83. Provost, F., V. Karabacak, J.-P. Malet, J. van der Woerd, M. Meghraoui, F. Masson, M. Ferry, D. Michéa, E. Pointal, High-resolution co-seismic fault offsets of the 2023 Türkiye earthquake ruptures using satellite imagery, Nature Scientific Reports, 14 :6834, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55009-5, hal-04582269v1

82. Couette, P.-O., Ghienne, J.-F., Lajeunesse, P. and Van der Woerd, J., Climatic control on the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet margin in easternmost Québec–Labrador (Canada) revealed by cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating,  J. Quaternary Sci., 2023. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3525, hal-04256549v1

81. Van der Woerd, J., Déformation cumulée, vitesse long-terme et cycle sismique des décrochements intra-continentaux, 23p. Ouvrage collectif « Le cycle sismique »  ISTE Science publishing LTD, 2023.

80. Mercury, N., A. Lemoine, C. Doubre, D. Bertil, J. Van Der Woerd, R. Hoste-Colomer, J. Battaglia, Onset of a submarine eruption east of Mayotte, Comoros archipelago: the first 10 months seismicity of the seismo-volcanic sequence (2018-2019) Mercury, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 354 (S2), 105-136, 2022. hal-04041094v1

79. Shao, Y., J. van der Woerd, J. Liu-Zeng, D. Yuan, Y. Yao, X. Zou, P. Wang, Shortening rate along the western Danghe Nan Shan thrust near Subei, constrained by 10Be cosmogenic isotope, 14C and OSL dating of uplifted terraces in the Qilian Shan, China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 128, 1, 2022, doi: 10.1029/2021JB023736, hal-04049807v1

78. Saurel, et al., Van der Woerd, J., Fouquet, Y., Jorry, S., Rinnert, E., Thinon, I., and Feuillet, N., Mayotte seismic crisis: building knowledge in near real-time by combining land and ocean-bottom seismometers, first results. Geophys. J. Int., 228(2), 1281–1293, doi : 10.1093/gji/ggab392, 2022. hal-03397108v1

77. Peltier, A.  et al., J. van der Woerd, Ground  deformation monitoring of the eruption offshore Mayotte. Comptes Rendus.  Géoscience, Online first 2022, pp. 1-23. doi : 10.5802/crgeos.176, 2022. hal-03932000v1

76. Thinon, I., Lemoine, A., Leroy, S., Paquet, F., Berthod, C., Zaragosi, S., Famin, V., Feuillet, N., Boymond, P., Masquelet, C., Mercury, N., Scalabrin, C., Van der Woerd, J., et al. (2022). Volcanism and  tectonics unveiled in the Comoros Archipelago between Africa and  Madagascar. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, Online first 2022, pp. 1-28.  doi : 10.5802/crgeos.159, 2022. hal-03857244v1

75. Ackerer, J., Van der Woerd J., Meriaux A.S., Ranchoux C., Schäfer G., Delay F., Chabaux F., Quantifying geomorphological evolution from 10Be denudation rates: insights from high-resolution depth profiles, topsoils and stream sediments (Strengbach CZO, France), Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 1-20, doi: 10.1002/esp.5454, 2022. insu-03762821v1

74. Baby G., M. Simoes, L. Barrier, C. Guilbaud, J. Van der Woerd, H. Li, Kinematics of Cenozoic shortening of the Hotan anticline along the northwestern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (Western Kunlun, China), Tectonics, 41, e2021TC006928, doi.org/10.1029/2021TC006928, 2022.


73. Moulin, A., L. Benedetti, L. Vidal, J. Hage-Hassan, A. Elias, J. van der woerd, I. Schimmelpfennig, M. Daëron, P. Tapponnier, LGM glaciers in the SE Mediterranean? First evidence from glacial landforms and 36Cl dating on Mount Lebanon, Quat. Sci. Rev., 285, 107502, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107502, 2022. hal-03659266v1

72. Ritz, J.F., S. Baize, L. Audin, C. Authémayou, F. Graveleau, C. Kaub, P. Lacan, F. Leclerc, C. Larroque, K. Manchuel, J.-L. Mugnier, M. Ortuño, M. Rizza, R. Vassallo, P. Antoine, P. Arroucau, J. Billant, L. Bollinger, M. Ferry, C. Fillon, L. Geoffroy, H. Jomard, P. Le Roy, J.-L. Loch, S. Migeon, C. Perrin, J. Perrot, G. Ratzov, K. Reicherter, O. Soubigou, C. Vergniault, M. Viaplana-Muzas, J. van der Woerd, New perspectives in studying active faults in metropolitan France: the “Active faults France” (FACT/ATS) research axis from the Resif-Epos consortium, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, doi: 10.5802/crgeos.98, 2021. hal-03546364v1

71. Li, H., M.L. Chevalier, P. Tapponnier, J. Pan, J. van der Woerd, Z. Sun, J. Si, J. Pei, X. Xu, Block tectonics across western Tibet and multi-millenial recurrence of great earthquakes on the Karakax fault, J. Geophys. Res., 10.1029/2021JB022033, 2021. hal-03517823v1

70. Ranchoux, C., F. Chabaux, D. Viville, T. Labasque, Y. Lucas, J. van der Woerd, J. Ackerer, L. Aquilina, Characterization of groundwater circulations in a headwater catchment from an analysis of chemical concentrations, Sr-Nd-U isotope ratios, and CFC, SF6 gas tracers (Strengbach CZO, France). Applied Geochemistry, Elsevier, 131, 105030, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105030, 2021. hal-03517327v1

69. Bertil, D., N. Mercury, C. Doubre, A. Lemoine, J. Van der Woerd, The  unexpected Mayotte 2018–2020 seismic sequence: a reappraisal of the  regional seismicity of the Comoros. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 1-25, doi: 10.5802/crgeos.79., 2021. hal-03400352v1

68. Saurel et al., Mayotte seismic crisis: building knowledge in near real-time by combining land and ocean-bottom seismometers, first results, Geophysical Journal International, ggab392, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab392, 2021. hal-03397108v1

67. Feuillet N.,  Stephan Jorry, Wayne Crawford, Christine Deplus, Isabelle Thinon, et al., Birth of a large volcanic edifice offshore Mayotte via lithosphere-scale dyke intrusion. Nature Geoscience, doi : 10.1038/s41561-021-00809-x, 2021. hal-03409680v1

66. Jia, G., F. Chabaux, J. van der Woerd, E. Pelt, R. di Chiara, J. Ackerer, Z.Q. Zhao, Y. Yang, S. Xu, C.Q. Liu, Determination of regolith production rates from 238U-234U-230Th disequilibrium in deep weathering profiles (Longnan, SE China), Chemical Geology, 574, 120241, doi:10.1016/chemgeo.2021.120241, 2021, hal-03397087v1

65. Hubert-Ferrari, A., L. Drab, J. van der Woerd, L. Benedetti, J. Van Campenhout, Cosmogenic data about uplifted river terraces and erosion rates: Implication regarding the central North Anatolian Fault and the Central Pontides, Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, 3(1):1-29, doi: 10.1007/s42990-021-00057-6,2021. hal-03453646v1

64. Chevalier, M.-L., P. Tapponnier, J. van der Woerd, P.H. Leloup, S. Wang, J. Pan, M. Bai, E. Kali, X. Liu, H. Li, Late Quaternary extension rates across the northern half of the Yadong-Gulu rift: implication for east-west extension in southern Tibet, Journal of Geophysical Research, 125, doi: 10.1029/2019JB019106, 2020. hal-03012231v1

63. Shao, Y., J.-L. Zeng, J. van der Woerd, Y. Klinger, M.E. Oskin, J. Zhang, P. Wang, P. Wang, W. Wang, W. Yao, Late Pleistocene slip rate of the central Haiyuan fault constrained from optically simulated luminescence, 14C, and cosmogenic isotope dating and high resolution topography, Geological Society of America Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B35571.1, 2020. hal-03063873v1

62. Peltzer, G., N.D. Brown, A.-S. Mériaux, J. van der Woerd, E.J. Rhodes, R.C. Finkel,F.J. Ryerson, J. Hollingsworth, Stable rate of slip along the Karakax section of the Altyn Tagh Fault from observation of inter-glacial and post-glacial offset morphology and surface dating, Journal of Geophysical Research, 125, doi: 10.1029/2019JB018893, 2020. hal-03062308v1

61. Coudurier-Curveur, A., E. Kali, P. Tapponnier, E. Okal, J. van der Woerd, S. Vaideswaran, S. Baruah, Dual surface breaks of the great 1950 Assam earthquake aross the Mishmi/Arbor Hills cusp, Earth and Planetary Sciennce Letters, doi : 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115928, 2020. hal-02406768v1

60. Matrau, R., Y. Klinger, J. van der Woerd, Liu-Zeng J., Li Z., Xu X., Zheng R., Late Pleistocene-Holocene slip rate along the Hasi Shan restraining bend of the Haiyuan fault: implication for faulting dynamics of a complex fault system, Tectonics, 38, doi: 10.1029/2019TC005488, 2019. hal-03027728v1

59. Laborde, A., L. Barrier, M. Simoes, H. Li, T. Coudroy, J. van der Woerd, P. Tapponnier, Cenozoic deformation of the Tarim basin and surrounding ranges (Xinjiang, China): A regional overview, Earth-Science Reviews, doi :10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102891, in press 2019. hal-02197676v1

58. Yang, Y., CQ Liu, J. van der Woerd, S. Xu, L. Cui, Z. Zhao, Q. Wang, G. Jia, F. Chabaux, New constraints on the late Quaternary landscape evolution of the eastern Tibetan Plateau from 10Be and 26Al in-situ cosmogenic nuclides, Quaternary Science Reviews, 220, 244-262, doi :10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.07.020, 2019. hal-02407194v1

57. Aouad, M., J. van der Woerd, C. Dorbath, A. Bounif, Sub-vertical low velocity zone from P and S waves local tomography of the aftershock sequence of the Mw5.9 Chenoua (Algeria) earthquake of 29 October 1989: relict of the Miocene Eurasia-Africa suture zone ?, Journal of Seismology, doi: 10.1007/s10950-019-09817-2, 1-19, 2019. hal-02407185v1

56. Pérouse, E., L. Benedetti, J. Fleury, M. Rizza, I. Puliti, J. Billant, J. van der Woerd, N. Feuillet, E. Jacques, B. Pace, Coseismic slip vectors of 24 August and 30 October 2016 earthquakes in Central Italy: oblique slip and regional kinematic implications, Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2018TC005083, 2018. hal-01934264v1

55. Villani, F., R. Civico, S. Pucci, L. Pizzimenti, R. Nappi, P.M. De Martini and the Open EMERGEO Working Group A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy, Nature Sci. Data, 5:180049 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.49, 2018.

54. Guilbaud, C., M. Simoes, L. Barrier, A. Dransard-Laborde, J. van der Woerd, Li H., P. Tapponnier, A. Murray, Kinematics of active deformation across the Western Kunlun mountain range (Xinjiang, China), and potential seismic hazards within the southern Tarim Basin, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2017JB014069, 2017. hal-01668711v1

53. Gao M., Xu X., Y. Klinger , J. van der Woerd, P. Tapponnier, High-resolution mapping based on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to capture paleoseismic offsets along the Altyn-Tagh fault, China, Scientific Reports Nature, 7:8281, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08119-2, 2017. hal-01640322v1

52. Cara, M., J. van der Woerd, P.-J. Alasset, J. Benjumea, A.-S. Mériaux, The 1905 Chamonix earthquakes : active tectonics in the Mont Blanc and Aiguilles Rouges massifs, Swiss Journal of Geosciences, doi: 10.1007/s00015-017-0262-7, 2017. (pdf)

51. Ackerer, J., F. Chabaux, J. van der Woerd, D. Viville, E. Pelt, E. Kali, C. Lerouge, P. Ackerer, R. di Chiara Roupert, P. Négrel, Regolith evolution on the millennial timescale from combined U-Th-Ra isotopes and in situ cosmogenic 10Be analysis in a weathering profile (Strengbach catchment, France), Earth Planetary Science Letters, 453, 33-43, 2016. (pdf)

50. Chevalier, M.L., J. van der Woerd, P. Tapponnier, Li H., F.J. Ryerson, R.C. Finkel, Late Quaternary slip-rate along the central Bangong-Chaxigang segment of the Karakorum fault, western Tibet, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull, doi:10:1130/B31269.1, 2015. (pdf)

49. Cara, M., Y. Cansi, A. Schlupp et al., Si-Hex: a new catalogue of instrumental seismicity for metropolitan France, Bull. Soc. géol. Fr. 186, 1 (sous presse).

48. Benedetti, L., J. van der Woerd, Cosmogenic nuclide dating of earthquakes, faults and toppled blocks, Elements, DOI: 10.2113/gselements.10.5.357, 2014. (pdf)

47. Bollinger, L., S.N. Sapkota, P. Tapponnier, Y. Klinger, M. Rizza, J. van der Woerd, D.R. Tiwari, R. Pandey, Estimating the return times of great Himalayan earthquakes in Eastern Nepal: evidence from the Patu and Bardibas strands of the Main Frontal Thrust, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2014JB010970, 2014. (pdf)

46. Van der Woerd, J., C. Dorbath, F. Ousadou, L. Dorbath, B. Delouis, E. Jacques, P. Tapponnier, Y. Hahou, M. Menzhi, M. Frogneux, H. Haessler, The Al Hoceima Mw 6.4 earthquake of 24 Februrary 2004 and its aftershocks sequence, Journal of Geodynamics, doi:10.1016Lj.jog.2013.12.004, 2014. (pdf)

45. Brantingham, P.J., Gao X., D. Rhode, C. Perreault, J. van der Woerd, J.W. Olsen, Late occupation of the high-elevation northern Tibetan plateau based on cosmogenic, luminescence, and radiocarbon ages, Geoarcheology, 28, 5, 413-431, DOI: 10.1002/gea.21448, 2013. (pdf)

44. Moretti, M., L. Abruzzese, N. Abu Zeid, et al., Rapid response to the earthquake emergency of May 2012 in the Po Plain, northern Italy, Annals of Geophysics,  55, 4,  583-590, 2012.

43. Mériaux, A.-S., J. Van der Woerd, P. Tapponnier, F.J. Ryerson, R. C. Finkel, C. Lasserre, Xu X., The Pingding segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault (91°E): Holocene slip-rate determination from cosmogenic dating of offset fluvial terraces, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B09406, doi:10.1029/2012JB009289, 2012. (pdf)

42.   Chevalier, M.-L., P. Tapponnier, J. van der Woerd, F.J. Ryerson, R.C. Finkel, H. Li, Spatially constant slip rate along the southern segment of the Karakorum fault since 200 ka, Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.12.014, 2012. (pdf)

41.   Li, H., J. van der Woerd, Sun, Z., Si, J., P. Tapponnier, Pan, J., Liu, D., M.-L. Chevalier, Co-seismic and cumulative offsets of the recent earthquakes along the Karakax left-lateral strike-slip fault in western Tibet, Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2011.07.025, p24, 2011. (pdf)

40.   Chevalier, M.-L., G. Hilley, P. Tapponnier, J. van der Woerd, J. Liu-Zeng, R.C. Finkel, F.J. Ryerson, H. Li, X. Liu, Constraints on the late Quaternary glaciations in Tibet from cosmogenic exposure age dating of moraine surfaces, Quaternary Science Review, 30, 528-554,2011. (pdf)

39.   Perrineau, A., J. van der Woerd,  Y. Gaudemer, J. Liu-Zeng, R. Pik, P. Tapponnier, R. Thuizat, R. Zheng, Incision rate of the Yellow River in northeastern Tibet constrained by 10Be and 26Al cosmogenic isotopes dating of fluvial terraces: implications for catchment evolution and plateau building, in Gloageuen, R., & Ratschbacher, L. (eds) Growth and collapse of the Tibet plateau, Geological Society, London, special publications, 353, 189-219, doi:10.1144/SP353.10, 2011. (pdf)

38.     Kali, E., P. H. Leloup, N. Arnaud, G. Maheo, D. Liu, E. Boutonnet, J. Van der Woerd, L. Xiaohan, J. Liu-Zeng, and L. Haibing, Exhumation history of the deepest central Himalayan rocks (Ama Drime range): key P-T-D-t constraints on orogenic models, Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2009TC002551, 2010.

37.     Richon, P., Y. Klinger, P. Tapponnier, Li C., J.  Van der Woerd, F. Perrier, Measuring radon flux across active faults : Relevance of excavating and possibility of satellite discharges, Radiation Measurements, 45, 211-218, 2010.

36.     De Michele, M., D. Raucoules, C. Lasserre, E. Pathier, Y. Klinger, J. Van der Woerd, J. de Sigoyer, Xu X., The Mw 7.9, 12 May 2008 Sichuan earthquake rupture measured by sub-pixel correlation of ALOS PALSAR amplitude images, Earth, Planets and Space, 62, 875-879, 2010.

35. Pan, J., Li H., Sun Z., Pei J., Si J., L. Barrier, J. van der Woerd, Qiu Z., Wu F., Zhang L., Deformation features of the Mazartagh fold-thrust belt, south central Tarim Basin and its tectonic significances, Chinese Journal of Geology, 45, 1038-1056, (in Chinese with English abstract), 2010.

34.     Liu-Zeng, J., Zhang Z., Wen L., P. Tapponnier, Sun J., Xing X., Hu G., Xu Q., Zeng L., Ding L., Ji C., K. Hudnut, J. Van der Woerd, Co-seismic ruptures of the 12 May, 2008, Mw 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan: EW crustal shortening on oblique, parallel thrusts along the edge of Tibet, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 286, 355-370, 2009.

33. Van der Woerd, J., La datation par l’isotope cosmogénique 10Be et l’extension tectonique au Tibet, Géochroniques, juin 2009, n°110, p33-34.

32.     Van der Woerd, J., Ph.H. Leloup, Liu-Zeng J., R. Lacassin, P. Tapponnier, Comment to “Orogen-parallel left-slip faults in the Eastern Himalaya: Implications for the growth mechanism of the Himalayan Arc” by Dewei Li and An Yin, EPSL, 274 (2008) 258-267, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 285, 217-222, 2009. (pdf)

31. Pan, J., Li H., J. van der Woerd, Sun Z., Pei J., Si J., Qiu Z., Tectonic geomorphology and active tectonics in northeastern Pamir, northwest margin of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, Quaternary Sciences, 29, 3, 586-598, (in Chinese with English abstract), 2009.

30.     Hubert-Ferrari, A., G. King, J. Van Der Woerd, I. Villa, E. Altunnel, R. Armijo, Long-term evolution of the North Anatolian fault : New constraints on its eastern termination, in Collision and Collapse at the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia Subduction Zone, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 311, 133-154, doi: 10.1144/SP311.5, 2009. (pdf)

29.  Dorbath, C., J. Van der Woerd, S.S. Areviev, E. Rogozhin, J. Aptekman, The Altai (Chuya) 2003 earthquake : the first instrumentally recorded Mw 7.3 event in Gorny Altai (Russia), Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 98, 6, 2849-2865, doi:10.1785/0120080166, 2008. (pdf)

28. Li, H., Fu, X., Van Der Woerd, J., Si, J., Wang, Z., Hou, L., Qiu, Z., Li, N., Wu, F., Xu, Z., P., Tapponnier,
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27. Li H., J. Van der Woerd, Sun Z., Meriaux A-S, P. Tapponnier, F.J. Ryerson, Si J., Pan J., Late Quaternary left-slip rate and large earthquake recurrence time along the Kangxiwar (Karakax) segment of the Altyn Tagh fault, Northern Tibet. Quaternary Sciences, 28(2): 197-217, (in Chinese with English abstract), 2008.

26. Si, J., Li H., L. Barrier, J. van der Woerd, Sun Z., Pei J., Pan J., Late Cenozoic uplift of the northwestern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau: sedimentary evidence from piedmont basins of the West Kunlun Mountains, Geological Bulletin of China, 26, 1356-1367, 2007.

25.  Xu, X., Ma W., Yu G., P. Tapponnier, Y. Klinger, J. Van der Woerd, Re-evaluation of surface rupture parameters and faulting segmentation of the 2001 Kunlunshan earthquake (Mw7.8), Northern Tibetan Plateau, China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B05316, doi:10.1029/2004JB003488, 2006.

24. Li H., Yang J., Xu Z., Sun Z., P. Tapponnier, J. Van der Woerd, A.-S. Meriaux, The constraint of the Altyn Tagh fault system to growth and rise of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Earth Science Frontiers, 13(4): 59-79, 2006.

23.  Van der Woerd, J., Y. Klinger, K. Sieh, P. Tapponnier, F.J. Ryerson, A.-S. Mériaux, Long-term slip rate of the southern San Andreas Fault from 10Be-26Al surface exposure dating of an offset alluvial fan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B04407, doi:10.1029/2004JB003559, 2006. (pdf)

22.  Tocheport, A., L. Rivera, J. Van der Woerd, An integrated study of the Kokoxili, November 14, 2001, earthquake: history and geometry of the rupture from teleseismic data and field observations Bulletin of the Seismological Society of  America, 96, 1729-1741, 2006.

21.  Ryerson, F.J., Tapponnier, P., Finkel, R.C., Mériaux, A.-S., Van der Woerd, J., Lasserre, C., Chevalier, M.-L., Xu, X., Li, H., and King, G.C.P.; Applications of morphochronology to the active tectonics of Tibet,  2006 , in Siame, L.L., Bourlès, D.L., and Brown, E.T., eds., Application of cosmogenic nuclides to the study of Earth surface processes: The practice and the potential: Geological Society of America Special Paper 415, p. 61–86, doi: 10.1130/2006.2415(05). (pdf)

20.  Chevalier, M.L., F.J. Ryerson, P. Tapponnier, R.C. Finkel, J. Van der Woerd, Li H., Liu Q., Response to Comment on “Slip-Rate Measurements on the Karakorum Fault May play Imply Secular Variations in Fault Motion”, Technical Comment, Science, 309, 1326-1326, 2005b.

19.  Chevalier, M.L., F.J. Ryerson, P. Tapponnier, R.C. Finkel, J. Van der Woerd, Li H., Liu Q., Slip-rate measurements on the Karakorum fault may imply secular variations in fault motion, Science, 307, 411-414, 2005a.

18.  Mériaux, A.-S., P. Tapponnier, F.J. Ryerson, Xu Xiwei, G. King, J. Van der Woerd, R.C. Finkel, Li H., M.W. Caffee, Xu Z., Chen W., The Aksay segment of the northern Altyn Tagh fault: tectonic geomorphology, landscape evolution, and Holocene slip rate, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B04404, doi:10.1029/2004JB003210, 2005. (pdf)

17.  Hubert-Ferrari, A., J. Suppe, J. Van Der Woerd, Xin Wang, Huafu Lu, Irregular earthquake cycle along the southern Tianshan front, Aksu area, China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B06402, doi:10.1029/2003JB002603, 2005. (pdf)

16.  Xu, X, P.  Tapponnier, J. Van Der Woerd, F.J. Ryerson, Wang F., Zheng R., Chen W., Ma W., Yu G., Chen G., Mériaux A.-S., Late Quaternary sinistral slip rate along the Altyn Tagh fault and its structural transformation model, Science in China, (Series D), 48(3): 384―397 (in Chinese with English abstract), 2005.

15.  Li Haibing, J. Van der Woerd, Y. Klinger, P. Tapponnier, Qi Xuexiang, Yang Jingsui, Zhu Yintang, Slip rate on the Kunlun Fault and recurrence time of great earthquake comparable to the 14/11/2001, Mw~7.8 Kokoxili earthquake at Hongshui Gou, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237, 285-299, 2005. (pdf)

14.  Lasserre, C., G. Peltzer, F. Crampé, Y. Klinger, J. Van der Woerd, and P. Tapponnier, Coseismic deformation of the 2001 Mw = 7.8 Kokoxili earthquake in Tibet, measured by synthetic aperture radar interferometry, J. Geophys. Res., 110, B12408, doi:10.1029/2004JB003500, 2005.

13.  Klinger, Y., Xu X., P. Tapponnier, J. Van der Woerd, C. Lasserre, G. King, High-resolution satellite imagery mapping of the surface rupture and slip distribution of the Mw ~7.8, November 14, 2001 Kokoxili earthquake (Kunlun Fault, Northern Tibet, China), Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 95, 1970-1987, 2005.

12.  Van der Woerd, J., L.A. Owen, P. Tapponnier, Xu, X., F. Kervyn, R.C. Finkel, P.L. Barnard, Giant, similar to M8 earthquake-triggered ice avalanches in the eastern Kunlun Shan, northern Tibet: Characteristics, nature and dynamics, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 116 (3-4): 394-406, 2004. (pdf)

11.  Mériaux, A.-S., F.J. Ryerson, P. Tapponnier, J. Van der Woerd, R.C. Finkel, Xu X., Xu, Z., M.W. Caffee, Rapid slip along the central Altyn Tagh Fault: Morphochronologic evidence from Cherchen He and Sulamu Tagh, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 (B6): art. no.-B06401, 2004. (pdf)

10.  Benedetti, L., P. Tapponnier, Y. Gaudemer, I. Manighetti and J. Van Der Woerd, Evidence for an emergent thrust along the southwestern edge of the Po Plain: The Broni-Stradella fault, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B5), 2238, doi: 10.1029/2001JB001546, 2003.

9.  Meghraoui, M., Gomez, F., Sbeinati, R., Van der Woerd, J., Mouty, M., Darkal, A.N., Radwan, Y., Layyous, I., Al Najjar, H., Darawcheh, R., Hijazi, F., Al-Ghazzi, R., Barazangi, M., Evidence for 830 years of seismic quiescence from palaeoseismology, archaeoseismology and historical seismicity along the Dead Sea fault in Syria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210 (1-2): 35-52, 2003.

8.  Van der Woerd, J., A.-S. Mériaux, Y. Klinger, F.J. Ryerson,Y. Gaudemerand P. Tapponnier, The November 14th, 2001, Mw=7.8 Kokoxili Earthquake in Northern Tibet (Qinghai Province, China), Seismological Research Letters, 73, 144-154, 2002. (pdf)

7. Van Der Woerd J., P. Tapponnier, F.J. Ryerson, A.S. Mériaux, B. Meyer, Y.  Gaudemer, R. Finkel, M. Caffee, Zhao G., Xu Z., Uniform Post-Glacial slip-rate along the central 600 Km of the Kunlun Fault (Tibet), from 26Al, 10Be, and 14C dating of riser offsets, and climatic origin of the regional morphology, Geophysical Journal International, 148, 356-388, 2002. (pdf)(supp.)

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