Chargé de recherche CNRS
Website: personal research website
E-mail: baptiste.rousset[at]
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 00 39
Office: D508 (5th floor old building)
5 rue René Descartes
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
Research Interests: My research aims at understanding the deformation of the Earth's crust on decadal time scales. I mainly use geodetic observations (GNSS, strainmeters and InSAR) and mechanical models. I am particularly interested in the dynamics of aseismic slip on faults and its interactions with earthquakes. I have been involved in projects in various tectonic contexts including the Mexico, Japan, Alaska and Kamchatka subduction zones, the North Anatolian and the San Andreas strike-slip faults as well as the taiwanese orogenic prism.