Associate professor - ENGEES
Latest peer-reviewed publications:
Research thematics
- Chemical and Isotopic Characterisation of Microplastics
- Tracing the Origin and Fate of Microplastics in Seas and Oceans
- Study of Microplastic Degradation Pathways in the Laboratory
- Biogeochemistry of (Micro)organic Pollutants
- Development of Multi-Isotopic (C, N, Cl…) and Enantiomeric Techniques to Trace the Degradation Processes of Organic Molecules in the Environment (Pesticides, Pharmaceutical Compounds…)
- Study of the Formation and Fate of Degradation Products of Organic Micropollutants in Surface and Groundwater
Projects Scientific projects
Project name | Duration | Funding | Responsability | Main Partners |
POCISOTOP POCISOTOP: In Situ Study of the Degradation of Micropollutants in Water and Sediments Using Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis from Passive Samplers | 2019 - 2021 | Scientific Council of ENGEES | Project Lead | ITES |
HaloWIN Identification of sources and fate of HALOgenated micropollutants in the environment: WINning novel knowledge using stable isotope analysis | 2020-2022 | Projet IDEX -Université de Strasbourg | Project Lead | ITES |
ÉPolES PhD Grant - Study of Reactive Transport of Micropollutants in Surface Waters Receiving Effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants: Contribution of Multi-Elemental Isotope Analysis Coupled with Passive Samplers | 2022-2025 | Scientific Council of ENGEES, Doctoral School ED413 | Project Lead | ENGEES, ITES |
IsoRiTMOD Multi-Isotopic Tracing of Reactive Transport of Organic Micropollutants in Rivers: Influence of Sources of Dissolved Organic Matter and Metabolic Potential | 2023 -2025 | INSU – CNRS EC2CO | Project Lead | ITES |
TIM-SEA Isotopic Tracing of Microplastics in the Oceans | 2023-2024 | ITES/ENGEES | Project Lead | ITES, SEAPLASTICS, OCEAN EYE |
NAVEBGO Reduction of Biocide Input in the Groundwater of the Upper Rhine | 2019-2021 | Interreg | Axis Lead | Université de Freibourg, ITES, SAGE, ENGEES |
DECISIVE Demonstration of Soil Pollutant Degradation Using Multi-Elemental Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis | 2018-2023 | ANR | Axis Lead | LCE, ITES, INRA |
PESTIPOND Role of Artificial and Natural Wetlands in the Transfer and Impact of Pesticides in Surface Waters of the Critical Zone in Agricultural Areas | 2019-2023 | ANR | Axis Lead | ITES, EColab, IRSTEA/HBAN, AQUATIRIS |
AIEA proposal Transport and Transformation of Pesticides from Agrosystems: Insights from Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) | 2018-2020 | Projet AIEA | Axis Lead | ITES, Dept. of Civil Engg., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (India), AIEA, GET |
SKLOG proposal Pesticides biodegradation in agricultural soils using compound- and enantiomer-specific isotope analysis and biogeochemical modeling | 2018-2020 | Chinese academy of science | Axis Lead | ITES, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry |
- 09/2018-Now : Associate professor in hydrochemistry at l’École nationale du génie de l’eau et de l’environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES)
- 11/2016-08/2018 : Post-doctoral CNRS at Laboratoire d’Hydrologie et de Géochimie de Strasbourg (UMR LHyGeS)
- 09/2016-11/2016 : Post-doctoral at Institut de Recherche pour le développement (IRD, Toulouse)
- 09/2015-08/2016 : Post-doctoral at l’Université Toulouse III.
- 11/2013-06/2014 : Ingeneer at l’IRD, Toulouse
- 10/2010-10/2013 : PhD position at laboratoire de Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET) - Université de Toulouse III
I am involved in teaching activities in Water Chemistry, Management of the transfer of contaminants and treatment of drinking water and at the National School of Water and Environmental Engineering of Strasbourg (ENGEES). I am also participating in the development of online courses for future water managers as part of the AgreenCamp project.
Video on teaching on contaminant transfers:
Another video to promote research at ENGEES:
- 2015: Qualifications for the position of University Lecturer CNU Section 35: Structure and evolution of the earth and other planets CNU Section 36: Solid Earth
- 10/2014: Doctorate in Earth Sciences and Solid Planets-Biogeochemistry from Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse III. Thesis title: Study of the metabolic, ecological and biogeochemical processes controlling mercury isotopic fractionation in Arctic marine mammals. Thesis directors: David Point (CR IRD, Geosciences Environment Toulouse) Co-directors: Jeroen Sonke (CR CNRS, Geosciences Environment Toulouse)
- 2008-2010: Master Research Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, Soil and Environment. University of Toulouse.
- 2005-2008: Bachelor's degree in Material Science (Physics-Chemistry course). University of Tours.
Publications 28 articles dans journaux de rang A (881 citations, Hindex = 17)_mise à jour juin 2024
- Vinyes-Nadal, M., Masbou, J., Kümmel, S., Gehre, M., Imfeld, G., Otero, N., & Torrentó, C. (2024). Novel extraction methods and compound-specific isotope analysis of methoxychlor in environmental water and aquifer slurry samples. Science of The Total Environment, 931, 172858.
- Masbou, J., Höhener, P., Payraudeau, S., Martin-Laurent, F., & Imfeld, G. (2024). Stable isotope composition of pesticides in commercial formulations: The ISOTOPEST database. Chemosphere, 141488.
- Masbou, J., Payraudeau, S., Guyot, B., & Imfeld, G. (2023). Dimethomorph degradation in vineyards examined by isomeric and isotopic fractionation. Chemosphere, 313, 137341.
- Höhener, P., Guers, D., Malleret, L., Boukaroum, O., Martin-Laurent, F., Masbou, J., ... & Imfeld, G. (2022). Multi-elemental compound-specific isotope analysis of pesticides for source identification and monitoring of degradation in soil: A review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 20(6), 3927-3942.
- Chaignaud, P., Gruffaz, C., Borreca, A., Fouteau, S., Kuhn, L., Masbou, J., ... & Vuilleumier, S. (2022). A Methylotrophic Bacterium Growing with the Antidiabetic Drug Metformin as Its Sole Carbon, Nitrogen and Energy Source. Microorganisms, 10(11), 2302.
- Gilevska, T., Masbou, J., Baumlin, B., Chaumet, B., Chaumont, C., Payraudeau, S., ... & Imfeld, G. (2022). Do pesticides degrade in surface water receiving runoff from agricultural catchments? Combining passive samplers (POCIS) and compound-specific isotope analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 842, 156735.
- Bouchet, S., Tessier, E., Masbou, J., Point, D., Lazzaro, X., Monperrus, M., ... & Amouroux, D. (2022). In situ photochemical transformation of Hg species and associated isotopic fractionation in the water column of high-altitude lakes from the Bolivian Altiplano. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(4), 2258-2268.
- Prieto-Espinoza, M., Weill, S., Belfort, B., Muller, E. E., Masbou, J., Lehmann, F., ... & Imfeld, G. (2021). Water table fluctuations affect dichloromethane biodegradation in lab-scale aquifers contaminated with organohalides. Water Research, 203, 117530.
- Jiskra, M., Heimbürger-Boavida, L. E., Desgranges, M. M., Petrova, M. V., Dufour, A., Ferreira-Araujo, B., Masbou, J., & Sonke, J. E. (2021). Mercury stable isotopes constrain atmospheric sources to the ocean. Nature, 597(7878), 678-682.
- Pérez-Rodríguez, P., Schmitt, A. D., Gangloff, S., Masbou, J., & Imfeld, G. (2021). Plants affect the dissipation and leaching of anilide pesticides in soil mesocosms: Insights from compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 308, 107257.
- Drouin, G., Droz, B., Leresche, F., Payraudeau, S., Masbou, J., & Imfeld, G. (2021). Direct and indirect photodegradation of atrazine and S-metolachlor in agriculturally impacted surface water and associated C and N isotope fractionation. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 23(11), 1791-1802.
- Masbou, J., Viers, J., Grande, J. A., Freydier, R., Zouiten, C., Seyler, P., ... & de la Torre, M. L. (2020). Strong temporal and spatial variation of dissolved Cu isotope composition in acid mine drainage under contrasted hydrological conditions. Environmental Pollution, 266, 115104.
- Imfeld, G., Meite, F., Wiegert, C., Guyot, B., Masbou, J., & Payraudeau, S. (2020). Do rainfall characteristics affect the export of copper, zinc and synthetic pesticides in surface runoff from headwater catchments? Science of the total environment, 741, 140437.
- Houssard, P., Point, D., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Allain, V., Pethybridge, H., Masbou, J., Letourneur, Y. A Model of Mercury Distribution in Tuna from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: Influence of Physiology, Ecology and Environmental Factors. Environmental science & technology, 2019.
- Masbou, J., Sonke, J.E., Amouroux, D., Becker, P.R, Point, D., Hg stable isotope variations in marine top predators of the Western Arctic Ocean, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2018, 2(5), 479-490.
- Masbou, J., Drouin, G., Payraudeau, S., & Imfeld, G. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope fractionation during abiotic hydrolysis of pesticides. Chemosphere, 2018, 213, 368-376.
- Alvarez-Zaldivar, P., Payraudeau, S., Meite, F., Masbou, J., Imfeld, G., Pesticide degradation and export losses at the catchment scale: insights from compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA), Water Research, 2018.
- Masbou, J., Meite, F., Guyot, B., Imfeld, G., Enantiomer-specific stable carbon isotope analysis (ESIA) to evaluate degradation of the chiral fungicide Metalaxyl in soils. Journal Hazardous Materials, 2018.
- Viers, J., Destrigneville, C., Zouiten, C., Grande, J.A., Masbou, J., de la Torre, M.L., Pokrovsky, O.S, Freydier, R., Valente, T., Are Cu isotopes a useful tool to trace metal sources and processes in acid mine drainage (AMD) context? Chemosphere, 2018, 193, 1071-1079.
- Lanza, W. G., Achá, D., Point, D., Masbou, J., Alanoca, L., Amouroux, D., & Lazzaro, X, Association of a Specific Algal Group with Methylmercury Accumulation in Periphyton of a Tropical High-Altitude Andean Lake. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology, 2017, 72(1), 1-10.
- Goix, S., Uzu,G., Oliva, P., Barrazza, F., Calas A., Castet, S., Point, D. , Masbou, J., Duprey , J-L., Huayta, C., Chincheros, J., Gardon, J. Metal concentration and bioaccessibility in different particle sizes of dust and aerosols to refine metal exposure assessment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 317, 5 November 2016, Pages 552-562, ISSN 0304-3894, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.05.083.
- Perrot, V., Masbou, J., Pastukhov, M., Epov, V., Point, D., Bérail, S., Becker, P., Sonke, J., Amouroux, D., Natural Hg isotopic composition of different Hg compounds in mammal tissues as a proxy for in vivo breakdown of toxic methylmercury. Metallomics, 2016, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C5MT00286A
- Masbou, J., Point, D., Sonke, J., Frappart, F., Perrot, V, Amouroux, D., Richard, P., Becker, P., , Hg stable isotope time trends in ringed seal register decreasing sea ice cover in the Alaskan Arctic. Environmental Science & Technology 2015 49 (15), 8977-8985 DOI: 10.1021/es5048446
- Masbou, J., Point, D., Guillou, G., Sonke, J. E., Lebreton, B., Richard, P., Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis of Methylmercury Toxin in Biological Materials by Gas Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 2015 87 (23), 11732-11738 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b02918
- Masbou, J., Sonke, J.E, Point, D., Étude des processus métaboliques, écologiques et biogéochimiques contrôlant le fractionnement isotopique du Hg chez les mammifères marins de l'Arctique. Doctoral dissertation. Université de Toulouse, 2014, DOI : 10.13140/RG.2.2.30491.16165
- Masbou, J., Point, D., Sonke, J. E., Application of a selective extraction method for methylmercury compound specific stable isotope analysis (MeHg-CSIA) in biological materials. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2013, 28 (10), p. 1620-1628. ISSN 0267-9477
- Labat, D., Masbou J., Beaulieu, E., Mangin, A., Scaling Behavior of the Fluctuations in Stream Flow at the Outlet of Karstic Watersheds, France, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 410, Issues 3–4, 22 November 2011, Pages 162-168, ISSN 0022-1694, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.09.010.
- Labat, D., Hoang, C. T., Masbou J., Mangin, A., Tchiguirinskaia, I., Lovejoy, S. and Schertzer, D. Multifractal behaviour of long-term karstic discharge fluctuations. Hydrological Processes, 2012, DOI : 10.1002/hyp.9495
Communications in international conferences 9 talks and 29 posters in international conferences
- May 2022: Imfeld, G., Masbou, J., & Payraudeau, S. (2022, May). Compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of pesticide residues in soil to evaluate in situ degradation over space and time. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU22-12261).
- April 2022 : Masbou, J. "Comment le mercure se retrouve-t-il dans nos assiettes ?". Conférence du jardin des sciences de l’université de Strasbourg.
- December 2021: Prieto Espinoza, M., Di Chiara, R., Lehmann, F., Masbou, J., Lazaro-Sanchez, C., Muller, E., ... & Imfeld, G. (2021, December). Effect of Water Table Fluctuations on Reactive Transport of Dichloromethane in Lab-scale Aquifers. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2021, pp. B54B-04).
- November 2021: Masbou J. "Sur les traces du mercure océanique". Les jeudis recherche, ENGEES.
- April 2021: Junginger, T., Payraudeau, S., Masbou, J., & Imfeld, G. Transformation of the urban triazine type biocide terbutryn: insights from Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU21-7865).
- November 2020: Gilevska, T., Masbou, J., Baumlin, B., & Imfeld, G. (2020). Passive samples (POCIS) in ponds and wetlands to evaluate pesticide degradation using compound-specific isotope analysis. 5th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
- June 2020: Espinoza, M. P., Weill, S., Belfort, B., Lehmann, F., Muller, E. M., Vuilleumier, S., Masbou, J., ... & Imfeld, G. (2020). Reactive transport of dichloromethane in porous media under dynamic hydrogeological conditions: from experiments to modelling (No. EGU2020-21997). EGU conference.
- June 2020: Espinoza, M. P., Weill, S., Belfort, B., Lehmann, F., Masbou, J., Müller, E., ... & Imfeld, G. Reactive transport of dichloromethane in laboratory aquifers: insights from dual-element isotope analysis and biomolecular approaches (No. EGU2020-15103). EGU conference.
- January 2019: Payraudeau, S., Alvarez-Zaldivar, P., van Dijk, P., Masbou, J., & Imfeld, G. Tackling complexity of pesticide persistence and transport at the catchment scale with multi-choice game. EGU conference.
- January 2018: Masbou., J., Drouin, G., Payraudeau, S., Imfeld G., L’utilisation des isotopes (C et N) comme traceur de la degradation des pesticides dans l’environnement.Invited seminar at the ENGEES (“Les jeudis Recherche”)
- June 2017: Masbou, J., Chemical risks assessment: How and Why? Training course at the SERIOR international summer school.
- June 2016: Masbou, J., Point, D., Becker, P., Sonke, J., Identifier les mécanismes de formation/dégradation de la toxine méthyl-mercure dans les océans. Invited seminar LHYGES, Strasbourg
- August 2013 : Masbou, J., Point, D., Becker, P., Sonke, J., Mercury Stable Isotope Fractionation in Alaskan Marine Top Predators. 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) in Edimburgh, Scotland.
- July 2013 : Masbou, J., Point, D., Becker, P., Sonke, J., Mercury Stable Isotope Fractionation in Alaskan Marine Top Predators. 29th International Conference on environmental Geochemistry and Health, Toulouse, France.
- June 2012 : Masbou, J., Point, D., Becker, P., Sonke, J., Mercury stable isotope time trends in cryogenically archived ringed seal livers from the Alaskan Arctic. 22nd Goldschmidt International Conference in Montreal, Canada.
- July 2011 : Masbou, J., Point, D., Becker, P., Sonke, J. Mercury stable isotope fractionation in cryogenically archived ringed seal livers from the Alaskan Arctic. 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Reviewer for international journals
- Analytical Chemistry
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Chemosphere
Name | Formation | Duration | Year | Sujet | Role |
Baptiste Baumlin | Master 2 | 6 months | 2020 | Study of the in situ degradation of micropollutants in water and sediments by isotopic analysis of specific compounds using sensors | Advisor |
Camille Grail | Master 2 | 6 months | 2021 | Development of specific isotope analysis of compounds to trace the degradation of organic micropollutants in surface and groundwater | Advisor |
Yara El Hage | Master 2 | 6 months | 2022 | Developments of extraction techniques based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) for isotopic analyzes of specific compounds | Advisor |
Océane Ramael | Master 2 | 6 months | 2024 | Isotopic tracing of microplastics in seas and oceans | Advisor |
Jakob Popp | PhD | 3 year | 2022-2025 | Study of the reactive transport of microPollutants in Surface Water receiving WWTP effluents: Contribution of multi-elemental isotope analysis coupled with passive sensors | Co-advisor |
Other supervisions
- 2016-2017 : Guillaume Drouin, TFE ENGEES, "Micropollutant dissipation at the water-sediment interface of aquatic ecosystems : combined modelling and laboratory experiments"
- 2016-2017 : Marceau Levasseur, Master 2 Biologie des micro-organismes, Université Strasbourg, "Isotopic fractionation in the biodegradation of acetanilide pesticides under oxic conditions"
- 2011-2012 : Minh Duc Nguyen, Master 1 Eau, Sols et Environnement, Université Toulouse, "Mapping mercury contamination in tuna in the Pacific Ocean"