Lucas Bofill

PhD Student


To which extent 3D anisotropy of clastic geobodies is significant for detailed fluid-flow modelling?

Beginning and end of thesis:
October 2021 – October 2024


  • Frederick DELAY, EOST-ITES, University of Strasbourg - FRANCE
  • Guilherme BOZETTI, EOST-ITES, University of Strasbourg - FRANCE

Subject description:

Aquifers store most of the liquid fresh water in the planet, which requires deep knowledge about their geometries, flow paths, recharge and discharge areas among other characteristics that depend mainly on numerical models to be understood. However, groundwater numerical flow and transport models often rely on oversimplified porous media characterization.

This PhD study aims to detail in high resolution the sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein Formation through outcrop description along the Vosges and Black Forest mountains. Then, statistical approaches will be applied to understand how different scales of sedimentary frameworks affect groundwater numerical models predictions at the Buntsandstein aquifer for local and regional scale models.