[…] Roux, P. Lemarchand D, Kirchen, G, Redon,P-O. and Turpault, M-P. (submitted) B and d11B biogeochemical cycle in the water-soil-plant system Chemical and boron isotope compositions of tourmaline from the Kiaka gold deposit (Burkina Faso): a proxy for monitoring the physico-chemical conditions of gold deposition. Science of the total environment
[…] Noguera, C. Fritz, B. Clément B. and Lemarchand D. (in revision) Modelling the precipitation of nanoparticles in a closed medium in the presence of seeds: Application to amorphous silica synthesis.
[33] Gutjahr M., Bordier L., Douville E., Farmer J., Foster G. L., Hathorne E. C., Hönisch B., Lemarchand D., Louvat P., McCulloch M., Noireaux J., Pallavicini N., Rae J. W. B., Rodushkin I., Roux P., Stewart J. A., Thil F. and You C. (2021) Sub‐Permil Interlaboratory Consistency for Solution‐Based Boron Isotope Analyses on Marine Carbonates. Geostand Geoanal Res 45, 59–75.
[32] Voinot, A., Turpault M-P., Rihs S., Mareschal L., Chabaux F. & Lemarchand D (2020) Probing silicate weathering in soil with boron isotopes, Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 547, 119671
[31] Gauriau J., Harlaux M., André-Mayer A.S., Eglinger A., Richard A., Fontaine A., Lefèbvre M., Béziat D., Villeneuve J. and Lemarchand D. (2020) Chemical and boron isotope compositions of tourmaline from the Kiaka gold deposit (Burkina Faso): a proxy for monitoring the physico-chemical conditions of gold deposition. Miner Deposita 1–20, doi:10.1007/s00126-020-01002-7.
[30] Rihs, S., Gontier, A., Voinot, A. Chabau, F. Pelt, E., Lemarchand, D. and Turpault, M-P. (2020) Field biotite weathering rate determination using U-series disequilibria. Geochim Cosmochim Acta (in press),doi:10.1016/gca.2020.01.023
[29] Brazier, J-M., Schmitt, A-D., Pelt, E., Lemarchand, D., Gangloff, S. Tacail, T. and Balter, V. (2019) Determination of radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr and stable d88/86Sr SRM987 isotope values of thirteen mineral, vegetal and animal reference materials by DS-TIMS. Geostandard and Geoanalytical Research, doi:10.1111/ggr.12308
[28] Ercolani, C., Lemarchand, D. & Dosseto, A. (2019). Insights on catchment-wide weathering regimes from boron isotopes in riverine material. Geochim Cosmochim Ac261, 35–55.
[27] Chabaux, F., Stille, P., Prunier, J., Gangloff, S., Lemarchand, D., Morvan, G., Négrel, J. Pelt, E., Pierret, M-C., Rihs, S. Schmitt, A-D., Trémolière, M. and Viville, D. (2019). Plant-soil-water interacvtions: Implications from U-Th-Ra isotope analysis in soils, soil solutions and vegetation (Stre,ngbach CZO, France). Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 259, 188-210.
[26] Prigent, C., Guillot, S. Agard, P., Lemarchand, D., Soret, M. and Ulrich, M.(2018)FME-rich and high δ11B fluid percolation during ductile strain localization in a nascent mantle wedge (Semail ophiolite, Oman), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 484, 213-228.
[25] Clauer, N. Williams, L. Lemarchand, D., Florian, P and Honty, M. (2018) Illitization decrypted by B and Li isotope geochemistry of nanometer-sized illite crystals from bentonite beds, East Slovak basin. Chemical Geology, 477, 177-194.
[24] Roux P. Turpault M-P., Kirchen G. Redon P-O. and LemarchandD. (2017) Boron dissolved and particulate atmospheric inputs to a forest ecosystem (Northeastern France). Earth Sci. and Technology, 51, 14038-14046
[23] Simonsson. M., Bergholm, J., Lemarchand, D. & Hillier, S. (2016). Mineraolgy and biogeochemistry of potassium in the Skogaby experiment forest, southwest Sweden: pools, fluxes and K/Rb ratios in soil and biomass. Biogeochemistry, 131, 77-102.
[22] Gontier, A., Rihs, S., Chabaux, F., Lemarchand, D., Pelt, E., & Turpault, M.-P. (2015). Lack of bedrock grain size influence on the soil production rate. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 166, 146–164
[21] Roux P., Lemarchand, D., Hughes, H. and Turpault M-P. (2015) A Rapid Method for Determining Boron Concentration (ID-ICP-MS) and δ11B (MC-ICP-MS) in Vegetation Samples after Microwave Digestion and Cation Exchange Chemical Purification. Geostandard and geoanalytical Research, DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2014.00328.x
[20] Lemarchand D., Jacobson, A.J. Cividini D. and Chabaux F. (2015), The major ion, 87Sr/86Sr, and δ11B geochemistry of groundwater in the Wyodak-Anderson coal bed aquifer (Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA). (2015). The major ion, 87 Sr/86 Sr, and δ 11 B geochemistry of groundwater in the Wyodak-Anderson coal bed aquifer (Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA). Compte rendu Geosciences.
[19] Lafay R., G. Montes-Hernandez, E. Janots, A-L. Auzende, R. Chiriac, D. Lemarchand, N. Findling and F. Toche (2014), Influence of trace elements on the textural properties of synthetic chrysotile: complementary insights from macroscopic measurements.Microporous & Mesoporous Materials. 183, 81-90.
[18] Voinot A, D. Lemarchand, F. Chabauxand M-P. Turpault (2013) Experimental dissolution vs. transformation of micas in acid soil conditions: clues from boron isotopes, Geochimica and Cosmochimica acta, 117, 144-160.
[17] Lemarchand D, D. Cividini, M-P. Turpault and F. Chabaux(2012)Boron isotopes in temperate forest granitic soils: exploring past and present water-rock interaction in weathering profile, Geochimica and Cosmochimica acta 98, 78-93.
[16] Schmitt, A.-D., N. Vigier, D. Lemarchand, R. Millot, P. Stille, and F. Chabaux (2012), Processes controlling the stable isotope compositions of Li, B, Mg and Ca in plants, soils and waters: A review, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 344(11–12), 704-722.
[15] Rihs S., J. Prunier, B.Thien. D. Lemarchand, M-P. Pierret Marie-Claire, F. Chabaux (2011)Short-lived nuclides of the U and Th-series probing the kinetic of colloid migration in forested soils Geochimica and Cosmochimica acta 75, 7707–7724
[14] CobertF., Schmitt A-D., StilleP., D.Lemarchand, CalvarusoC., CollignonC., Turpault M-P. et ChabauxF. (2011) Biotic and abiotic experimental identification of bacterial influence on Ca isotopic signatures. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 25(19), 2760-8
[13] ChabauxF., L. Ma, P. Sitlle, E. Pelt, M. Granet, D.Lemarchand, R. di Chiara RoupertR., S.L. Brantley (2011) Determination of chemical weathering rates from U series nuclides in soils and weathering profiles: principles, applications and limitations. Applied geochemistry, 26, S 1, S20-S23. doi: 10.1016/j.aogeochem. 2011.03.019
[12] Cividini D., D.Lemarchand, F. Chabaux, R. Boutin, M.-C. Pierret (2010) From biological to lithological control of the B geochemical cycle in a forest watershed (Strengbach, Vosges) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 3143–3163
[11] Schmitt A-D. S. Gangloff, F. Cobert, D. Lemarchand, P. Stilleb and F. Chabaux (2010) High performance automated ion chromatography separation for Ca isotope measurements in geological and biological samples J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2009, 24, 1089–1097
[10] Lemarchand D. (2009) Early survival of Antarctic ice. Nature 461, 1065-1066
[9] Cenki-Tok, B., Chabaux, F., Lemarchand, D., Schmitt, A. D., Pierret, M. C., Viville, D., Bagard, M. L., and Stille, P., (2009). The impact of water-rock interaction and vegetation on calcium isotope fractionation in soil- and stream waters of a small, forested catchment (the Strengbach case). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 2215-2228
[8] Lemarchand, D., and Gaillardet (2006) Transient features of the erosion of shales in the Mackenzie River Basin (Canada), evidences from boron isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 245, 174-189.
[7] Pagani, M., Lemarchand, D., Spivack, A. and Gaillardet, J., (2005), A critical evaluation of the boron isotope-pH proxy, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 69(4), 953-961.
[6] Lemarchand, D., Wasserburg, G.J., Papanastassiou D.A., (2004), Rate controlled calcium isotope fractionation in synthetic calcite, Geochim. Cosmo- chim. Acta, 68 (22), 4665-4678.
[5] Gonfiantini R., Tonarini S., Gröning M., Adorni-Braccesi A., Al-Ammar A.S., Ast- ner M., Bächler S., Barnes R.M., Bassett R.L., Cocherie A., Deyhle A., Dini A., Ferrara G., Gaillardet J., Grimm J., Guerrot C., Krähenbühl U., Layne G., Lemarchand D., Meixner A., Northington D.J., Pennisi M., Reitznerová E., Rodushkin I., Sugiura N., Surberg R., Tonn S., Wieden- beck M., Wunderli S., Xiao Y., Zack T., Intercomparison of Boron Isotope and Concentration Measurements. Part II: Evaluation of the results obtained. (2003) Geost. Newsletter
[4] Lemarchand, D., Gaillardet, J., Göpel, C. and Manhès, G., (2002). An optimized procedure for boron separation and mass spectrometry for river water samples. Chem. Geol., 182, 323-334.
[3] Lemarchand, D., Gaillardet, J., Lewin, É. and Allègre, C.J., (2002). Boron isotope systematics in large rivers: implications for the marine boron budget and paleo-pH reconstruction over the Cenozoic. Chem. Geol., 190, 123- 140.
[2] Gaillardet, J. Lemarchand, D., Göpel, C. and Manhès, G., 2001, Evaporation and sublimation of boric acid: application for boron purification from organic rich solutions. Geost. Newsletter, 25 (1), 67-75.
[1]Lemarchand, D., Gaillardet, J., Lewin, É. and Allègre, C.J., (2000), The influence of rivers on marine boron isotopes and implications for reconstructing past ocean pH, Nature, 408, 951-954.