
Publications in international peer-reviewed journals


Lehujeur, M., J. Vergne, J. Schmittbuhl, and A. Maggi. 2015. “Characterization of Ambient Seismic Noise near a Deep Geothermal Reservoir and Implications for Interferometric Methods: A Case Study in Northern Alsace, France.” Geothermal Energy 3 (1). doi:10.1186/s40517-014-0020-2. [PDF]


Burtin, A., N. Hovius, B. W. McArdell, J. M. Turowski, and J. Vergne. 2014. “Seismic Constraints on Dynamic Links between Geomorphic Processes and Routing of Sediment in a Steep Mountain Catchment.” Earth Surface Dynamics 2 (1): 21–33. doi:10.5194/esurf-2-21-2014. [PDF]


Basuyau, C., M. Diament, C. Tiberi, G. Hetenyi, J. Vergne, and A. Peyrefitte. 2013. “Joint Inversion of Teleseismic and GOCE Gravity Data: Application to the Himalayas.” Geophysical Journal International, January. doi:10.1093/gji/ggs110. 


Burtin, A., R. Cattin, L. Bollinger, J. Vergne, P. Steer, A. Robert, N. Findling, and C. Tiberi. 2011. “Towards the Hydrologic and Bed Load Monitoring from High-Frequency Seismic Noise in a Braided River: The.” Journal of Hydrology. [PDF]

Hetenyi, G., J. Vergne, L. Bollinger, and R. Cattin. 2011. “Discontinuous Low-Velocity Zones in Southern Tibet Question the Viability of the Channel Flow Model.” Geological Society, London, Special Publications 353 (1): 99–108. doi:10.1144/SP353.6. [PDF]


Burtin, A., J. Vergne, L. Rivera, and P. Dubernet. 2010. “Location of River-Induced Seismic Signal from Noise Correlation Functions.” Geophysical Journal International 182 (3): 1161–73. [PDF]

Robert, A., M. Pubellier, J. De Sigoyer, J. Vergne, A. Lahfid, R. Cattin, N. Findling, and J. Zhu. 2010. “Structural and Thermal Characters of the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China).” Tectonophysics 491 (1): 165–73. [PDF]

Robert, A., J. Zhu, J. Vergne, R. Cattin, LS Chan, G. Wittlinger, G. Herquel, J. De Sigoyer, M. Pubellier, and LD Zhu. 2010. “Crustal Structures in the Area of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake from Seismologic and Gravimetric Data.” Tectonophysics 491 (1-4): 205–10. [PDF]


Burtin, A., L. Bollinger, R. Cattin, J. Vergne, J.L. Nabelek, and others. 2009. “Spatiotemporal Sequence of Himalayan Debris Flow from Analysis of High-Frequency Seismic Noise.” J. Geophys. Res 114: F04009.

Franco, A., E. Molina, H. Lyon-Caen, J. Vergne, T. Monfret, A. Nercessian, S. Cortez, O. Flores, D. Monterosso, and J. Requenna. 2009. “Seismicity and Crustal Structure of the Polochic-Motagua Fault System Area (Guatemala).” Seismological Research Letters 80 (6): 977–84. doi:10.1785/gssrl.80.6.977.

Nábělek, J. L., G. Hetényi, J. Vergne, S. Sapkota, B. Kafle, M. Jiang, H. Su, J. Chen, B.-S. Huang, and others. 2009. “Underplating in the Himalaya-Tibet Collision Zone Revealed by the Hi-CLIMB Experiment.” Science 325 (5946): 1371. [PDF]

Wittlinger, G., V. Farra, G. Hetényi, J. Vergne, and J. Nábělek. 2009. “Seismic Velocities in Southern Tibet Lower Crust: A Receiver Function Approach for Eclogite Detection.” Geophysical Journal International 177 (3): 1037–49.


Burtin, A., L. Bollinger, J. Vergne, R. Cattin, J.L. Nabelek, and others. 2008. “Spectral Analysis of Seismic Noise Induced by Rivers: A New Tool to Monitor Spatiotemporal Changes in Stream Hydrodynamics.” J. Geophys. Res 113: B05301.

Hetényi, G., J. Vergne, J. L. Nábělek, R. Cattin, F. Brunet, L. Bollinger, and M. Diament. 2008. “Structure of the Crust and the Lithosphere in the Himalaya-Tibet Region and Implications on the Rheology and Eclogitization of the India Plate.” Himalayan Journal of Sciences 5 (7): 65–66.


Hetényi, G., R. Cattin, F. Brunet, L. Bollinger, J. Vergne, J. L. Nábělek, and M. Diament. 2007. “Density Distribution of the India Plate beneath the Tibetan Plateau: Geophysical and Petrological Constraints on the Kinetics of Lower-Crustal Eclogitization.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264 (1-2): 226–44. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.09.036.


Hetényi, G., R. Cattin, J. Vergne, and J.L. Nábělek. 2006. “The Effective Elastic Thickness of the India Plate from Receiver Function Imaging, Gravity Anomalies and Thermomechanical Modelling.” Geophysical Journal International 167 (3): 1106–18.

Paul, A., A. Kaviani, D. Hatzfeld, J. Vergne, and M. Mokhtari. 2006. “Seismological Evidence for Crustal-Scale Thrusting in the Zagros Mountain Belt (Iran).” Geophysical Journal International 166 (1): 227–37.


Wittlinger, G., V. Farra, and J. Vergne. 2004. “Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Stratifications beneath Tibet: New Insights from Sp Conversions.” Geophys. Res. Lett 31 (19): L19615.

Wittlinger, G., J. Vergne, P. Tapponnier, V. Farra, G. Poupinet, M. Jiang, H. Su, G. Herquel, and A. Paul. 2004. “Teleseismic Imaging of Subducting Lithosphere and Moho Offsets beneath Western Tibet.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 221 (1-4): 117–30.


Vergne, J., G. Wittlinger, V. Farra, and H. Su. 2003. “Evidence for Upper Crustal Anisotropy in the Songpan-Ganze (northeastern Tibet) Terrane.” Geophys. Res. Lett 30 (11): 1552.


Vergne, J., G. Wittlinger, Q. Hui, P. Tapponnier, G. Poupinet, J. Mei, G. Herquel, and A. Paul. 2002. “Seismic Evidence for Stepwise Thickening of the Crust across the NE Tibetan Plateau.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203 (1): 25–33.


Vergne, J., R. Cattin, and JP Avouac. 2001. “On the Use of Dislocations to Model Interseismic Strain and Stress Build-up at Intracontinental Thrust Faults.” Geophysical Journal International 147 (1): 155–62.