Les études phénoménologiques à l'optimisation de plans de forages : illustration d'une nouvelle approche méthodologique pour l'estimation de ressources géothermiques sur un cas réel.

14 September 2017
EOST, 1 rue Blessig, amphi 2

Séminaire du LHyGeS jeudi 14 septembre à 11h

Intervenant : Jean-Baptiste MATHIEU, doctorant (actuellement chez Kidova)
Titre : "Des études phénoménologiques à l'optimisation de plans de forages : illustration d'une nouvelle approche méthodologique pour l'estimation de ressources géothermiques sur un cas réel."

Lieu : EOST, 1 rue Blessig, amphi 2

Résumé :
High temperature geothermal systems are complex dynamic systems, which never are in initial hydrostatic conditions unlike petroleum reservoirs. Convective cells are naturally present, hot fluids tending to go up and colder fluids to go down. The geometry of the convective cells are governed by structural and geological heterogeneities and by the hydrogeological and geothermal boundary conditions. It follows that geothermal resource assessment cannot simply be summarized to estimate a stock of heat but it is strongly initial (current) condition dependent. It is also well-layout dependent, requiring first to optimize the well-layout based on production objectives. A methodological approach has been devised in the framework of the GEOTREF research project to address these issues. It takes into account reservoir uncertainties and well-layout optimization to numerically assess geothermal reservoir performances. The approach will be presented and illustrated on a real case study.