Marlise Colling Cassel

Postdoctoral researcher

Marlise Colling Cassel is a Brazilian-Luxembourgian geoscientist, with a background in basin analysis, excited to integrate diverse tools to build a multi-proxy and multi-scale framework, searching for answers in terms of basin evolution from different tectonic domains, genesis, palaeoenvironment, and understanding stratigraphy and sedimentary fill in response to palaeogeographic and palaeoclimate events. Currently working with tectono-stratigraphic evolution of South Atlantic margin and the effects of Cenozoic and Cretaceous regional paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events. She also worked with Upper Permian black shales deposited in intracratonic basins and the relevance for paleoclimaic and paleoenvironment context.


Gianreto Manatshal, Université de Strasbourg
Ralf Littke, RWTH Aachen University
Stefan Back, RWTH Aachen University
Nick Kusznir, University of Liverpool
Stefan Schröder, University of Manchester
João Marcelo Ketzer, Linnéuniversitetet

Research interests:

Gondwana breakup ; South atlantic opening; Austral margin ; Intracratonic gondwanic basin ; tectono-sedimentary responses to paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events.


- Seismic reflection data
- Organic and inorganic geochemistry
- Organic petrography
- Multidisciplinary and multiscale tectonic and stratigraphic approach integrating onshore and offshore geological and geophysical data

Selection of publications:

Cassel, M.C., Chemale Jr, F., Vargas, M.R., Souza, M.K., Girelli, T.J., Oliveira, G. S. (2022): From the Andes and the Drake Passage to the Rio Grande Submarine Fan: paleoclimatic and paleogeographic evidences in the Cenozoic Era from the South Atlantic – Austral Segment. Publishedin: Global and Planetary Change 213 (
Cassel, M.C., Girelli, T.J., Ketzer, J.M.M., Chemale, F. (2022): Cenozoic tectonic plateinteraction registered in a South Atlantic passive margin basin (southern sector, Pelotas Basin). In:Proceedings of EGU22 - EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria & Online, May 2022 (
Cagliari, J., Serrat, H., Cassel, M.C., Schmitz, M.D., Chemale Jr. (2022): New high-precision U-Pb zircon age of the Irati Formation (Paraná Basin) and implications for the timing of the Kungurian anoxic events recorded in souther Gondwana. Published in: Gondwana Research 107, 134-145. (
Cassel, M.C., Lavina, E., Cagliari, J., Rodrigues, R., Pereira, E. (2019): Anoxia and Salinity Changes: a New Permian catastrophe record. Published preprint in: Climate of the Past Discussions.Göttingen: Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH, 2019. (
Cassel, M.C., Aguilera, V., Lima, M.V.A., Souza, E.G., Frigo, E. (2019): Seismic coherence andamplitude attributes analysis from Pelotas Basin data (Southern Brazil). In: Proceedings of AGU FallMeeting, San Francisco, United States, December 2019.
Cassel, M.C., Souza, M.K., Paim, P.S.G., Chemale Jr., F. (2019): Atributos SísmicosInstantâneos na Caracterização de Hidrato de Gá na Bacia de Pelotas, Sul do Brasil [Instantaneous Seismic Attributes on the Characterization of Gas Hydrate in Pelotas Basin, Southern Brazil]. In: Proceedings of XI International Symposium on Tectonics, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil, May 2019. (ISBN: 978-85-99198-23-0).
Cassel, M. C., Lavina, E., Cagliari, J. (2016): Estratigrafia de Sequências de Alta Resolução emRampas Carbonáticas com Ocorrência de Folhelhos Negros e suas Implicações Paleoambientais(Formação Irati, Permiano da Bacia do Paraná) [High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Carbonatic Ramps with Black Shales: Paleoenvironmental Implications (Irati Formation, Permian ParanáBasin)]. In: Proceedings of 48° Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia [Brazilian Congress of Geology],Porto Alegre, Brazil, October 2016.
Cassel, M.C., Lavina, E.L.C. (2014): Ciclos Transgressivo-Regressivos da Formação Irati naParte Sul da Bacia do Paraná: Faciologia, Etratigrafia de Sequências e Paleogeografia [T-R Cycles ofIrati Formation in southern Paraná Basin: Facies, Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleogeography]. In: Proceedings of 47º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia [Brazilian Congress of Geology], Salvador,Brazil, October 2014.
De Oliveira, M.Z., Schüler-Faccini, L., Demarchi, D.A., Alfaro, E., Dipieri, J., Veronez, M.R.,Colling Cassel, M., Tagliani-Ribeiro, A., Silveira Matte, U., Ramallo, V. (2013): So Far Away: Analysis of Surnames in a Town of Twins (Cândido Godói, Brazil). Published in: Annals of HumanGenetics 77, 125-136. (10.1111/ahg.12001).


Cassel, M.C. (2022): Estudo tectono-sedimentar da bacia de Pelotas [Tectono-sedimentary studyof Pelotas Basin]. PhD thesis. São Leopoldo. University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. 103 pp.
Cassel, M.C. (2017): Implicações Paleoambientais dos Folhelhos Negros na Rampa Carbonática daFormação Irati [Palaeoenvironmental Implications of the Black Shales in the Carbonate Ramp of theIrati Formation]. Master thesis. São Leopoldo. University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. 35 pp.

Other webpages:

Marlise Colling Cassel - LinkedIn
Marlise Colling Cassel - ResearchGate
Marlise Colling Cassel‬ - Google Scholar‬‬‬