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Professeure à l'Université de Strasbourg - HDR
- Directrice de l'Observatoire Hydro-Géochimique de l'Environnement (OHGE)
- HDR en Géochimie
- Physicienne du CNAP Corps National des Astrophysiciens et des Physiciens, section SCOA (Surface Continentale, Océan, Atmosphère)
Professional experiences and education
2009:2010 | Visiting professor - University of Maine (US) - Climate Change Institute -Environmental geoscience –Fulbright Fellowship and Fondation des Amis des Sciences |
Since 2002 | Researcher position in LHyGeS Environmental isotopic geochemistry Responsible for Environmental Observatory (OHGE) |
2001-2002 | Expert in Alsace Regional Council for the research commission Communication, project assessment and attended |
1999-2000 | Post doctoral position in Centre de Geochimie de la Surface Strasbourg (CGS - CNRS) Study of sedimentary record in Caspian Sea and relation with climatic events |
1998-1999 | Research and teaching assistant Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg |
1998 | PhD in Geochemistry (honourable honours) Louis Pasteur University – Strasbourg. “The brines and the sediments from seven deeps from the Red Sea axis Mineralogical, chemical and isotope studies. Part of hydrothermalism“ |
June 1994 | Master in Physical-Chemistry, option: analytical chemistry and environment Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg |
June 1993 | Bachelor of Physical-chemistry Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg |
June 1992 | Graduate of Physical-chemistry Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg |
June 1991 | First graduate of university in Physic and Chemistry Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg |
Main research axis
water, soil, plants, weathering, isotopes, environment, surface transfer
- Study of the erosion and weathering phenomenon (evaluation, quantification, temporal variations) and the associated surface transfers (from natural and anthropogenic origin).
- Response of natural ecosystem to recent perturbations, global changes, extreme climatic events, acid rain, forest management…
- Study of the role and impact of vegetation on alteration processes and on biogeochemical cycle at a watershed scale.
- Main tools: combination of multi-elements (majeur, trace, REE) and isotopic tracing (Sr, Pb, Nd isotopes and U-series disequilibrium : 238U-234U-230Th-226Ra-210Pb) approach.
- Responsible of the “Observatoire Hydro-Géochimique en Environnement (OHGE)”, an experimental watershed (the Strengbach catchment area), to study and understand the biogeochemical cycles and the impact of natural or anthropogenic disturbances on natural ecosystems. Scientific and logistics management, coordination of research projects, organisation and supervision of weekly sampling, validation of results, communication and data base
University of Strasbourg, France
- Thermodynamics L2 (2nd year)
- Equilibrium in solution, L3 (3rd year)
- Environmental geochemistry, M1 (4th year)
Second post-doctoral position
sorption, actinides, clays, laser spectroscopy
At: Institut für Nukleare Ensorgung (INE) from Forschungszentrum - Karlsruhe (Germany). Supervisor : Dr. H. Geckeis, and Prof. J.I. Kim.
Project: Study of trivalent actinides [Eu(III) and Cm(III)] sorption mechanism. Determination of kinetic and sorption isotherms. Speciation by time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) and modelling.
Thesis description
geochemistry, isotopes, sediments, brines, interstitial waters
- THE BRINES AND THE SEDIMENTS FROM SEVEN DEEPS FROM THE RED SEA AXIS. Mineralogical, chemical and isotope studies. Part of hydrothermalism.
- Direction by G. Blanc, Pr. in Bordeaux and co-direction by F. Gauthier-Lafaye, Dr. in Strasbourg.
- Collaborations between three research centers : Centre de Géochimie de la Surface - CNRS Strasbourg (France), Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques - CNRS Nancy (France), Laboratoire de Géochimie et Géochronologie - CNRS Montpellier (France)
Publication list
- Strohmenger L., Ackerer P., Belfort B. and Pierret M.C., 2022. Local and seasonal climate change and its influence on the hydrological cycle in a mountainous forested catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 610, 127914.
- Braud I., and 30d bedload in a small granitic catchment impacted by partial forest harvesting (Strengbach catchment, Vosges massif, France). Science of the Total Environment. STOTEN-D-20-02729
- Beaulieu E., Pierret M.C., Legout A., Chabaux F., Goddéris Y., Viville D. Hermann A., 2020. Response of a forested catchment over the las co-authors, 2020. Building the information system of the French Critical Zone Observatories network: Theia/OZCAR-IS. Hydrological Science Journal.
- Lesparre N., Girard J.F., Jeannot B., Weil S., Dumont M., Bouxher M., Viville D., Pierret M.C., Legtchenko A., Delay F., 2020. Magnetic resonance sounding measurements as posterior information to condition hydrological model parameters: Application to a hard-rock headwater catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 587, 124941
- Cotel S., Viville D., Benarioumlil S., Ackerer P., Pierret M.C.,2020. Evaluation of fluxes of suspended sediment ant 25 years to past acid deposition assessed by biogeochemical cycle modelling (Strengbach, France). Ecological Modelling, 430, 109-124
- Nägler T. F., Pierret M.C., Voegelin A.R., Pettke Th., Aschwanden L. and Villa I.M., 2020. Small catchment scale Mo isotope balance and its implications for global Mo isotope cycling. AGU Books. Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact, 163-189.
- Pierret M.C., Viville D., Dambrine E., Cotel S., Probst A., 2019. Long-term record of open field precipitation and throughfalls in a medium altitude forested environment (Strengbach catcment – NE France): Response to atmospheric pollution trend. Atmospheric Environment. 202, 296-314.
- Pierret M.C., Cotel S., Ackerer P., Beaulieu E., Benarioumlil S., Boucher M., Boutin R., Chabaux F., Dambrine E., Delay F., Fourtet C., Friedmann P., Fritz B., Gangloff S., Girard J.F., Legtchenko A., Viville D., Weill S. and Probst A., 2018. The Strengbach Catchment: a multidisciplinary environmental sentry for 30 years. Vadose Zone Journal. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2018.04.0090
- Wild B., Daval D., Beaulieu E., Pierret M.C., Viville D. and Imfeld G. 2019. In-situ Dissolution Rates of Silicate Minerals and Associated Bacterial Communities in the Critical Zone (Strengbach catchment, France). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 249, 95-120
- Gaillardet J. and 56 co-authors, 2018. OZCAR: the French network of Critical Zone Observatories. Vadoze Zone Journal
- Chabaux, F., Viville, D., Lucas, Y., Ackerer, J., Ranchoux, C., Bosia, C., Pierret M.C., Labasque T., Aquilina L., Wyns R., Lerouge, C., Dezaye C. and Negrel P., 2017. Geochemical tracing and modeling of surface and deep water–rock interactions in elementary granitic watersheds (Strengbach and Ringelbach CZOs, France). Acta Geochimica, 36(3), 363-366.
- Ackerer, J., Chabaux, F., Lucas, Y., Clément, A., Fritz, B., Beaulieu, E., Viville D., Pierret M.C., Gangloff S. and Négrel, P., 2018. Monitoring and reactive-transport modeling of the spatial and temporal variations of the Strengbach spring hydrochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 225, 17-35.
- Maquin M., Mouche E., Mugler C., Pierret M.C., Viville D., 2017. A water table-soil-vegetation column model for predicting hillslope hydrology. Water Ressource Research. 53, 5877-5898. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR020183
- Beaulieu, E., Lucas, Y., Viville, D., Chabaux, F., Ackerer, P., Goddéris, Y., Pierret, M.-C. 2016. Hydrological and vegetation response to climate change in a forested mountainous catchment". Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, (2016) 2:191 DOI 10.1007/s40808-016-0244-1
- N. Gottselig, W. Amelung, J.W. Kirchner, R. Bol, W. Eugster, S.J. Granger, C. Hernández-Crespo, F. Herrmann, J.J. Keizer, M. Korkiakoski, H. Laudon, I. Lehner, S. Löfgren, A. Lohila, C.J.A. Macleod, M. Mölder, C. Müller,, P. Nasta, V. Nischwitz, E. Paul-Limoges, M.C. Pierret, K. Pilegaard, N. Romano, M.T. Sebastià, M. Stähli, M.Voltz, H. Vereecken, J. Siemens, E. Klumpp. 2017. Natural nanoparticles and colloids in European forest stream waters and their role as phosphorus carriers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31, 1592-1607 DOI: 10.1002/2017GB005657
- Prunier J., Chabaux F., Stille P., Gangloff S., Pierret M.C., Viville D. and Aubert A., 2015.Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, U) monitoring of soil solutions from the Strengbach catchment (Vosges mountains, France): Evidence for recent weathering evolution. Chemical Geology 417, 289-305
- Norton, S. A., Pierret, M-C, Kopáček, J., Perry, R., and Handley, M., 2016. Long-term evolution of leaching and lake sediment sequestration of rare earth elements from two de-glaciated mountain watersheds. J. Paleolim. 55, 209-222
- Boucher M., Pierret M.C., Dumont M., Viville D., Legchenko A., Chevalier A. and Pez S., 2015. MRS characterisation of a mountain hard rock aquifer : the Strengbach Catchment, Vosges Massif, France. MRS2015 :6th. 1-3
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Leroy S. and Causse C., soumis. Geochemical, isotopic, mineralogical and palynological variations in the sediment of the Caspian Sea: a record of Late Quaternary continental weathering. Quaternary Sciences Review
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Stille P. and Prunnier J., Chemical and isotopic variations of surface waters at a small catchment scale, lithological vs biological controls (the Strengbach case ; Vosges mountains ; France). Submit to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Pierret M.C., Clauer N., Bosch D., and Blanc G., 2010. Formation of metal-rich sediments in the Thetis Deep (Red Sea) in the absence of brines : Implications for the genetic model. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 104, 12-26. DOI 10.1016/j/gexplo.2009.10.001
- Lemarchand E., Chabaux F., Vigier N., Millot R., Pierret M.C., 2010. Lithium isotopic behaviour in a forested granitic catchment (Strengbach, Vosges Mountains, France). Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. 74. 4612-4628
- Cividini D., Lemarchand D., Boutin R., Pierret M-C., and Chabaux F. 2010. From biological to lithological control of the B geochemical cycle in a forested watershed (Strengbach, Vosges). Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. 74, 3143-3163
- Godderis Y., Roelandt C., Schott J., Pierret M.C. and François L., 2009. Towards an integrated model of weathering, climate, and biospheric processes. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 70, 411-434.
- Clauer N., Pierret M.C., Chauduri S., 2009. Role of subsurface brines in salt balance : the case of the Caspian Sea and Kara Bogaz Bay. Aquatic Geochemistry. 15, 237-261
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Stille P. and Prunnier J., Chemical and isotopic variations of surface waters at a small catchment scale, lithological vs biological controls (the Strengbach case ; Vosges mountains ; France). Submit to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Stille P., Pourcelot L., Granet M., Pierret M.C., Perrone Th., Morvan G. and Chabaux F., Atmospheric Pb depositions on a forested silicate catchment today and in the past (Strengbach case). Submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Stille P., Pierret M.C., Steinmann M., Chabaux F., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Pourcelot L., Viville D., Boutin R. and Morvan G., 2009. Impact of atmospheric deposition, biogeochemical cycling and water–mineral interaction on REE fractionation in acidic surface soils and soil water (the Strengbach case) Chemical Geology, 264, 173-186
- Pierret M.C., Norton S., Fernandez I. and Chabaux F., Seasonality and long term variations of the stream water of the Strengbach Watershed in Vosges Massif (France) and the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (United State).
- Cenki-Tok B., Chabaux F., Lemarchand D., Stille P., Pierret M.C., Schmidt AD., and Bagard M.L., 2009. The impact of water-rock interaction and vegetation on calcium isotope fractionation in soil-and stream waters of a small forested catchment (the Strengbach case). Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 2215-2228
- Stille P., Pourcelot L., Granet M., Pierret M.C., Perrone T., Morvan G. and Chabaux F., Submit. Atmospheric Pb depositions on a forested silicate catchment today and in the past (Strengbach case). Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Stille P., Steinmann M., Pierret M.C., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Chabaux F., Viville D., Pourcelot L., Matera V., Aouad G., and Aubert D. 2006. The impact of vegetation on REE fractionation in stream waters of a small forested catchment (the Strengbach case). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 3217-3230.
- Stille P., Steinmann M., Pierret M.C., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Aubert D., Probst A; Viville D. and Chabaux F., 2006. The impact of vegetation on fractionation of rare earth elements (REE) during water-rock interaction. Journal of Geochemical exploration. 88, 341-344
- Rabung Th, Pierret M.C., Bauer A., Geckeis H., Bradbury M.H., Baeyens B. 2005. Sorption of Eu(III)/Cm(III) on Ca-Montmorillonite and Na-illite Part 1: Batch sorption and TRLFS experiments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69, 5393-5402.
- Balan E., Allard T., Fritsch E., Sélo M., Falguères C., Chabaux F., Pierret M.C., Calas G., 2005 Formation and evolution of lateritic profiles in the central Amazon basin: Insights from radiation-induced defects in kaolinite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 69, 2193-2204.
- Chabaux F., Riotte J. Schmidt A.D., Carignan J., Herckes P. Pierret M.C., Wortham H., 2005. Variations of U and Sr isotope ratios in Alsace and Luxembourg rain waters : origin and hydrochemical implications. Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 337, 1447-1456.
- Clauer N., Liewig N., Pierret M.C. and Toulkeridis T., 2003. Crystallization conditions of fundamental particles from mixed-layers illite-smectite of bentonites based on isotopic data (K-Ar, Rb-Sr and 18O). Clays and Clay Minerals, 51, 664-674
- Pierret M.C., Bosch D., Clauer N., Blanc G et France-Lanord C., 2001. Chemical and Isotopic (87Sr/86Sr, 18O, D) Constraints to the Formation Processes of Red-Sea Brines. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 1259-1275
- Pierret M.C., Clauer N. et Blanc G., 2000. Evaluation of the hydrothermal influence in the sediments of six Red Sea deeps. Study of several trace elements (Cu, Ni, Cr, Zr). Oceanologica Acta 23, 783-792
- Pierret M.C., Blanc G. et Clauer N., 2000. Sur l’origine de la pyrite framboïdale dans les sédiments de la fosse Suakin (Mer Rouge). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 330, 1-8
- Anschutz P., Blanc G., Chatin F., Geiller M. et Pierret M.C., 1999. Hydrographic change during 20 years in the brine-filled basins of the Red Sea. Deep Sea Research, 46, 1779-1792.
- Blanc G., Anschutz P. et Pierret M.C., 1998. Metalliferous sedimentation in the Atlantis II Deep: a geochemistry insight. In: Sedimentation and tectonics of rift basins : Red Sea-Gulf of Aden. Eds. B. Purcer and D. Bosence, p.505-520 Chapman et Hall. London.
- Pierret M.C., Viville D., Chabaux F., Stille P. and Probst A., 2011. Long term chemical variations in stream waters draining a granitic catchment (1986-2010). Link between hydrology and weathering (Strengbach catchment, France). Goldschmidt conference. Prague
- Viville D., Chabaux F., Stille P., Pierret M.C., Gangloff S., Benarioumlil S., 2011. Sedimentary and chemicalweathering fluxes at the outlet of the granitic Strengbach catchment (Vosges massif, Eastern France)
- Rihs S., Prunier J., Thien B., Lemarchad D., Pierret M.C. and Chabaux F., 2011. Short-lived nuclides of the U and Th-series probing recent pedogenic processes in soils. Goldschmidt conference. Prague
- Viville D., Chabaux F., Pierret M.C., Stille P., 2011. Sedimentary flux in the granitic Strengbach catchment (Vosges massif, Eastern France): comparison between the physical and the chemical weathering rate. EGU, Vienne. 2011
- Viville D., Pierret M.C., Probst A., Dambrine E. 2010. Hydrological and geochemical trends in the granitic Strengbach catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France). 13th Biennial Conference ERB 2010 on Hydrological Responses of Small Basins to a changing environment.5-8/09/2010, Seggau Castle (A). (P)
- Viville D., Pierret M.C., Probst A., Ladouche, B., Idir S., Aubert D., Probst J.L., Bariac T., 2010. Hydrological behaviour of the granitic Strengbach catchment (Vosges massif, Eastern France) at different times scales. Conference”Looking at catchments in colors; debating new ways of generating and filtering information in hydrology”, EGU Leonardo 2010 Topical Conference Series on the hydrological cycle, Luxembourg (LUX) 10-12/11/2010. Book of abstracts, p37. (P)
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Leroy S. and Causse C., 2010. Geochemical, isotopic and mineralogical variations in the sediment of the Caspian Sea: a record of Late Quaternary continental weathering? AGU Fall meeting 2010. San Fransisco.
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Leroy S. and Causse C., 2010. Isotopic variations in the recent sediments of the Caspian Sea: a record of Quaternary continental weathering? AAPG European Region Annual Conference Exploration in the Black Sea and Caspian Regions. Kiev, 17-19 oct. 2010
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Leroy S. and Causse C., 2010. Evolution of Caspian Sea sediments. Late glacial to Holocene history? 18th Annual Harold W. Borns Jr. Symposium. Orono, Maine USA.
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Leroy S. and Causse C., 2010. Isotopic variations in the recent sediments of the Caspian Sea: a record of Quaternary continental weathering? 18th Annual Harold W. Borns Jr. Symposium. Orono, Maine USA.
- Prunier J., Pierret MC., Chabaux F., Stille P., 2009. Geochemical and isotopic evidence of a recent modification of weathering processes in a forested granitic catchment (Strengbach watershed, France). AGU Fall Meeting
- Cidivini D., lemarchand D., Chabaux F., Turpault MP., Viville D., Pierret MC., 2009. Boron isotopes in soils: investigation of horizon reactivity and vegetation cycling. AGU Fall Meeting
- Pierret M.C., Prunnier J., Stille P. et Chabaux F., 2009. Geochemical and isotopic evolution of soil solutions over the last 25 years in a forested granitic catchment (the experimental Strengbach watershed case, France). EGU Vienna 2009 (Austria) - invited speaker
- Pierret M.C., Stille P., Chabaux F., Viville D., Prunier J. and Lemarchand D., 2008. Bio-geochemical cycles in acidic soils from a granitic watershed. Goldschmidt Conference 2008 – Vancouver (Canada), GCA, 73, 12S, p.77.
- Pierret M.C., Prunier J., Viville D., Chabaux F., Stille P., Godderis Y., 2008. Bilan biogéochimique de quelques éléments majeurs (Ca, Na, K, Mg, Si) à l’échelle d’un bassin versant forestier granitique (bassin versant du Strengbach). Impact biogénique et lithologique. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre - RST2008 - Nancy. p.129.
- Prunier J., Chabaux F., Pierret M.C., Tremolières M. and Rihs S., 2008. Contributions des déséquilibres U-Th-Ra à l’étude des processus d’altération à l’échelle d’une parcelle expérimentale : Le bassin versant du Strengbach (Vosges, France). Réunion des Sciences de la Terre - RST2008 - Nancy. p.129.
- Lemarchand D., Cividini D., Lemarchand E., Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., 2008. Ditribution of stable isotopes in soil : a clue to discriminate between lithogenic and biogenic fluxes. Goldschmidt Conference 2008 – Vancouver (Canada), GCA, 73, 12S, p.77.
- Rihs S., Thien B., Prunnier J., Lemarchand D., Pierret M.C., Stille P. and Chabaux F., 2008. Time constant of chemical transfers ina forested ecosystem from short-lived nuclides (226-228Ra, 210Pb, 137Cs). Goldschmidt Conference 2008 – Vancouver, (Canada). GCA, 73, 12S, p.72, A798.
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Stille P., Prunier J., Viville D. and Lemarchant D., 2007. Chemical and isotopical variations of surface waters at the Strengbach forested watershed (NE France) : lithological and biological control. Goldschmidt conference, 2007, Cologne (Germany), A790, 2007.
- Steinmann M., Stille P. and Pierret M.C., 2007. Biogeochemical cycling of rare earth elements in surface soils. Goldschmidt Conference 2007, Cologne (Germany),A972, 2007.
- Stille P., Crovisier J.L., Pierret M.C., Aouad G., Gauthier-Lafaye F. and Chabaux F., 2007. The impact of bacteria, plantes and tress on accumulatiobs and fractionations of rare earth elements at the atmosphere-soil-water interface.. 9th international conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE), Beijing (China).
- Cenki-Tok B., Chabaux F., Lemarchand D., Stille P., Bagard M.L. and Pierret M.C., 2007. Origin of calcium isotopes fractionation in river waters: Evidence from the Strengbach catchment, France. Goldschmidt Conference 2007 , Cologne (Germany), 154, 2007. A154.
- Lemarchand E., Chabaux F. Vigier N., Millot R. and Pierret M.C., 2007. Lithium isotope systematics in the Strengbach catchment (Vosges, France). Goldschmidt Conference 2007 , Cologne (Germany), A 559, 2007.
- Stille P., Steinmann M., Pierret M.C., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Aubert D., Probst A., Viville D., 2005: The impact of vegetation on fractination of REE during water-rock interaction. 7ème Congrès international sur la géochimie de la surface de la terre GES 7, 23-27/08/2005, Aix en Provence (F). Extended abstract.
- Prunier J., Pierret M.C., Chabaux F. and Trémolières M., 2007. U-Th-Ra fractionation in soil horizons of forested ecosystem (Strengbach catchment, France). Goldschmidt conference, 2007, Cologne (Germany), A811, 2007.
- Prunier J., Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Trémolière M., Pelt E., Rihs S., 2007. U-Ra fractionations in surface waters : Clues from Strengbach watershed (Vosges – France) EGU 2007, Vienna (Austria)
- Prunier J., Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Trémolières M., 2006 Premières données en U-Ra dans les eaux du Bassin versant du Strengbach : Origine des flux géochimiques. RST 2006, Dijon (France).
- Prunier J., Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Trémolières M., Lemarchand D., 2006. Tracing plant-water-soil interactions at the plot scale (in the Strengbach catchment). Insights from analyses of major elements and U isotopes. EGU 2006, Vienna (Austria).
- Chabaux F., Pierret M.C., Prunier J., Riotte J., Ambroise B., Elsass Ph., 2006. Use of 238U-234U activity ratio as an hydrological tracer: clues from the study of Upper Rhine watersheds . EGU 2006 Vienna (Austria).
- Stille P., Steinmann M., Pierret M.C., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Aubert D., Probst A., Viville D., 2005: The impact of vegetation on fractination of REE during water-rock interaction. 7ème Congrès international sur la géochimie de la surface de la terre GES 7, 23-27/08/2005, Aix en Provence (F). Extended abstract.
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Mergnac L., Hyubrecht F., 2004. The Role of Plants in the 238U-234U Disequilibria of Stream Waters: The Example of the Strengbach Watershed (Vosges, France). AGU Fall Meeting AGU Fall Meeting Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Huybrecht F., Mergnac L., and Riotte J., 2004. Transferts in plant-water-soil system: isotopic study in a small granitic watershed (Strengbach catchment). RST Conference. Invitation
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F., Huybrecht F., Mergnac L., and Riotte J., 2004. Sr and U isotopic variations in the water-soil-plant system : example of the Strengbach watershed. Goldschmidt Conference 2004, Copenhagen (Danemark)
- Th. Rabung, M.C. Pierret, A. Bauer, H. Geckeis, M.H. Bradbury, B. Baeyens, 2004. Reactions of Eu(III)/Cm(III) at clay mineral surfaces – TRLFS studies and surface complexation modeling. DMG
- Pierret M.C., Chabaux F. Clauer N., et Causse C., 2002. Isotopic variations in the Caspian Sea sediments : an insight of the quaternary weathering. Goldschmidt Conference. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta p602
- Pierret M.C., Bauer A., Rabung Th., Geckeis H., Klenze R. and Kim J.I., 2001. Sorption of Eu(III) and Cm(III) onto smectite. Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. European Journal of Mineralogy, 13, 140.
- Pierret M.C., Rabung Th., Bauer A., Geckeis H., Klenze R., Kim J.I., Bradbury M. H. and Baeyens B., 2001. Interaction of Cm(III) and Eu(III) with Ca-montmorillonite: Surface complexation modelling and spectroscopic studies. Migration ’01.
- Pierret M.C., Clauer N., Chabaux F. et Causse C., 2001. Elemental, Sr, U and Th isotopic compositions as records of sedimentation variations in the Caspian Sea: a climatic or a tectonic monitoring ? EUG XI.
- Pierret M.C., Clauer N., 2000. Etude de la variation de la sédimentation en mer Caspienne. RST 2000.
- Giralt S., R. Juli, F. Gasse, G. Seret, P. Tucholka, V.I. Ferronsky, S. Leroy, F. Chaliè, A. Jelinowska, M.C. Pierret & V.Y. Lavrouchine, 2000. First results of the multidisciplinary study of the Kara-Bogaz Gulf sediments (Republic of Turkmenistan, Central Asia). 8th International Paleolimnology Symposium.
- Pierret M.C., Bosch D., Blanc G., Clauer N. et Anschutz P., 1999. Chemical and isotopic constraints to varied formation processes for the brines of different deeps in the Red Sea. EUG X-Terra Nova, 10, 389
- Pierret M.C., Blanc G. et Bosch D., 1998. Sr, Pb isotopes and REE analyses of five cores of Red Sea. An insight into hydrothermal input. 8th Goldsmith Conference. Mineralogical Magazine 62A, 1176-1177.
- Pierret M.C., Blanc G., France-Lanord C. et Anschutz P., 1997. Stable isotopic composition of different brines from seven Red Sea Deeps. Hydrothermal influence. EUG IX-Terra Nova 9, 540.
- Anschutz P., Blanc G., Chatin F., Geiller M. et Pierret M.C., 1997. Persistence of the brine-filled basins of the Red Sea. EUG IX-Terra Nova 9, 565.
- Pierret M.C., Blanc G., France-Lanord C. et Anschutz P., 1996. Stable isotope composition in Red Sea brines: Hydrothermal influence. Third stable isotope meeting. Nancy.
- Blanc G., Anschutz P. et Pierret M.C., 1995. Current hydrothermal activity in the Red Sea : New hydrographic situations. EUG VIII-Terra Nova 8, 205.