Pauline Chenin

Chercheur postdoctoral / Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoctoral research project (01/01/2021 - 31/12/2024)
The record of rifting by sedimentary and magmatic systems
Topographic and thermal evolution during the hyperextension phase of rifting

Margin 6 project

Gianreto Manatschal (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Jean-François Ghienne (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Chao Peng (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Stefan Schmalholz (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Thibault Duretz (Université de Rennes, France)


Postdoctoral research project (01/03/2018 - 31/12/2020)
Crustal and lithosphere necking and their relationships with surface topography and sedimentary evolution

Margin 5 project

Gianreto Manatschal (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Stefan Schmalholz (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Thibault Duretz (Université de Rennes, France)
Charlotte Ribes (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Chao Peng (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Gianluca Frasca (Université de Strasbourg, France)


Postdoctoral research project (01/02/2016 - 30/03/2017)
The necking of the lithosphere: causes, processes and implications

ExxonMobil (CEIBA2 project)

Gianreto Manatschal (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Stefan Schmalholz (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Garry Karner (ExxonMobil, Houston, TX, USA)
Christopher Johnson (ExxonMobil, Houston, TX, USA)


PhD thesis (01/02/2013 - 31/01/2016) defended on the 22nd of January 2016
Unravelling the impact of inheritance on the Wilson Cycle: a combined mapping and numerical modelling approach applied to the North Atlantic rift system

ExxonMobil (CEIBA project)

Gianreto Manatschal (Université de Strasbourg, France)

Luc L. Lavier & Suzon Jammes (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Othmar Müntener & Suzanne Picazo (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Daniel Stöckli & Emily Hernandez-Goldstein (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Duncan Erratt (ExxonMobil, Leatherhead, UK)
Garry Karner (ExxonMobil, Houston, TX, USA)
Christopher Johnson (ExxonMobil, Houston, TX, USA)



Fulbright scholarship from the Commission Franco-Américaine (August 2014- March 2015)



Scientific Papers

25. Zwaan, F., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., & Schreurs, G. (2024). On the delayed expression of mantle inheritance− controlled strain localization during rifting; Geology; DOI: 10.1130/G52309.1

24. Frasca, G., Manatschal, G., & Chenin, P. (2024). Kinematic reconstruction of the Alpine Tethys and surrounding Mesozoic rifted margins; International Journal of Earth Science; DOI: 10.1007/s00531-024-02407-9

23. Chenin, P., Tomasi, S., Kusznir, N. J., & Manatschal, G. (2024). Linking rifted margin crustal shape with the timing and volume of magmatism; Terra Nova; Vol. 36; 1; DOI: 10.1111/ter.12690

22. Manatschal, G. & Chenin, P. (2023). Fossil rifted margins in the Alps; Geological Field Trips and Maps; Vol. 15; 1.2; DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2023.02

21. Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Ulrich, M., Petri, B., Morin, M. & Ballay, M. (2023). Tectono-magmatic evolution during the extensional phase of a Wilson Cycle: a review of the Alpine Tethys case and implications for Atlantic-type margins; Ital. J. Geosci., Vol. 142-1, No. 1, DOI: 10.3301/IJG.2023.01

20. Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Haupert, I., Masini, E., Frasca, G., Decarlis, A. (2022). The importance of rift inheritance in understanding the early collisional evolution of the Western Alps; Geosciences 2022, 12, 434. DOI: 10.3390/geosciences12120434

19. Chao, P., Manatschal, G., Zhang, C., Chenin, P., Ren, J., Pang, X., & Zheng, J. A. (2022). The transition from continental to lithospheric breakup recorded in proto-oceanic crust: Insights from the NW South China Sea; GSA Bulletin; DOI: 10.1130/B36371.1

18. Chao, P., Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Zhang, C., Ren, J., Peng, X., & Zheng, J. A. (2022). 3D snapshot of crustal breakup deduced from seismic analysis of the tip of the NW South China Sea. Tectonics, e2021TC007127; DOI: 10.1029/2021TC007127

17. Zwaan, F., Chenin, P., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., & Schreurs, G. (2021). Competition between 3D structural inheritance and kinematics during rifting: insights from analogue models; Basin Research; DOI: 10.1111/bre.12642

16. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Ghienne, J.-F., & Chao P. (2021). The syn-rift tectono-stratigraphic record of rifted margins (Part II): A new model to break through the proximal/distal interpretation frontier; Basin Research; DOI: 10.1111/bre.12628

15. Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Ghienne, J.-F., Ribes, C. & Masini, E. (2021). The syn-rift tectono-stratigraphic record of rifted margins (Part I): Insights from the Alpine Tethys; Basin Research; DOI: 10.1111/bre.12627

14. Chao, P., Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Ren, J., Zhang, C., Pang, X., Zheng, J., Yang, L.,and Kusznir, N. J. (2021). The tectono-sedimentary and magmatic evolution of conjugate rifted margins: insights from the NW South China Sea; Journal of Geodynamics, DOI:10.1016/j.jog.2021.101877

13. Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Lescoutre, R., Miró, J., Cadenas, P., Saspiturry, N., Masini, E., Chevrot, S., Ford, M., Jolivet, L., Mouthereau, F., Thinon, I., Issautier, B., and Calassou, S. (2021). The role of inheritance in forming rifts and rifted margins and building collisional orogens: a Biscay-Pyrenean perspective; BSGF, DOI:; PDF

12. Manatschal, G., Chenin, P. (2021). Alpine Tethys margins, in Péron-Pinvidic, G., Continental Rifted Margins; DOI: 10.51926/ISTE.5061.13

11. Zwaan, F., Chenin, P., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., & Schreurs, G. (2021). Complex rift patterns, a result of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses, or multiphase rifting? Insights from analogue models. Solid Earth Discussions, 1-38; PDF

10. Chenin, P., Boesch, Q., Manatschal, G., & Tomasi, S. (2020). Enseigner les marges passives : un aperçu des innovations scientifiques des deux dernières décennies; Géochronique, Hors-série 1; p 6-22; PDF 

9. Chenin, P., Schmalholz, S. M., Manatschal, G., & Duretz, T. (2020). Impact of crust–mantle mechanical coupling on the topographic and thermal evolutions during the necking phase of ‘magma-poor’ and ‘sediment-starved’ rift systems: A numerical modeling study; Tectonophysics, Vol. 786 (228472); DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228472; PDF

8. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Decarlis, A., Schmalholz, S. M., & Duretz, T. (2019). Emersion of distal domains in advanced stages of continental rifting explained by asynchronous crust and mantle necking. Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, DOI: 10.1029/2019GC008357; PDF

7. Chenin, P., Jammes, S., Lavier, L. L., Manatschal, G., Picazo, S., Müntener, O., Karner, G. D., Figueredo, P. H., & Johnson, C. (2019). Impact of mafic underplating and mantle depletion on subsequent rifting: A numerical modeling study, Tectonics, 38, DOI: 10.1029/2018TC005318; PDF

6. Chenin, P., Schmalholz, S. M., Manatschal, G. & Karner, G. D. (2018). Necking of the lithosphere: A reappraisal of basic concepts with thermo-mechanical numerical modeling; Journal of Geophysical Research; DOI: 10.1029/2017JB014155; PDF

5. Chenin, P., Picazo, S., Jammes, S., Manatschal, G., Müntener, O. & Karner, G. D. (2018). Potential role of lithospheric mantle composition in theWilson cycle: a North Atlantic perspective. In Wilson, R. W., Houseman, G. A., McCaffrey, K. J. W., Doré, A. G. & Buiter, S. J. H. (eds): Fifty Years of the Wilson Cycle Concept in Plate Tectonics; Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 470,; PDF

4. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Picazo, S., Müntener, O., Karner, G., Johnson, C., & Ulrich, M. (2017). Influence of the architecture of magma-poor hyperextended rifted margins on orogens produced by the closure of narrow versus wide oceans. Geosphere, GES01363-1; DOI: 10.1130/GES01363.1;; PDF

3. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Lavier, L. L. and Erratt, D. (2015) Assessing the impact of orogenic inheritance on the architecture, timing and magmatic budget of the North Atlantic rift system: a mapping approach; Journal of the Geological Society; DOI:10.1144/jgs2014-139;; PDF

2. Manatschal, G., Lavier, L. L., Chenin, P. (2015) The role of inheritance in structuring hyperextended rift systems: Some considerations based on observations and numerical modeling; Gondwana Research; volume 27; issue 1; pages 140 - 164; DOI:10.1016/;; PDF

1. Chenin, P. and Beaumont, C. (2013) Influence of offset weak zones on the development of rift basins: activation and abandonment during continental extension and breakup; Journal of Geophysical Research; volume 118; issue 4; pages 1698 - 1720; DOI: 10.1002/jgrb.50138;; PDF



29. Manatschal, G., Tomasi, S., Chenin, P. & Kusznir, N.J. (2023); Linking rifted margin crustal shapes with the timing and volume of magma emplacement; EGU General Assembly 2023; EGU23-4140

28. Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Zhang, C., & Zwaan, F. (2021); Establishing the Initial Conditions and Role of Inheritance in Rift Systems and Implications for Tectonic Modelling; AGU Fall Meeting 2021; T22B-08

27. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Ghienne, J.-F. & Chao, P. (2021); Reading rifting history into margins sedimentary record: a new tectono-stratigraphic model to break through the proximal/distal interpretation frontier; AGU Fall Meeting 2021; T22B-05

26. Zwaan, F., Chenin, P., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., & Schreurs, G. (2021); 3D structural inheritance versus rift kinematics and the evolution of complex rift structures; AGU Fall Meeting 2021; T53C-01

25. Zwaan, F., Chenin, P., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., & Schreurs, G. (2021); Interaction between mantle and crustal weaknesses during rifting: insights from laboratory experiments; 19th Swiss Geosciences Meeting

24. Zwaan, F., Chenin, P., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., & Schreurs, G. (2021); Are complex rift patterns the result of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses, or of multiphase rifting? An analogue modelling study; EGU General Assembly 2021; EGU21-688

23.  Manatschal, G., Tomasi, S., Kusznir, N.,  Zhang, C., Sauter, D., Chao, P., Ulrich, M., Chenin, P., (2020), Magma at rifted margins: when, where and how much?; EGU General Assembly 2020; 2020EGUGA..22.5060M

22. Chao, P., Manatschal, G., Kusznir, N., Chenin, P., Ren, J., Pang, X., (2020), The stratigraphic and magmatic tape recorder of crustal thinning and lithospheric breakup: insights from the NW South China Sea; EGU General Assembly 2020 2020EGUGA..22.8920C

21. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Schmalholz, S. M., & Duretz, T. (2020),  Primary deformation phases during "magma-poor" rifting with special focus on the tectono-thermal evolution during the necking process; EGU General Assembly 2020 2020EGUGA..22.7136C

20. Chenin, P., Duretz, T., Schmalholz, S. M., & Manatschal, G. (2019), Topographic and thermal evolution during the necking phase of rifting: anumerical modelling study; EGU General Assembly 2019 EGU2019-4802

19.  Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Decarlis, A., Schmalholz, S. M., and Beltrando, M. (2018), Enigmatic thermal pulse and subsidence retardation during the early stages of lithosphere thinning explained by asynchronous depth-dependent necking, EGU General Assembly 2018 EGU2018-3270 (oral)

18.  Peng C., Manatschal, G., Kusznir, N., and Chenin, P. (2018), Lithosphere and crustal necking at rifted margins: what can be seen in seismic reflection data?, EGU General Assembly 2018 EGU2018-7690 (poster)

17. Manatschal, G., Tugend, J., Chenin, P., Nirrengarten, M., Epin, M.-E., Picazo, S. and Mohn, G. (2017), Integrating rift inheritance and different plate kinematic scenarios in Alpine models: implications for the interpretation of the deep structures of the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2017 EGU2017-7914 (oral)

16. Picazo, S.,  Chenin, P., Müntener, O., Manatschal, G.,Karner, G., Johnson, C. (2017), How inheritance, geochemical and geophysical properties of the lithospheric mantle influence rift development and subsequent collision, EGU General Assembly 2017 EGU2017-6943 (oral)

15. Ribes, C., Epin, M.-E., Gillard, M., Chenin, P., Ghienne, J.-F., Manatschal, G., Karner, G. and Johnson, C. (2017) Facies, stratal and stacking patterns of syn-rift sequences along present-day and fossil hyperextended rifted margins, EGU General Assembly 2017 EGU2017-2031 (poster)

14.  Chenin, P., Schmalholz, S. M., Manatschal, G., Karner, G. and Johnson, C. (2016), Necking of the Crust and Lithosphere: a Reappraisal of Basic Concepts with Thermo-Mechanical Numerical Modeling, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, T41E-3000 (poster)

13.  Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Müntener, O., Picazo, S., Erratt, D., Karner, G., Johnson, C. and Ulrich, M. (2016), Revisiting the Wilson Cycle in the North Atlantic: The importance of inheritance, Arthur Holmes Meeting 2016 - The Wilson Cycle: Plate Tectonics and Structural Inheritance During Continental Deformation, 23-25 May 2016, London (oral)

12. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Müntener, O., Picazo, S., Erratt, D., Karner, G., Johnson, C. and Ulrich, M. (2016), Revisiting the Wilson Cycle in the North Atlantic: The role of inheritance, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016 EGU2016-11459 (oral)

11. Manatschal, G., Tugend, J., Gillard, M., Decarlis, A., Haupert, I., Chenin, P., Nirrengarten, M. and  Epin, M.-E. (2016), Up- and down-scaling field and seismic observations to test models of hyperextended rifted margins, Passive Margins - The Roberts Conference, 6-8 April 2016, London

10. Manatschal, G., Tugend, J., Gillard, M., Decarlis, A., Haupert, I., Chenin, P., Nirrengarten, M. and  Epin, M.-E. (2016),  Controls on structural and magmatic variability along rifted margins: from observations to interpretations, Rifts III: Catching the Wave,  22-24 March 2016, London (link)

9. Manatschal, G., Chenin, P. and Nirrengarten, M. (2015), The role of inheritance in forming and deforming hyper-extended rift systems and creating collisional orogens, Geotectonic Research 97, p. 148

8.Chenin, P., Lavier, L. L. and Manatschal, G. (2015), Impact of Mafic Underplating and Mantle Depletion on Subsequent Extension: a Numerical Modeling Approach, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, T51E-2942 (poster)

7. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G. and Lavier, L. L. (2015), Unravelling the impact of inheritance within the Wilson Cycle: a combined mapping and numerical modelling approach, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015,  EGU2015-1972 (poster)

6. Manatschal, G., Lavier, L. L. and Chenin, P. (2015), The role of inheritance in structuring hyperextended rift systems, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015, EGU2015-6393

5.Chenin, P., Manatschal, G., Lavier, L. L. and Erratt, D. (2014), Assessing the influence of orogenic inheritance on the architecture, time evolution and magmatic budget of hyper-extended rift systems: a combined mapping and numerical modelling approach, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, T43A-4710 (poster)

4. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G. and Lavier, L. L. (2014), Assessing the Influence of Orogenic Inheritance on the Architecture and Temporal Evolution of Hyper-Extended Rift Systems: A Combined Structural and
Numerical Modelling Approach, 4th Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference, 20-22 August 2014, St Johns, Abstract Volume, p. 8 (oral)

3. Chenin, P., Manatschal, G. and Lavier, L. L. (2014) Unravelling the influence of orogenic inheritance on the architecture and tectonic evolution of hyper-extended rift systems, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014, EGU2014-3022 (poster)

2. Chenin, P. and Beaumont, C. (2013) Influence of rheological layering on the formation of offset basins
at inherited weak zones during continental rifting: effects of stiff and pliable layers, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013, EGU2013-1912 (oral)

1. Dezayes C., Beccaletto L., Capar L., Chenin, P. (2012) - Identification of the fractured basement-cover unconformity on former oil seismic profiles in the Upper Rhine Graben. Soultz Geothermal Conference, 5-6 October 2011, 2 p.


Thesis, Reports (unpublished)

PhD Thesis: Chenin, P. (2016), Unravelling the impact of inheritance on the Wilson Cycle: A combined mapping and numerical modelling approach applied to the North Atlantic rift system; under the direction of Gianreto Manatschal at Université de Strasbourg, France

Master 2 thesis: Chenin, P. (2011), Transfer zone in a convergence setting: a numerical study applied to the Bighorn Basin, USA, Montana - Wyoming; under the direction of Jean Braun at Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France

Thèse de Master 1: Chenin, P. (2010), Processus d’amincissement dans la croûte moyenne lors du rifting Jurassique (l’exemple de la zone de Eita/Bernina-Campo, Alpes orientales); under the direction of Gianreto Manatschal, Geoffroy Mohn, Karel Schulmann and Pavla Stipska at Université de Strasbourg, France

Rapport de stage: Chenin, P. (2010), Signature sismique du socle et relations géologiques dans le fossé Rhénan; Stage du 25 Mai au 18 juin 2010 sous la direction de Chrystel Dezayes et Laure Capar au BRGM d'Orléans, France