implications for large-scale fluid flow modelling. Geothermal Energy, 10, 32.
[176] Colombier, M., B. Bernard, H. Wright, J.L. Le Pennec, F. Cáceres, C. Cimarelli, M.J. Heap, P. Samaniego, J. Vasseur, D. B. Dingwell (2022). Conduit processes in crystal-rich dacitic magma and implications for eruptive cycles at Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84, 105.
[175] Carbillet, L., Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Wadsworth, F. B., & Reuschlé, T. (2022). The Influence of Grain Size Distribution on Mechanical Compaction and Compaction Localization in Porous Rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(11), e2022JB025216.
[174] Xu, B., Xu, T., Xue, Y., Heap, M.J., Ranjith, P.G., Wasantha, P.L.P., and Li, Z. (2022) Phase-field modeling of crack growth and interaction in rock. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8, 180.
[173] Burchardt, S., Bazargan, M., Bessi Gestsson, E., Hieronymus, C., Ronchin, E., Tuffen, H., Heap, M.J., Davidson, J., Kennedy, B., Hobé, A., and Saubin E. (2022) Geothermal potential of small sub-volcanic intrusions in a typical Icelandic caldera setting. Volcanica, 5(2), 477–507.
[172] Wadsworth, F.B., Llewellin, E.W., Castro, J.M., Tuffen, H., Schipper, C.I., Gardner, J.E., Foster, A., Vasseur, J., Damby, D.E., McIntosh, I.M., Boettcher, S., Unwin, H.E., Heap, M.J., Farquharson, J.I., Dingwell, D.B., Iacovino, K., Paisley, R., Jones, C., and Whattam, J. (2022). A reappraisal of explosive–effusive silicic eruption dynamics. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 107672.
[171] Yu, X.-y., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Heng, Z., Zhu, W., and Zhou, G. (2022). A virtual crack based numerical manifold approach to crack initiation, propagation and coalescence in granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
[170] Harnett, C.E., Heap, M.J., Troll, V.R., Deegan, F.M., and Walter, T. (2022). Large-scale lava dome fracturing as a result of concealed weakened zones. Geology.
[169] Gudmundsson, A., Drymoni, K., Browning, J., Acocella, V., Amelung, F., Bonali, F.L., Elshaafi, A., Galindo, I., Geshi, N., Geyer, A., Heap, M.J., Karaoğlu, Ö., Kusumoto, S., Marti, J., Pinel, V., Tibaldi, A., Thordarson, T., and Walter T. Volcanotectonics: the tectonics and physics of volcanoes and their eruption mechanics. Bull Volcanol 84, 72 (2022).
[168] Heap, M.J., Troll, V.R., Harris, C., Gilg, H.A., Moretti, R., Rosas-Carbajal, M., Komorowski, J.-C., and Baud, P. (2022). Whole-rock oxygen isotope ratios as a proxy for the strength and stiffness of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84:74,
[167] Heap, M.J., Meyer, G., Noël, C., Wadsworth, F.B., Baud, P., and Violay, M.E.S. (2022). The permeability of porous volcanic rock through the brittle‐ductile transition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, 6, e2022JB024600.
[166] Heap, M.J., Harnett, C.E., Wadsworth, F.B., Gilg, H.A., Carbillet, L., Rosas-Carbajal, M., Komorowski, J.-C., Baud, P., Troll, V.R., Deegan, F.M., Holohan, E.P., and Moretti, R. (2022). The tensile strength of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 428, 107576.
[165] Doan, M.-L., Heap, M.J., Schell, M., and Kueppers, U. (2022). High strain rate damage in porous andesite. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 107551.
[164] Lu, J., Xu, T., Tang, X., Heap, M.J., Xu, J., Yang, T., and Heng, Z. (2022). Nanoindentation-based characterization of micromechanical properties of greenish mudstone from deep Fushun West open-pit mine (Fushun city, China). Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-energy and Geo-Resources, 8, Article number: 59.
[163] Darmawan, H., Troll, V.R., Walter, T.R., Deegan, F.M., Geiger, H., Heap, M.J., Seraphine, N., Harris, C., Humaida, H., and Mueller, D. (2022). Hidden mechanical weaknesses within lava domes provided by buried high-porosity hydrothermal alteration zones. Scientific Reports, 12, 3202.
[162] Kennedy, B., Heap, M.J., Burchardt, S., Villeneuve, M., Tuffen, H., Gilg, H.A., Davidson, J., Duncan, N., Saubin, E., Gertsson, E.B., Anjomrouz, M., & Bulter, P. (2022). Thermal impact of dykes on ignimbrite and implications for fluid flow compartmentalisation in calderas. Volcanica, 5(1), 75–93.
[161] Heap, M.J., Jessop, D.E., Wadsworth, F.B., Rosas-Carbajal, M., Komorowski, J.-C., Gilg, H.A., Aron, N., Gential, L., Goupil, M., Masson, M., Hervieu, L., Kushnir, A.R.L., Baud, P., Carbillet, L., Ryan, A.G., and Moretti, R. (2022). The thermal properties of hydrothermally altered andesites from La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean). Journal of Voclanology and Geothermal Research, 421, 107444.
[160] Chevrel, O., Wadsworth, F.B., Farquharson, J.I., Kushnir, A.R.L., Heap, M.J., Williams, R., Delmelle, P., and Kennedy B. (2021). Publishing a Special Issue of Reports from the volcano observatories in Latin America. Volcanica, 4(S1), p. i - vi. doi: 10.30909/vol.04.S1.ivi
[159] Villeneuve, M.C. and Heap, M.J. (2021). Calculating the cohesion and internal friction angle of volcanic rocks and rock masses. Volcanica, 4(2), 279–293.
[158] Byrne, P.K., Foley, B.J., Violay, M.E.S., Heap, M.J., and Mikhail, S. (2021). The Effects of Planetary and Stellar Parameters on Brittle Lithospheric Thickness. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126,11, e2021JE006952.
[157] Xue, Y., Xu, T., Zhu, W., Heap, M.J., and Heng, Z (2021). Full-field quantification of time-dependent and -independent deformation and fracturing of double-notch flawed rock using digital image correlation. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 7:100,
[156] Harnett, C.E., and Heap, M.J. (2021) Mechanical and topographic factors influencing lava dome growth and collapse. Journal of Voclanology and Geothermal Research, 420, 107398.
[155] Heap, M.J., Baumann, T., Rosas-Carbajal, M., Komorowski, J.-C., Gilg, H.A., Villeneuve, M., Moretti, R., Baud, P., Harnett, C., Reuschlé, T. (2021) Alteration-induced volcano instability at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
[154] Heap, M.J., Wadsworth, F.B., Heng, Z., Xu, T., Griffiths, L., Aguilar Velasco, A., Vairé, E., Vistour, M., Reuschlé, T., Troll, V.R., Deegan, F.M., and Tang, C. (2021). The tensile strength of volcanic rocks: Experiments and models. Journal of Voclanology and Geothermal Research, 107348,
[153] Xu, T., Fu, M., Yang, S. Q., Heap, M. J., & Zhou, G. L. (2021). A numerical meso-scale elasto-plastic damage model for modeling the deformation and fracturing of sandstone under cyclic loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-23.
[152] Fu, T.-F., Xu, T., Meredith, P.G., Mitchell, T.M., Heap M.J., Nara, Y. (2021) A meso-mechanical approach to time-dependent deformation and fracturing of partially saturated sandstone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 145, 104840.
[151] Fu, M., Xu, T., Yang, S.-q., Heap M.J., & Zhou, G.-l. (2021) A numerical meso-scale elasto-plastic damage model for modelling the deformation and fracturing of sandstone under cyclic loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
[150] Heap M.J., Baumann, T., Gilg, H.A., Kolzenburg, S., Ryan, A., Villeneuve, M., Russell, J.K., Kennedy, L., Rosas-Carbajal, M., & Clynne M. (2021) Hydrothermal alteration can result in pore pressurization and volcano instability. Geology, 49 (11): 1348–1352
[149] Heap M.J. & Violay, M.E.S. (2021). The mechanical behaviour and failure modes of volcanic rock: A review. Bulletin of Volcanology, 83, 33
[148] Baud, P., Hall, S., Heap, M. J., Ji, Y., & Wong, T. F. (2021). The Brittle‐Ductile Transition in Porous Limestone: Failure Mode, Constitutive Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Strain Localization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB021602
[147] Wadsworth, F.B., Vossen, C., Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A., Farquharson, J., Schmid, D., Dingwell, D.B., Belohlavek, L., Huebsch, M., Carbillet, L., Kendrick, J.E. (2021). The force required to operate the plunger on a French press. American Journal of Physics, 89
[146] Yuan, Y., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Meredith, P.G., Yang, T., & Zhou, G. (2021). A three-dimensional mesoscale model for progressive time-dependent deformation and fracturing of brittle rock with application to slope stability. Computers and Geotechnics, 104160.
[145] Di Muro, A., Schwarzlmueller, F., Kueppers, U., Heap, M.J., & Dingwell, D. (2021). Petrophysical characterisation of volcanic ejecta to constrain subsurface lithological heterogeneities: implications for edifice stability at basaltic volcanoes. Volcanica, 4(1), 41-66.
[144] Carbillet, L., Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Wadsworth, F. B., & Reuschlé, T. (2021). Mechanical compaction of crustal analogs made of sintered glass beads: the influence of porosity and grain size. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB021321.
[143] Yu, X.-y., Xu, T., Heap M.J., Baud, P., Reuschlé, T., Heng, Z., Zhu, W.-c., Wang, X.-w., 2021. Time-dependent deformation and failure of granite based on the virtual crack incorporated numerical manifold method. Computers and Geotechnics, 133, 104070.
[142] Fu, T.-F., Xu, T., Heap M.J., Meredith, P.G., Yang, T.-h., Mitchell, T.M., Nara, Y., 2021 Analysis of capillary water imbibition in sandstone via a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and numerical DEM modeling. Engineering Geology, 285, 106070.
[141] Wang, J.X., S.B. Tang, M.J. Heap, C.A. Tang, L.X. Tang, 2021. An auto-detection network to provide an automated real-time early warning of rock engineering hazards using microseismic monitoring. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 140, 104685.
[140] Jessop, D.E., Moune, S., Moretti, R., Gibert, D., Komorowski, J.C., Robert, V., Heap, M.J., Bosson, A., Bonifacie, M., Deroussi, S. and Dessert, C., 2021. A multi-decadal view of the heat and mass budget of a volcano in unrest: La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Bulletin of Volcanology, 83(3), 1-19.
[139] Kushnir, A.R., Heap, M.J., Griffiths, L., Wadsworth, F.B., Langella, A., Baud, P., Reuschlé, T., Kendrick, J.E. and Utley, J.E., 2021. The fire resistance of high-strength concrete containing natural zeolites. Cement and Concrete Composites, 116, 103897
[138] Duwiquet, H. Guillou-Frottier, L., Arbaret, L., Bellanger, M., Guillon, T., Heap, M.J., 2021. Crustal Fault Zones (CFZ) as geothermal power systems: a preliminary 3D THM model constrained by a multidisciplinary approach. Geofluids, 2021, 8855632
[137] Wadsworth, F.B., Vasseur, J., Llewellin, E.W., Brown, R.J., Tuffen, H., Gardner, J.E., Kendrick, J.E., Lavallée, Y., Dobson, K.J., Heap, M.J. and Dingwell, D.B., 2020. A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 107118
[136] Xu, T., Yuan, Y., Heap, M.J., Zhou, G.-L., Perera, M.S.A., Ranjith, P.G. (2020) Microwave-assisted damage and fracturing of hard rocks and its implications for effective mineral resources recovery. Minerals Engineering, 160, 106663
[135] Heap, M. J., Baud, P., McBeck, J. A., Renard, F., Carbillet, L., & Hall, S. A. (2020). Imaging strain localisation in porous andesite using digital volume correlation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 107038
[134] Zorn, E. U., Walter, T. R., Heap, M. J., & Kueppers, U. (2020). Insights into lava dome and spine extrusion using analogue sandbox experiments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 551, 116571
[133] Ryan, A., Russell, J.K., Heap, M. J., Zimmermann, M.E., Wadsworth, F.B. (2020) Timescales of porosity and permeability loss by solid-state sintering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 549, 116533
[132] Xu, T., Fu, T. F., Heap, M. J., Meredith, P. G., Mitchell, T. M., & Baud, P. (2020). Mesoscopic Damage and Fracturing of Heterogeneous Brittle Rocks Based on Three-dimensional Polycrystalline Discrete Element Method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-21
[131] Heap, M.J., Gilg, H.A., Byrne, P.K., Wadsworth, F.B., Reuschlé, T. (2020) Petrophysical properties, mechanical behaviour, and failure modes of impact melt-bearing breccia (suevite) from the Ries impact crater (Germany). Icarus, 349, 113873.
[130] Revil, A., Coperey, A., Heap, M.J., Carbillet, L. (2020) A geophysical index to map alteration, permeability, and mechanical properties within volcanoes. Application to the soft volcanic rocks from Whakaari/White Island (New Zealand). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 401, 106945
[129] Ryan, A., Heap, M.J., Russell, J.K., Kennedy, L.A., Clynne, M. (2020) Cyclic shear zone cataclasis and sintering during lava dome extrusion: Insights from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center (USA). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 401, 106935
[128] Vital, M., Daval, D., Morvan, G., Martinez, D.E., Heap, M.J. (2020) Barite Growth Rates as a Function of Crystallographic Orientation, Temperature, And Solution Saturation State. Crystal Growth & Design, 20, 6, 3663–3672
[127] Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A.R.L., Vasseur, J., Wadsworth, F.B., Harlé, P., Baud, P., Kennedy, B.M., Troll, V., Deegan, F. (2020) The thermal properties of porous andesite. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 398, 106901.
[126] Kennedy, B.M., Farquhar, A., Hilderman, R., Villeneuve, M.C., Heap, M.J., Mordensky, S., Kilgour, G., Jolly, A., Christenson, B., Reuschlé, T. (2020) Pressure Controlled Permeability in a Conduit Filled with Fractured Hydrothermal Breccia Reconstructed from Ballistics from Whakaari (White Island), New Zealand. Geosciences, 10, 138.
[125] Fu, T.-F., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Meredith, P.G., and Mitchell, T.M. (2020) Mesoscopic time-dependent behavior of rocks based on three-dimensional discrete element grain-based model. Computers and Geotechnics, 121, 103472.
[124] Harlé, P., Kushnir, A.R.L., Aichholzer, C., Heap, M.J., Hehn, R., Maurer, V., Baud, P., Richard, A., Genter, A., Duringer, Ph. (2019) Heat flow estimates in the Upper Rhine Graben using laboratory measurements of thermal conductivity on sedimentary rocks. Geothermal Energy, 7:33.
[123] Wadsworth, F.B., Vossen, C.E.J., Schmid, D., Colombier, M., Heap, M.J., Scheu, B., and Dingwell, D.B. (2020) Determination of permeability using a classic Darcy water column. American Journal of Physics, 88, 20.
[122] Heap, M.J., Gravley, D.M., Kennedy, B.M., Gilg, H.A., Bertolett, E., and Barker, L.L. (2020) Quantifying the role of hydrothermal alteration in creating geothermal and epithermal mineral resources: the Ohakuri ignimbrite (Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 390, 106703.
[121] Heap, M.J., Villeneuve, M.C., Albino, F., Farquharson, J.I., Brothelande, E., Amelung, F., Got, J.-L., and Baud, P. (2020) Towards more realistic values of elastic moduli for volcano modelling. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 390, 106684.
[120] Duwiquet, H., Arbaret, L., Guillou-Frottier, L., Heap, M.J., and Bellanger, M. (2019) On the geothermal potential of Crustal Fault Zones: a case study from the Pontgibaud area (French Massif Central, France). Geothermal Energy, 7, Article number: 33
[119] Heap, M.J., Troll, V., Kushnir, A.R.L., Gilg, H.A., Collinson, A., Deegan, F., Darmawan, H., Seraphine, N., Neuberg, J., and Walter, T. (2019) Hydrothermal alteration of andesitic lava domes can lead to explosive volcanic behaviour. Nature Communications, 10, Article number: 5063
[118] Zhou, G.-l., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Meredith, P.G., Mitchell, T.M., Stanton-Yonge Sesnic, A., and Yuan, Y. (2020) A three-dimensional numerical meso-approach to modeling time-independent deformation and fracturing of brittle rocks. Computers and Geotechnics 117, 103274
[117] Harnett, C.E., Heap, M.J., and Thomas M.E. (2019) A toolbox for identifying the expression of dome-forming volcanism on exoplanets, Planetary and Space Science, 180, 104762.
[116] Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A.R.L, Gilg, H.A., Violay, M.E.S., Harlé, P., and Baud, P. (2019) Petrophysical properties of the Muschelkalk from the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site (France), an important lithostratigraphic unit for geothermal exploitation in the Upper Rhine Graben. Geothermal Energy 7, Article number 27
[115] Heap, M.J., Tuffen, H., Wadsworth, F.B., Reuschlé, T., Castro, J., and Schipper, I. (2019) The permeability evolution of tuffisites and implications for outgassing through dense rhyolitic magma. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. DOI:10.1029/2018JB017035.
[114] Ryan, A.G., Russell, J.K., Heap, M.J., Kolzenburg, S., Vona, A., and Kushnir, A.R.L. (2019) Strain-dependent rheology of silicate melt foams: importance for outgassing of silicic lavas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. DOI:10.1029/2019JB018099.
[113] Wadsworth, F.B., Vasseur, J., Schauroth, J., Llewellin, E.W., Dobson, K.J., Havard, T., Scheu, B., von Aulock, F.W., Gardner, J.E., Dingwell, D.B., Hess, K.-U., Colombier, M., Marone, F., Tuffen, H., and Heap, M.J. (2019) A general model for welding of ash particles in volcanic systems validated using in situ x-ray tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 525, 115726
[112] Heap, M.J., Gilg, H.A., Hess, K.-U., Mertens, L., Pösges, and Reuschlé, T. (2019) Conservation and restoration of St. George’s church (Nördlingen, Germany), a 15th century Gothic church built using suevite from the Ries impact crater. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 41, 256-263
[111] Mordensky, S., Heap, M.J., Kennedy, B.M., Gilg, H.A., Villeneuve, M.C., Farquharson, J.I., and Gravley, D.M. (2019) Influence of alteration on the mechanical behaviour and failure mode of andesite: implications for shallow seismicity and volcano monitoring. Bulletin of Volcanology 81:44.
[110] Heap, M.J. (2019). P- and S-wave velocity of dry, water-saturated, and frozen basalt: Implications for the interpretation of Martian seismic data. Icarus, 330, 11-15 [pdf link]
[109] Farquharson, J.I., Wild, B., Kushnir, A.R.L., Heap, M.J., Baud, P., and Kennedy, B.M. (2019). Acid‐induced dissolution of andesite: evolution of permeability and strength. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 257-273 [pdf link]
[108] Heap, M.J., M.C. Villeneuve, A.R.L. Kushnir, J.I. Farquharson, P. Baud, and T. Reuschlé (2019). Rock mass strength and elastic modulus of the Buntsandstein: an important lithostratigraphic unit for geothermal exploitation in the Upper Rhine Graben. Geothermics, 77, 236-256 [pdf link]
[107] Ryan, A., Kolzenburg, S., Vona, A., Heap, M.J., Russell, K., Badger, S. (2019). A proxy for magmatic foams: FOAMGLAS®, a closed-cell glass insulation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X, 1, 10001 [OPEN ACCESS]
[106] Heap, M.J. (2019). The influence of sample geometry on the permeability of a porous sandstone. Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 8, 55-61 [OPEN ACCESS]
[105] Heap, M.J., Reuschlé, T., Kushnir, A.R.L., and Baud, P. (2018). The influence of hydrothermal brine on the short-term strength and elastic modulus of sandstones from exploration well EPS-1 at Soultz-sous-Forêts (France). Geothermal Energy, 6:29. [OPEN ACCESS]
[104] Rizzo, R., Healy, D., Heap, M.J., Farrell, N. (2018). Detecting the Onset of Strain Localisation using Two-dimensional Wavelet Analysis on Sandstone Deformed at Different Effective Pressures. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123 (12), 10,460-10,478. [OPEN ACCESS]
[103] Heap, M.J., Coats, B., Chen, C.F., Varley, N., Lavallée, Y., Kendrick J., Xu, T., and Reuschlé, T. (2018). Thermal resilience of microcracked andesitic dome rocks. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 367, 20-30. [pdf link]
[102] Chen, C.F., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., and Baud, P. (2018). Influence of unloading and loading stress cycles on the creep behaviour of Darley Dale sandstone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 112, 55-63 [pdf link]
[101] Heap, M.J. (2018). The influence of sample geometry on the permeability of a porous sandstone. Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. Discuss., [OPEN ACCESS]
[100] Azzola, J., Griffiths, L., Schmittbuhl, J., Zigone, D., Magnenet, V., Masson, F., Heap, M.J., and Baud, P. (2018). Coda wave interferometry during the heating of deep geothermal reservoir rocks. Geothermal Energy, 6:21 [OPEN ACCESS]
[99] Mordensky, S., Villeneuve, M.C., Farquharson, J.I., Kennedy, B.M., Heap, M.J., Gravley, D. (2018). Rock mass properties and edifice strength data from Pinnacle Ridge, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. [pdf link]
[98] Ryan, A., Russell, J.K., and Heap, M.J. (2018). Rapid solid-state sintering in volcanic systems. American Mineralogist. [pdf link]
[97] Kushnir ARL, Heap MJ, Baud P, Gilg HA, Reuschlé T, Lerouge C, Dezayes C, Duringer P (2018) Characterizing the physical properties of rocks from the Paleozoic to Permo-Triassic transition in the Upper Rhine Graben. Geothermal Energy, 6:16. [OPEN ACCESS]
[96] Heap, M.J., Reuschlé T., Baud, P., Renard, F., and Iezzi, G. (2018). The permeability of stylolite-bearing limestone. Journal of Structural Geology, 116, 81-93. [pdf link]
[95] Villeneuve, M.C., Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A.R.L., Qin, T., Baud, P., Zhou, G., and Xu, T. (2018). Estimating in-situ rock mass strength and elastic modulus of granite from the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal reservoir (France). Geothermal Energy, 6:11. [OPEN ACCESS]
[94] Mordensky, S., Villeneuve, M.C., Kennedy, B.M., Heap, M.J., Gravley, D., Farquharson, J.I., and Reuschlé, T. (2018). Physical and Mechanical Property Relationships of a Shallow Intrusion and Volcanic Host Rock, Pinnacle Ridge, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 359, 1-10. [pdf link]
[93] Yu, X., Xu, T., Heap, M.J., Zhou, G., and Baud, P. (2018). Numerical approach to creep of rock based on the numerical manifold method. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001286. [pdf link]
[92] Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A.R.L., Griffiths, L., Wadsworth, F.B., Marmoni, G.M., Fiorucci, M., Martino, S., Baud, P., Gilg, H.A., and Reuschlé, T. (2018). Fire resistance of the Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff, a widely-used building stone on Ischia Island (Italy). Volcanica, 1(1), 33-48. [OPEN ACCESS]
[91] Ghorbani, A., A. Revil, A. Coperey, A. Soueid Ahmed, S. Roque, M.J. Heap, H. Grandis, F. Viveiros (2018). Complex conductivity of volcanic rocks and the geophysical mapping of alteration in volcanoes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 357, 106-127. [pdf link]
[90] Xu, T., Zhou, G., Heap, M.J., Yang, S., Konietzky, H., Baud, P. (2018). The modeling of time-dependent deformation and fracturing of brittle rocks under varying confining and pore pressures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. [pdf link]
[89] Tang, S.B., Yu, C.Y., Heap, M.J., Chen, P.Z., Ren, Y.G. (2018). The influence of water saturation on the short- and long-term mechanical behavior of red sandstone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. [pdf link]
[88] Heap, M.J., Farquharson, J.I., Kushnir, A.R.L., Lavallée, Y., Baud, P., Gilg, H.A., and Reuschlé, T. (2018). The influence of water on the strength of Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, the most widely-used building stone in Naples (Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology. DOI: 10.1007/s00445-018-1225-1. [pdf link]
[88] Soueid Ahmed A., A. Revil, S. Byrdina, A. Coperey, L. Gailler, N. Grobbe, F. Viveiros, C. Silva, D. Jougnot, A. Ghorbani, C. Hogg, D. Kiyan, V. Rath, M.J. Heap, H. Grandis, H. Humaida (2018). 3D electrical conductivity tomography of volcanoes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. [pdf link]
[87] Kushnir, A.R.L., Heap, M.J., and Baud, P. (2018) Assessing the role of fractures on the permeability of the Permo-Triassic sandstones at the Soultz-sous-Forêts (France) geothermal site. Geothermics, 74, 181-189. [pdf link]
[86] Lesage, Ph., Heap, M.J., and Kushnir, A.R.L. (2018). A generic model for the shallow velocity structure of volcanoes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.03.003. [pdf link]
[85] Griffiths, L., Lengliné, O., Heap, M.J., Baud, P., and Schmittbuhl, J. (2018). Thermal microcracking in Westerly Granite using direct wave velocity, coda wave interferometry and acoustic emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2017JB015191. [pdf link]
[84] Heap, M.J., Reuschlé, T., Farquharson, J.I., and Baud, P. (2018). Permeability of volcanic rocks to gas and water. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 354, 29-38 [pdf link]
[83] Ryan, A., Freidlander, B., Russell, J.K., Heap, M.J., and Kennedy, L. (2018) Hot pressing in conduit faults during lava dome extrusion: Insights from Mount St. Helens 2004-2008, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 482, 171-180. [pdf link]
[82] Baud, P., Schubnel, A., Heap, M.J., Rolland, A. (2018) Inelastic Compaction in High-Porosity Limestone Monitored Using Acoustic Emissions, Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2017JB014627. [pdf link]
[81] Heap, M.J., Kushnir, A.R.L, Gilg, H.A., Wadsworth, F.B., Reuschlé, T., and Baud, P. (2017) Microstructural and petrophysical properties of the Permo-Triassic sandstones (Buntsandstein) from the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site (France), Geothermal Energy, 5:26. [OPEN ACCESS]
[80] Rizzo, R., Healy, D., Farrell, N., and Heap, M.J. (2017) Riding the right wavelet: Quantifying scale transitions in fractured rocks, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 11808-11815. [OPEN ACCESS]
[79] Griffiths, L., Heap, M.J., Baud, P., and Schmittbuhl, J. (2017) Quantification of microcrack characteristics and implications for stiffness and strength of granite, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 100, 138-150. [pdf link]
[78] Marmoni, G., Martino, S., Heap, M.J., Reuschlé, T. (2017) Gravitational slope-deformation of a resurgent caldera: new insights from the mechanical behaviour of Mt. Nuovo tuffs (Ischia Island, Italy), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 345, 1-20. [pdf link]
[77] Violay, M., Heap, M.J., Acosta, M.A., and Madonna, C., 2017. Porosity evolution at the brittle-ductile transition in the continental crust: Implications for deep hydro-geothermal circulation. Scientific Reports, 7, Article Number 7705, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-08108-5. [OPEN ACCESS]
[76] Vasseur, J., Wadsworth, F.B., Heap, M.J., Main, I.G., Lavallée, Y., and Dingwell, D.B., 2017. Does an inter-flaw length control the accuracy of rupture forecasting in geological materials? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 475, 181-189. [pdf link]
[75] Tang, S.B., Huang, R.Q., Tang, C.A., Liang, Z.Z., and Heap, M.J., 2017. The failure processes analysis of rock slope using numerical modelling techniques, Engineering Failure Analysis, 79, 999-1016. DOI: [pdf link]
[74] Marmoni, G., Martino, S., Heap, M.J., and Reuschlé, T., 2017. Multiphysics Laboratory Tests for Modelling Gravity-Driven Instabilities at Slope Scale, Procedia Engineering, 191, 142-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.05.165. [pdf link]
[73] Mikhail, S. and Heap, M.J., 2017. Hot climate inhibits volcanism on Venus: Constraints from rock deformation experiments and argon isotope geochemistry, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 268, 18-34. DOI: [pdf link]
[72] Farquharson, J.I., Wadsworth, F.B., Heap, M.J., and P. Baud, 2017. Time-dependent permeability evolution in compacting volcanic fracture systems and implications for gas overpressure, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 339, 81-97. DOI: [pdf link]
[71] Xu, T., G.L. Zhou, M.J. Heap, W.C. Zhu, C.F. Chen, and P. Baud, 2017. The influence of temperature on time-dependent deformation and failure in granite: A mesoscale modeling approach, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 10.1007/s00603-017-1228-9. [pdf link]
[70] Farquharson, J. I., P. Baud, and M. J. Heap (2017), Inelastic compaction and permeability evolution in volcanic rock, Solid Earth, 8, 561–581. [OPEN ACCESS]
[69] Griffiths, L., Heap, M.J., Xu, T., Chen, C.-f., Baud, P., 2017. The influence of pore geometry and orientation on the strength and stiffness of porous rock, Journal of Structural Geology, 96, 149-160. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2017.02.006. [pdf link]
[68] Heap, M.J., Violay, M., Wadsworth, F.B., and Vasseur, J., 2017. From rock to magma and back again: The evolution of temperature and deformation mechanism in conduit margin zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 463, 92-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.021. [pdf link]
[67] Wadsworth, F.B., Heap, M.J., Damby, D.E., Hess, K.-U., Najorka, J., Vasseur, J., Fahrner, D., and Dingwell, D.B., 2017. Local geology controlled the feasibility of vitrifying Iron Age buildings, Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 40028, DOI: 10.1038/srep40028. [OPEN ACCESS]
[66] Heap, M. J., P. Byrne, and S. Mikhail (2017), Low surface gravitational acceleration of Mars results in a thick and weak lithosphere: Implications for topography, volcanism, and hydrology, Icarus, 281, 103-114, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.09.003. [pdf link]
[65] Heap, M.J., B.M. Kennedy, J.I. Farquharson, J. Ashworth, K. Mayer, M. Letham-Brake, T. Reuschlé, H.A. Gilg, B. Scheu, Y. Lavallée, P. Siratovich, J. Cole, A.D. Jolly, P. Baud, D.B. Dingwell, (2017), A multidisciplinary approach to quantify the permeability of the Whakaari/White Island volcanic hydrothermal system (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 332, 88-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.12.004. [pdf link]
[64] Baud, P., Hall, S., Ji, Y., Wong, T.f., and Heap, M.J. (2017) The brittle-ductile transition in porous limestone imaged by X-ray computed tomography and digital image correlation, Poromechanics 2017 - Proceedings of the 6th Boit Conference on Poromechanics. [pdf link]
[63] Dondin, F., Heap, M.J., Robertson, R.E.A., Dorville, J.-F., and Carey, S. (2017), Flank Instability Assessment at Kick-'em-Jenny Submarine Volcano (Grenada, Lesser Antilles): A Multidisciplinary Approach Using Experiments and Modeling, Bulletin of Volcanology, 79:5. [OPEN ACCESS]
[62] Farquharson, J. I., P. Baud, and M. J. Heap (2016), Inelastic compaction and permeability evolution in volcanic rock, Solid Earth Discussions, DOI: 10.5194/se-2016-166 [pdf link]
[61] Farquharson, J. I., M. J. Heap, and P. Baud (2016), Strain-induced permeability increase in volcanic rock, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, DOI:10.1002/2016GL071540. [pdf link]
[60] Heap, M.J., J.K Russell, and L.A. Kennedy (2016), Mechanical behaviour of dacite from Mount St. Helens (USA): A link between porosity and lava dome extrusion mechanism (dome or spine)?, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 328, 159-177, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.10.015. [pdf link]
[59] Griffiths, L., M.J. Heap, F. Wang, D. Daval, H.A. Gilg, P. Baud, J. Schmittbuhl, and A. Genter (2016). Geothermal implications for fracture-filling hydrothermal precipitation. Geothermics, 64, 235-245, DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.06.006. [pdf link]
[58] Siratovich, P.A., M.J. Heap, M.C. Villeneuve, J. Cole, B.M. Kennedy, J. Davidson, T. Reuschlé (2016). Mechanical behaviour of the Rotokawa Andesites (New Zealand): Insight into permeability evolution and stress-induced behaviour in an actively utilised geothermal reservoir. Geothermics, 64, 163-179. DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.05.005. [pdf link]
[57] Farquharson, J. I., M. J. Heap, Y. Lavallée, N. Varley, and P. Baud, 2016. Evidence for the development of permeability anisotropy in lava domes and volcanic conduits. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 323, 163–185. [pdf link]
[56] Heap, M. J., and Kennedy B. M. (2016). Exploring the scale-dependent permeability of fractured andesite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 447, 139-150. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.05.004. [pdf link]
[55] Baud, P., Rolland, A., Heap, M.J., Xu, T., Nicolé, M., Ferrand, T., Reuschlé, T., Toussaint, R., and Conil, N. (2016). Impact of stylolites of the mechanical strength of limestone. Tectonophysics, 690, Part A, 4-20. [pdf link]
[54] Heap, M. J., Wadsworth, F. B., Xu, T., Chen, C.-f., and Tang, C.-a. 2016. The strength of heterogeneous volcanic rocks: A 2D approximation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 319, 1-11. [pdf link]
[53] Heap, M. J., and Wadsworth, F. B., 2016. Closing an open system: Pore pressure changes in permeable edifice rock at high strain rates. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 315, 40-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.02.011. [pdf link]
[52] Kushnir, A. R. L., Martel, C., Bourdier, J.-L., Heap, M. J., Reuschlé, T., Erdmann, S., Komorowski, J.-C., Cholik, N., 2016. Probing permeability and microstructure: Unravelling the role of a low-permeability dome on the explosivity of Merapi (Indonesia). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 316, 56-71, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.02.012. [pdf link]
[51] Wadsworth, F. B., M. J. Heap, and D. B. Dingwell, 2016. Friendly fire: Engineering a fort wall in the Iron Age. Journal of Archaeological Science, 67, 7-13, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2016.01.011. [OPEN ACCESS]
[50] Farquharson, J. I., M. J. Heap, P. Baud, T. Reuschlé, and N. Varley, 2016. Pore pressure embrittlement in a volcanic edifice. Bulletin of Volcanology. 78(6) [pdf link] [Figure 5, high-resolution]
[49] Heap, M. J., J. I. Farquharson, F. B. Wadsworth, S. Kolzenburg, and J. K. Russell, 2015. Timescales for permeability reduction and strength recovery in densifying magma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 429, 223-233. [pdf link]
[48] Mayer, K., Scheu, B., H. A. Gilg, M. J. Heap, B. M. Kennedy, Y. Lavallée, M. Letham-Brake, and D. B. Dingwell, 2015. Experimental constraints on phreatic eruption processes at Whakaari (White Island volcano). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 302, 150-162. [OPEN ACCESS]
[47] Wiesmaier, S., Heap, M. J., Branca, S., Gilg, H. A., Kueppers, U., Hess, K.-U., Lavallée, Y., and Dingwell, D. B., 2015. Variability in composition and physical properties of the sedimentary basement of Mt Etna, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 302, 102-116. [pdf link]
[46] Heap M. J., Brantut, N., Baud, P., and Meredith P. G., 2015. Time-dependent compaction band formation in sandstone. Journal of Geophysical Research. DOI: 10.1002/2015JB012022. [OPEN ACCESS]
[45] Heap, M. J., T. Xu, A. R. L. Kushnir, B. Kennedy, and C.-f. Chen, 2015. Fracture of magma containing overpressurised pores. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 301, 180-190. [pdf link]
[44] Heap, M. J., J. I. Farquharson, P. Baud, Y. Lavallée, and T. Reuschlé, 2015. Fracture and compaction of andesite in a volcanic edifice. Bulletin of Volcanology. 77: 55. DOI: 10.1007/s00445-015-0938-7. [OPEN ACCESS]
[43] Farquharson, J. I., M. J. Heap, N. Varley, P. Baud, and T. Reuschlé, 2015. Permeability and porosity relationships of edifice-forming andesites: A combined field and laboratory study. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 297, 52-68. [pdf link]
[42] Heap, M. J., B. Kennedy, N. Perrin, L. Jacquemard, P. Baud, J. I. Farquharson, B. Scheu, Y. Lavallée, H. A. Gilg, M. Letham-Brake, K. Mayer, A. D. Jolly, T. Reuschlé, and D. B. Dingwell, 2015. Mechanical behaviour and failure modes in the Whakaari (White Island volcano) hydrothermal system, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.02.012. [OPEN ACCESS]
[41] Heap, M. J., S. Kolzenburg, J. K. Russell, M. E. Campbell, J. Welles, J. I. Farquharson, A. Ryan, 2014. Conditions and timescales for welding block-and-ash flow deposits. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 289, 202-209. [pdf link]
[40] Heap, M. J., T. Xu, and C.-f. Chen, 2014. The influence of porosity and vesicle size on the brittle strength of volcanic rocks and magmas. Bulletin of Volcanology. 76:856, doi; 10.1007/s00445-014-0856-0. [pdf link]
[39] Brantut, N., M. J. Heap, P. Baud, and P. G. Meredith, 2014. Mechanisms of time-dependent deformation in porous limestone. Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011186. [OPEN ACCESS]
[38] Siratovich, P., Heap, M. J., Villenueve, M. C., Cole, J. W., and Reuschlé, T., 2014. Physical property relationships of the Rotokawa Andesite, a significant geothermal reservoir rock in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Geothermal Energy, 2:10. [OPEN ACCESS]
[37] Heap, M. J., Lavallée, Y., Petrakova, L., Baud, P., Reuschlé, T., Varley, N., and Dingwell, D. B., 2014. Microstructural controls on the physical and mechanical properties of edifice-forming andesites at Volcán de Colima, Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2013JB010521. [OPEN ACCESS]
[36] Brantut, N., M. J. Heap, P. Baud, and P. G. Meredith, 2014. Rate and strain-dependent brittle deformation of rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117 (B8), DOI: 10.1002/2013JB010448. [OPEN ACCESS]
[35] Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Meredith, P. G., Vinciguerra, S., Reuschlé, T., 2014. The permeability and elastic moduli of tuff from Campi Flegrei, Italy: Implications for ground deformation modelling. Solid Earth, 5, 25-44. [OPEN ACCESS]
[34] Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Reuschlé, T., and Meredith, P. G., 2014. Stylolites in limestones: Barriers to fluid flow? Geology, 42, 51-54, doi:10.1130/G34900.1. [OPEN ACCESS]
[33] Brantut, N., Baud, P., Heap, M. J., and Meredith, P. G., 2013. Mechanics of time-dependent deformation in crustal rocks. Poromechanics V - Proceedings of the 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, 407-414. [pdf link]
[32] Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Meredith, P. G., Vinciguerra, S., Reuschlé, T., 2013. The permeability and elastic moduli of tuff from Campi Flegrei, Italy: Implications for ground deformation modelling. Solid Earth Discussions, 5, 1-43. [OPEN ACCESS]
[31] Mollo, S., Heap, M. J., Dingwell, D. B., Hess, K.-U., Iezzi, G., Masotta, M., Scarlato, P., Vinciguerra, S., 2013. Decarbonation and thermal microcracking under magmatic P-T-fCO2 conditions: the role of skarn substrata in promoting volcanic instability. Geophysical Journal International. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggt265. [pdf link]
[30] Kendrick, J. E., Lavallée, Y., Hess, K.-U., Heap, M. J., Gaunt, H. E., Meredith, P. G., Dingwell, D. B., 2013. Tracking the permeable porous network during strain-dependent magmatic flow. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 260, 117-126. [OPEN ACCESS]
[29] Brantut, N., M. J. Heap, P. G. Meredith, and P. Baud, 2013. Time-dependent cracking and brittle creep in crustal rocks: A review. Journal of Structural Geology, 52, 17-43. [pdf link]
[28] Heap, M. J., Lavallée, Y., Laumann, A., Hess, K.-U., Meredith, P. G., Dingwell, D. B., Huismann, S., Weise, F., 2013. The influence of thermal-stressing (up to 1000 °C) on the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of siliceous-aggregate, high-strength concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 42, 248-265. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.01.020. [pdf link]
[27] Lavallée, Y., Benson, P. M., Heap, M. J., Hess, K.-U., Flaws, A., Schillinger, B., Meredith, P. G., Dingwell, D. B., 2013. Reconstructing magma failure and the degassing network of dome-building eruptions. Geology, doi:10.1130/G33948.1 [pdf link]
[26] Heap, M. J., S. Mollo, S. Vinciguerra, Y. Lavallée, K.-U. Hess, D. B. Dingwell, P. Baud, G. Iezzi, 2013. Thermal weakening of the carbonate basement under Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): implications for volcano instability. J. Vol. Geo. Res. 250, 42-60. [pdf link]
[25] Kolzenburg, S., M.J. Heap, Y. Lavallée, J.K. Russell, P.G. Meredith, and D.B. Dingwell, 2012. Strength and permeability recovery of tuffisite-bearing andesite. Solid Earth, 3, 191–198. [OPEN ACCESS]
[24] Benson, P. M., Heap, M. J., Lavallée, Y., Flaws, A., Hess, K.-U., Selvadurai, A. P. S., Dingwell, D. B., 2012. Laboratory simulations of tensile fracture development in a volcanic conduit via cyclic magma pressurisation. Earth Plant. Sci. Lett., 349, 231-239. [pdf link]
[23] Brantut, N., P. Baud, M.J. Heap, and P.G. Meredith, 2012. Micromechanics of Brittle Creep in Rocks. J. Geophys. Res - Solid Earth, 117 (8), art. no. B08412, doi:10.1029/2012JB009299. [pdf link]
[22] Mollo, S., Heap, M. J., Iezzi, G., Hess, K.-U., Scarlato, P., Dingwell, D. B., 2012. Volcanic edifice weakening via decarbonation: a self-limiting process? Geophys. Res. Lett. 39 (15), art. no. L15307, doi: 10.1029/2012GL052613. [pdf link]
[21] Hot tuff not so tough. Nature, 484, 144, doi:10.1038/484144a [pdf link]
[20] Xu, T., C.-a. Tang, J. Zhao, L. Li, and M. J. Heap, 2012. Modelling the time-dependent rheological behaviour of heterogeneous brittle rocks, Geophysical Journal International, 198, 1781-1796, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05460. [pdf link]
[19] Kolzenburg, S., M.J. Heap, Y. Lavallée, J.K. Russell, P.G. Meredith, and D.B. Dingwell, 2012. The strength and permeability of tuffisite-bearing andesite in volcanic conduits. Solid Earth Discuss., 4, 459-473, doi:10.5194/sed-4-459-2012. [OPEN ACCESS]
[18] Kushnir, A., G. Andrews, J. K. Russell, R. J. Enkin, L. A. Kennedy, M. J. Heap, and S. Quane, 2012. Rock Physical-Property Measurements for the Nechako Basin Oil and Gas Region, Central British Columbia (Parts of NTS 093B, C, E, F, G, K, L), Geoscience BC, Report 2012-1, 125-150. [pdf link]
[17] Lavallée, Y., T. M. Mitchell, M. J. Heap, J. Vasseur, K-U. Hess, T. Hirose, and D. B. Dingwell, 2012. Experimental generation of volcanic pseudotachylites: constraining rheology. Journal of Structural Geology, 38, 222-233. [pdf link]
[16] Heap, M. J., Lavallée, Y., Laumann, A., Hess, K-U., Meredith, P. G., and Dingwell, D. B., 2012. How tough is tuff in the event of fire? Geology, doi: 10.1130/G32940.1. [pdf link] [toll-free link] [GSA Data Repository]
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[Nature Podcast]: Fast-forward to 12:26 to hear about tuff!
[15] Andrews, G., Quane, S., Enkin, R.J., Russell, K., Kushnir, A., Kennedy, L., Hayward, N. and Heap, M. J (2011): Rock physical property measurements to aid geophysical surveys in the Nechako Basin oil and gas region, central British Columbia; Geoscience BC, Report 2011-10, 40 p. [pdf link]
[14] Lavallée, Y., P. M. Benson, M. J. Heap, A. Flaws, K.-U. Hess, D. B. Dingwell, 2011. Volcanic conduit failure as a trigger to magma fragmentation. Bulletin of Volcanology, doi: 10.1007/s00445-011-0544-2. [pdf link]
[13] Mollo, S., Vinciguerra, S., Iezzi, G., Iarocci, A., Scarlato, P., Heap, M. J., Dingwell, D. B., 2011. Volcanic edifice weakening via devolatilization reactions, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05097. [pdf link]
[12] Bell, A. F., Naylor, M., Heap, M. J., Main, I. G., 2011. Forecasting volcanic eruptions and other material failure phenomena: an evaluation of the failure forecast method. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2011GL048155. [pdf link]
[11] Mollo, S., Tuccimei, P., Heap, M.J., Vinciguerra, S., Soligo, M., Castelluccio, M., Scarlato, P., Dingwell, D. B., 2011. Increase in radon emission due to rock failure: an experimental study. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, L14304, doi:10.1029/2011GL047962.[pdf link]
[10] Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Meredith, P. G., Vinciguerra, S., Bell, A. F. and Main, I. G., 2011. Brittle creep in basalt: implications for time-dependent volcano deformation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307, 71-82.[pdf link]
[9] Bell, A. F., Greenough, J., Heap, M. J. and Main, I. G., 2011. Challenges for forecasting based on accelerating rates of earthquakes at volcanoes and laboratory analogues. Geophysical Journal International, 185, 718-723. [pdf link]
[8] Heap, M. J., D. R. Faulkner, P. G. Meredith and S. Vinciguerra, 2010. Elastic moduli evolution and accompanying stress changes with increasing crack damage: implications for stress changes around fault zones and volcanoes during deformation. Geophysical Journal International, 183, 225-236. [pdf link]
[7] Grindrod, P. M., Heap, M. J., Meredith, P. G., Tripetta, F., Sammonds, P. M., Wood, I. G. and Fortes, D., 2010. Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Sulfate Hydrates under Martian Conditions. J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JE003552. [pdf link]
[6] Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Meredith, P. G., 2009. The influence of temperature on brittle creep in sandstones. Geophys. Res. Lett.,doi:10.1029/2009GL039373. [pdf link]
[5] Ventura, G., Vinciguerra, S., Moretti, S., Meredith, P. G., Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Shapiro, S. A., Dinske, C. and Kummerow, J., 2009. Understanding slow deformation before dynamic failure. T. Beer (ed.), Geophysical Hazards, International Year of Planet Earth, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-3236-2_14, C Springer Science+Business Media B.V. [pdf link]
[4] Heap, M. J., Baud, P., Meredith, P. G., Bell, A. F. and Main, I. G., 2009. Time-dependent brittle deformation in Darley Dale sandstone. J. Geophys. Res, 114, B07203, doi: 10.1029/2008JB006212. [pdf link]
[3] Heap, M. J., S. Vinciguerra, P. G. Meredith, 2009. The evolution of elastic moduli with increasing damage during cyclic stressing of a basalt from Mt. Etna volcano. Tectonophysics, 471, 153-160. [pdf link]
[2] Heap, M. J. and D. R. Faulkner, 2008. Quantifying the static elastic evolution of crystalline rock approaching failure. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45/4, 564-573. [pdf link]
[1] Faulkner, D. R., Mitchell, T. M., Healy, D. and Heap, M. J., 2006. Slip on 'weak' faults by the rotation of regional stress in the fracture damage zone. Nature, 444, 922-925. [pdf link]
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