Research interests

  • Interdisciplinary studies on human-hydrosystem interactions
  • Adaptive strategies of biota and culture to hydrological rhythms/flood pulse/natural flows (River Culture Concept)
  • Restoration ecology, sustainable management and strategic ecosystem conservation, focus on continental hydrosystems and catchments
  • Functional ecology (SIA of foodwebs) and concept development (Floodpulse Concept, Global Mechanisms of organic matter processing, functioning of disturbed ecosystems)
  • Drivers of human motivation/decision-making/action for conservation and wise management
  • Global ecology, North-South comparisons, North-South-South Dialogue (UNESCO Chair, IHP, Global Water Museums Network wamunet)
  • Freshwater biodiversity worldwide, focus on benthic invertebrates

Current research

My current interests focus on the question: how can transdisciplinary research contribute to efficiently save, support, or restore essential inland water ecosystem functions, despite the dramatic, global decline of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity and the conscientious ignorance of these problems by a large part of the human population? The term “efficient” includes in this context (i) a deep understanding of the functioning of biophysical and societal systems (ecology, species traits/stakeholder analyses), (ii) knowledge and development of adequate practices and how to implement them in the given setting (case-study analyses of success and failure in previous projects, eco-strategic management concepts), and (iii) understanding of the human mindscape concerning motivation/decision-making concerning measures that influence ecosystem integrity (eco-psychology).

As EUCOR < > Excellence Chair for “Water and Sustainability”, my task is to build multiple bridges, (i) between the academic institutions in the Upper Rhine Valley, to foster joint research in European and global projects, (ii) develop interdisciplinary lecturing, in the currently developing EUCOR Master Course “Continental Water Sustainability” (CWS), (iii) to co-develop conservation and sustainable management projects together with regional, private and public stakeholders.

These activities focus on four different thematic fields being (a) increasing efficiency in hydrosystem restoration and conservation practice, (b) harmonizing human and nature’s needs in urban hydrosystems, (c) a better understanding of human-hydrosystem-relationships, and (c) finding ecosocial justice in water-related governance (WEFE: Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem nexus)

The EUCOR Chair is hosted by the University of Strasbourg and the Karlsruher Institut für Technology KIT, with a strategic partnership by the French National School on Water and Environmental Engineering ENGEES at Strasbourg. The Chair is financially supported by these schools and EUCOR-The European Campus, by regional authorities (i.a., the Collectivité européenne d'Alsace CEA, the Région Grand-Est, and the Prefecture du Bas-Rhin) and an increasing number of private and industrial partners.


As UNESCO Chair “Fleuves et Patrimoine – River Culture“ <>, I am working for the North-South-South dialogue, i.e., facilitate communication between scientists and students all over the world. This includes lecturing, joint research projects and networking all over the world. Based on the River Culture Concept <>, which serves as a scientific baseline to learn from both, non-human biota and cultural human activities for a harmonious co-existence and sustainable development in riverscapes, I have recently gathered more than 120 researchers in interdisciplinary teams from all over the planet to answer the questions: What are the drivers for biological and cultural diversity in riverscapes, what are the menaces, potential solutions to problems and examples for a successful implementation of sustainable approaches? You can read their answers in the UNESCO book “River Culture – Life as a Dance to the Rhythm of the Waters”  (FREE DOWNLOAD) <>.

For more than 30 years, I have uninterrupted scientific cooperations with Latin American countries, mostly in Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia. As I lived in Mato Grosso, Brazil, for 8 years, I feel deeply connected to my Latin colleagues and friends. Therefore, I am deeply worried about the fast and irrecoverable destruction of rivers, floodplains, savannas and forests, executed locally, but sustained  by greed and commercial incentives coming from the Global North, such as the Hidrovia Project (read: Sustainability is only feasible if the entire planet is considered. For previous projects and studies, please refer to my earlier homepage. <>


since 2023  EUCOR Excellence Chair “Water and Sustainability”, Earth and  Environmental Science Institut at the University of Strasbourg, France & Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Germany

since 2014  UNESCO Chair for “Rivers and Heritage/River Culture”, University of Tours, France (renewed in 2018 and 2022)

since 2010  Full Professor in Aquatic Ecology, Department of Urban and Landscape Planning, PolyTech Tours and Interdisciplinary Research Cluster for Cities, Territories, Environment and Society (CITERES-CNRS UMR 7324), University of Tours, France

2007-2010  Assistant professor, University of Konstanz, build-up of the work group “ATIG – Aquatic-Terrestrial Interactions”

2002-2007  Scientific assistant, University of Konstanz, DFG Collaborative Reseach Center SFB 248 “Littoral Ecology of Lake Constance”

2002            Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute of Limnology, Plön, Germany, and EAWAG - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sciences and Technology, Kastanienbaum, Switzerland

1998-2014  Honorary professor, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Dept. of Lifesciences (MSc. and PhD course in Ecology and Conservation of Biodiversity)

1994-2001 Executive coordinator “Pantanal Ecology Project” (staff: 40) and researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Limnology, Plön

1993-1996  Doctorate research fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Limnology, Plön.

1988-1992 Research assistant, Natural History Museum at Mainz, University of Konstanz, Bundes­anstalt für Gewässerkunde at Koblenz and Max Planck Institute of Limnology, Plön

1985-1987          Civil Service (Environmental education, conservation strategies, excursions, workshops, public relations) at DBV/NABU Naturschutzzentrum Rheinauen, Gaulsheim, Germany

Current and recent research supports

under review: DFG/ANR transboundary project: AQUAtic habitat DYNamics under climate Change (PI: Aude Zingraff-Hamed), 2 PhD studies

upcoming      Post-Doc position hosted at KIT: Interdisciplinary research on urban hydrosystem management in Europe (fall 2024)

upcoming      PhD position hosted at UniStra: Strategic conservation planning in large riverscapes (fall 2024)

2024               EUCOR Fall School in Continental Water Sustainability (1 week, oct 2024, support by the French-German University requested)

2024              PEPR project OneWater PC7: Towards new models of water governance as a '’commons’ (PI: Gwenael Imfeld, CNRS, Strasbourg University): one Post-Doc Position, as of summer 2024

2024               'EUCOR Graduate School in Continental Water Sustainability': one Research Assistant, as of April 2024

2023               Hosting guest researcher Pierre Girard, Federal University of Mato Grosso. Joint work on elaborating a concept on a basin-wide conservation authority for the Paraguay River, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.

since 2022    'EUCOR Master in Continental Water Sustainability': one Research Assistant as of September 2022

since 2022    'Unveiling hidden carbon stocks at risk – wetland ecosystems and peat soils in head­water zones of the Cerrado savannah, Brazil'. PhD Project granted to F. Beer, Böll-Stiftung

since 2021    'Inland navigation infrastructures and biodiversity: impacts and opportunities for waterwayscape management (NAVIDIV) ' financed by FRB/CESAB (French Biodiversity Research foundation) project contribution (PI: JN Beisel, ENGEES Strasbourg)

                        'Geo-histories of the Upper Rhine as a baseline for environmental restoration' and  'Restoration of the Delta of the Sauer near Strasbourg, France', co-supervision of two Post-Doc students (PI: Laurent Schmitt, UMR LIVE, Strasbourg University)

2015-2020    LeStudium International Consortium: Dam removal and ecohydrology (supported by the Loire Valley Institute of Advanced Studies) 4 international workshops

2014-2018    EU-LIFE+-Projekt to re-establish the Giant River Pearl Mussel (M. auricularia) as flagship species for large river management. <;

Teaching, news and public conferences

My lecturing covers basic and advanced aquatic ecology (freshwater and marine), tropical ecology, biodiversity and ecophysiology of freshwater organisms, restoration ecology, global aspects of eco-cybernetics and sustainable management

October 2023:  invited plenary talk (KIT Science Week) on "Water and Sustainability: Transformation or disruption?" see:

Group members

Véronique Marchant: Scientific coordinator in the build-up of the International EUCOR Master Course “Continental Water Sustainability (CWS)”

Bahria Bacha: Scientific coordinator in the build-up of the International EUCOR PhD Network “Continental Water Sustainability (CWS)”

PhD students


Felix Beer: Carbon dynamics and conservation strategies for riparian wetlands in the Brazilian Cerrado (co-supervision with Sebastian van der Linden, Uni Greifswald, Leila Maria Garcia Fonseca, INPE Brazil)

Chaozhong Tan: Urban lake socioecology in China and Europe (Chinese Science Council fellowship)

Raita Bala Maphega: River Culture and options for urban river restoration in Kinshasa, Congo DR

Alvin Vazha: River Culture and options for urban river restoration in Tamil Nadhu, India


2023     Yixin Cao: Urban River Restoration in China and Europe (Chinese Science Council fellowship)

Nicolas Garello: Ecology of invertebrates and impact by macro and microplastic particles in the aquatic-terrestrial transition zone of the Paraná River, Argentina (co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Blettler, Universidad del Valle, Argentina, and Prof. Dr. Rodrigues, University of Tours)

2018      Joaquín Soler: Ecophysiology, biogeography and reproductive biology of the Giant Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Margaritifera auricularia, as scientific baseline for conservation (co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Rafael Araújo, Museo Nacional de Sciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain)

Elie Abrial: Fish habitat hydraulics in subtropical floodplain rivers (co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Amsler, Universidad del Valle, Argentina)

Pauline Hervé: Restoration ecology of forest mires and temporal wetlands in Central France (co-supervision with Dr. Francis Isselin, CNRS, Tours)

2017      Aude Zingraff: Restoration and uses of urban rivers (co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Pauleit, Technische Universität München)

               Clémence Chaudron (Univ. Tours): Interactions entre bords de routes et mosaïques agricoles. Effet du paysage et des modalités de gestion sur la dynamique de la végétation de l’interface routes-champs cultivés (co-supervision with Dr. Francesca di Pietro, CNRS, Tours)

Miguel Saigo (Universidad del Valle Argentina): Stable isotope analysis of aquatic-terrestrial interactions in neotropical floodplains (co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Mercedes Marchese, Universidad del Valle, and INALI-Conicet, Argentina)

Luisa Ordus Vega (Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia): Comparative ecology and carbon dynamics of two tropical seasonal wetlands: the sabanas in Colombia and the Pantanal in Brazil, (co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. K.-O. Rothhaupt, Uni Konstanz)

Luisa Fernanda Ricaurte López (ETH Zürich): GIS based classification of wetland types and development of participative sustainable management schemes of the local biodiversity in Colombian Amazonia, (co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jukka Jokela, ETH Zürich)

John Hesselschwerdt (University Konstanz): Impacts of invasive amphipods on the local fauna and on leaf litter decomposition in the littoral zone of Lake Constance (co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. K.-O. Rothhaupt, Uni Konstanz)

Guillermo Rueda (Universidade L. Tadeu, Bogotá, Colombia): Leaf litter decom­position studies in Amazonian Streams of Colombia (co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Junk, MPIL-Plön)

Christina M. M. Butakka (UFMT, Cuiabá, Brazil): Influence of connectivity on chironomid communities in neotropical floodplain lakes (co-supervisor: Dr. Takeda, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, NUPELIA)

Claudia Fellerhoff (Universität Rostock): Isotope studies on food sources and foodweb relationships in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso (co-supervisors: Dr. Voss, IOW, Warnemünde. and Prof. Dr. Junk, MPIL-Plön)

Post-Doctoral Researchers


Pierre Girard (Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil): Build-up of an International Commission for the Protection of the Paraguay River System

Lucas dos Santos Matos (Federal University de Santa Catarina, Brazil): Systemic analysis on performance evaluation in the WEFE Nexus context

Scientific contribution : recent and selection




Peer-reviewed articles in the past 2019-2024:

Karl M. Wantzen, Mario Luis Assine, Ieda Maria Bortolotto, Debora Fernandes Calheiros, Zilca Campos, Agostinho Carlos Catella, Rafael Morais Chiaravalotti, Walter Collischonn, Eduardo Guimarães Couto, Catia Nunes da Cunha, Geraldo Alves Damasceno-Junior, Carolina Joana da Silva, Adalberto Eberhard, Alexandre Ebert, Daniela Maimoni de Figueiredo, Mario Friedlander, Leticia Couto Garcia, Pierre Girard, Stephen K. Hamilton, Solange Ikeda-Castrillon, Renata Libonati, Reinaldo Lourival, Hudson de Azevedo Macedo, José Marcato Junior, Lucia Mateus, Ronaldo  Gonçalves Morato, Guilherme Mourão, Claumir Cesar Muniz, André Valle Nunes , Marcia Divina de Oliveira, Maxwell da Rosa Oliveria, Ernandes Sobreira Oliveira Junior  , Carlos Roberto Padovani, Jerry Penha, Danilo Bandini Ribeiro, Fabio de Oliveira Roque, Aguinaldo Silva, Balbina Maria Araújo Soriano, Wilson Cabral de Sousa Junior, Walfrido Moraes Tomas, Fernando Rodrigo Tortato, Catia Urbanetz: (2024) The Pantanal menaced by the Hidrovia navigation project: the end of an entire biome? Science of the Total Environment, short communication,

Cao, Y., Chen, W.Y. & Wantzen, K.M. ‘One River, Two Systems’: Hong Kong’s River Management. Environmental Management (2023).

Garello, N. A., Blettler, M., Espínola, L. A., Rodrigues, S., Rimondino, G. N., Wantzen, K. M., Rabuffetti, A. P., Girard, P. & Malanca, F. E. (preprint) Microplastics Distribution in Riverine Side Bars: The Combined Effect of Wind and Current. Preprint Available at SSRN 4312960.

Cao, Yixin, and Wantzen, Karl Matthias (2023). "Exploring Nature-Based Solutions for Urban River Restoration: Insights from China's Sponge City Programme." LET IT GROW, LET US PLAN, LET IT GROW. Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities. Proceedings of REAL CORP 2023, 28th International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning, and Information Society. pp. 269-280.

Cao, Y., Chen, W.Y. & Wantzen, K.M. (2023). Human-river relationships in Chinese cities: evidence from highly educated water museum visitors. Urban Ecosystems.

Wantzen, Karl M.(2023) River Culture: Living with the river, loving the river, taking care of the river. Blue Papers 2 (1): 58-65, doi: 10.58981/bluepapers.2023.1.06

Cao, Y.; Wantzen, K. M. (2023): Understanding public perceptions of the urban riverfront as social-ecological systems: the case of Tours (France) - Comprendre les perceptions du public à l'égard des berges urbaines en tant que systèmes socio-écologiques : le cas de Tours (France), NOROIS 1/2023 n°266

Blettler, Martín CM, Ever Agustini, Elie Abrial, Rubén Piacentini, Nicolás Garello, Karl M Wantzen, Marcelo G Vega, and Luis A Espinola (2023): The challenge of reducing macroplastic pollution: Testing the effectiveness of a river boom under real environmental conditions.  Science of The Total Environment:161941. doi:

Garcia de Leaniz, Carlos,  Karl M. Wantzen, Christian Wolter, Rebecca E. Tharme, Maciej Zalewski, Barbara Belletti (2023): Editorial: Challenges and Benefits of Restoring River Connectivity, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Research Topic "Challenges and Benefits of Restoring River Connectivity".

Yousry, Lina; Cao, Yixin; Marmiroli, Bruno; Guerri, Olivier; Delaunay, Guillaume; Riquet, Olivier; Wantzen, Karl M. (2022): A Socio-Ecological Approach to Conserve and Manage Riverscapes in Designated Areas: Cases of the Loire River Valley and Dordogne Basin, France. Sustainability,

Wantzen, K. M., Piednoir, T., Tan, C. , Cao, Y, Vazha,A., Kari, G. G., Lagerström, M.,  Gerner, N., Sommerhäuser, M. (2022) Back to the surface – a review on daylighting urban streams in Europe and Asia, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Junk, W. J. ; Piedade, M. T. F.; Schöngart, J.; Nunes da Cunha, C.; Goncalves, S. R. A.; Wantzen, K. M., Wittmann, F. (2022): Streams and riparian wetlands in Brazil: extent, hydrology, hydrochemistry, biodiversity, and threats. Hydrobiologia

Boelens, R., A. Escobar, K. Bakker, L. Hommes, E. Swyngedouw, B. Hogenboom, E. H. Huijbens, S. Jackson, J. Vos, L. M. Harris, F. de Castro, K. J. Joy, B. Duarte-Abadía, D. Tubino, H. Lotz-Sisitka, N. Hernández-Mora, J. Martínez-Alier, D. Roca-Servat, T. Perreault, C. Sanchis-Ibor, D. Suhardiman, A. Ulloa, A. Wals, J. Hoogesteger, J. P. Hidalgo-Bastidas, T. Roa-Avendaño, and K. M. Wantzen. (2022): Riverhood: Political ecologies of socio-nature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice. Journal of Peasant Studies. DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2022.2120810. free access:

Wantzen, K. M. (2022): River culture: How socio-ecological linkages to the rhythm of the waters develop, how they are lost, and how they can be regained. The Geographical Journal, 00, 1–16. DOI:, free download:

Chardon, V., Herrault, P. A., Staentzel, C., Skupinski, G., Finance, O., Wantzen, K. M., Schmitt, L. (2022): Using transition matrices to assess the spatio-temporal land cover and ecotone changes in fluvial landscapes from historical planimetric data, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Espínola, L. A., Rabuffetti, A. P., Carrara, N., Abrial, E., Ferlay, E. M. C., Yoya, F., Blettler, M. C. M., Baigún, C., Wantzen, K. M., dos Santos, L. N. (2022): Increased geographical distribution and richness of non-native freshwater fish species in Argentina: evidence from a literature review. Biological Invasions, 1-24.

Garello, N; Blettler, M C. M., Espinola, L.., Wantzen, K. M., González-Fernández, D., Rodrigues, S. (2021): The role of hydrodynamic fluctuations and wind intensity on the distribution of plastic debris in sandy beaches of a large fluvial system (Paraná River, Argentina). Environmental Pollution,

Zingraff-Hamed, A., Bala, R., Bonnefond, M., Bonthoux, S., Cao, Y., Greulich, S., Legay, N., Robert, A., José Serrano, J., Tharme, R., Vazha, A. and Wantzen, K.M. (2021): Human-River Encounter Sites: looking for harmony between humans and nature in cities. Sustainability, 13, 2864

Belletti, B., C. Garcia de Leaniz, J. Jones, S. Bizzi, L. Börger, G. Segura, A. Castelletti, W. van de Bund, K. Aarestrup, J. Barry, K. Belka, A. Berkhuysen, K. Birnie-Gauvin, M. Bussettini, M. Carolli, S. Consuegra, E. Dopico, T. Feierfeil, S. Fernández, P. Fernandez Garrido, E. Garcia-Vazquez, S. Garrido, G. Giannico, P. Gough, N. Jepsen, P. E. Jones, P. Kemp, J. Kerr, J. King, M. Łapińska, G. Lázaro, M. C. Lucas, L. Marcello, P. Martin, P. McGinnity, J. O’Hanley, R. Olivo del Amo, P. Parasiewicz, M. Pusch, G. Rincon, C. Rodriguez, J. Royte, C. T. Schneider, J. S. Tummers, S. Vallesi, A. Vowles, E. Verspoor, H. Wanningen, K. M. Wantzen, L. Wildman, and M. Zalewski (2020): More than one million barriers fragment Europe’s rivers. Nature 588:436-441.

Hervé, P., Tiegs, S., Grellier, S., Wantzen, K.M., Isselin-Nondedieu, F. (2020): Monitoring organic-matter decomposition and environmental drivers in restored vernal pools. Wetlands Ecology and Management. DOI

Blettler, M.C.M., Garello, N., & Wantzen, K.M. (2020): The use of anthropogenic debris as nesting material by an inland-wetland-associated bird of South America. Environmental Science and Pollution Research DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10124-4

Wantzen, K.M., Alves, C.B., Badiane, S.D., Bala, R. M., Blettler M. C. M., Callisto, M., Cao, Y., Kolb, M., Leite, M.F., Macedo, D.R., Mahdi, O., Neves, M., Peralta, E. M., Rotgé, V., Rueda-Delgado, G., Scharager, A., Serra-Llobet, A., Yengué, J. L., Zingraff-Hamed, A., Kondolf, G. M.(2019): Urban stream and wetland restoration in the Global South – a DPSIR analysis. Sustainability 2019, 11, 4975 (48pp); doi:10.3390/su11184975,

Blettler, M.C.M., Garello, N., Ginon, L., Abrial, E., Espinola, L.A. & Wantzen, K.M. (2019): Massive plastic pollution in a mega-river of a developing country: sediment deposition and ingestion by fish (Prochilodus lineatus). Environmental Pollution 255: 113348, doi 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113348

Blettler, M.C.M. & Wantzen, K.M. (2019): Threats Underestimated in Freshwater Plastic Pollution: Mini-Review Water Air Soil Pollut 230: 174,

Soler, J., Boisneau, C., Jugé, P., Richard, N., Guerez. Y., Morisseau, L., Wantzen, K.M. & Araujo, R. (2019): An unexpected host for the endangered Giant Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera auricularia (Spengler, 1793)as a tool against the “native species meltdown” effect. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2019: 1-13,

Soler, J., Wantzen, K.M. & Araujo, R. (2019): Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782): a new potential threat for Margaritifera auricularia (Spengler, 1793) (Unionoida, Margaritiferidae) Freshwater Science, Volume 38, Issue 2,

Book chapters 2019-2024

Keiko Nakamura, Karl M. Wantzen, Joaquin Soler, Ronaldo Sousa, Karl Otto-Nagel, Vincent Prié, David Aldridge, and Manuel Lopes-Lima (submitted) Synopsis of the European Freshwater Mussels: Pseudunio auricularius (Spengler, 1793), the Giant Freshwater Pearl Mussel.

Wolfgang Junk, Florian Wittmann, Jochen Schöngart, Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade, Cátia Nunes da Cunha, Stela Rosa Amaral Gonçalves, Edelin Jean Milien & Karl Matthias Wantzen (in press) Riachos e Áreas Úmidas Ripárias no Brasil: situação do conhecimento científico e recomendações para sua proteção Pages xx-yy in Junk, W. J. & Nunes da Cunha, C. (ed.) Inventario das Áreas Úmidas Brasileiras: Distribuição, ecologia, manejo, ameaças e lacunas de conhecimento Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia em Areas Umidas (INCT-INAU), Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.

Cátia Nunes da Cunha, Ingrid Horák-Terra, Alexandre Christófaro Silva, Ani Cátia Giotto, Chesterton Ulysses Orlando Eugênio, Natália Macedo Ivanauskas, Marco Aurélio Nalon, Márcio Rossi, Eduardo Vieira dos Santos, Alexandre Ebert, Felix Beer, Stela Rosa do Amaral Gonçalves, Erica Cezarine de Arruda, Karl Matthias Wantzen (in press): Ecossistemas Veredas do Brasil - Situação do Conhecimento Científico, Tipologias e Recomendação para sua proteção. Pages xx-yy in Junk, W. J. & Nunes da Cunha, C. (ed.) Inventario das Áreas Úmidas Brasileiras: Distribuição, ecologia, manejo, ameaças e lacunas de conhecimento Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia em Areas Umidas (INCT-INAU), Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.

Wantzen, Karl M., Yzel R. Súarez, Julio C. J. Solórzano, Fernando R. Carvalho, Lucia A. F. Mateus, María Fátima Mereles Haydar, Pierre Girard, Jerry Penha (accepted): Paraguay River Basin, in (Marcos Callisto, Manuel Graca, Douglas Olarte, Jose Mojica, Franco Mello, eds): Rivers of South America, Wiley ISBN 9780128234297

Wantzen K.M., Girard, Pierre; Roque, Fabio O. , Nunes da Cunha, Cátia , Chiaravalloti, Rafael M.; Nunes, André V., Bortolotto, I. M. Guerra, A. , Pauliquevis C. , Friedlander, M., Penha, J.  (2023)The Pantanal – floodplains of the Paraguay River: how long will there be life in the rhythm of the waters? Pages 497-536 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/DYRD7304        

Wantzen K.M., Berton, Jean-Pierre; Boisneau, Catherine; Greulich, Sabine; Marmiroli, Bruno; Rodrigues, Stéphane (2023)The Loire – a cultural and environmental exception in Europe. Pages 699-721 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/VNTD8327

Wantzen K.M.;  Tharme, R.E.; Pypaert, P. (2023):Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters: an analysis of current trends and suggestions to restore River Culture. Pages 1-22 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris, DOI 10.54677/NIGG2511    

Vazhayil, A. & Wantzen K.M. (2023):  Yamuna: A Goddess in Distress. Pages 213-240 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/DJLV9885       

Vazhayil, A. & Wantzen K.M. (2023):  Community-based Conservation Initiatives in India: A Participative Movement driven by River Culture. Pages 241-260 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/GTGJ9247

Cao, Y.& Wantzen K.M. (2023):  The River/Lake Chief System in China: A new policy to improve environmental quality in rivers. Pages 853-874 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/SAQI7606          

Bala, R. M. & Wantzen K.M. (2023):The Congo – the river that makes the heart of Africa beat. Pages 165-189 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/HVGA1067

Berton, JP;  Coulibaly, B. Bala, R. M.,  Wantzen K.M. (2023)Traditional use on the Niger River in Mali: Past knowledge, the current situation and future options. Pages 115-144 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/FERF4661       

Wantzen K.M., Schmitt, L., Wirbelauer, E. (2023)The Rhine – an important biocultural axis for Europe. Pages 561-587 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris DOI 10.54677/KOHD7709

Ikeda- Castrillon, S. K.; Oliveira-Junior, E.S.; Rosetto, O. C., Saito, C. H.; (2022): The Pantanal, a seasonal Neotropical wetland under threat. In: C. Constance (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability, Springer,

Zalewski, M. & Wantzen K.M. (2023)Ecohydrology and River Culture: synergy for the enhancement of river and catchment sustainability. Pages 807-819 In Wantzen K.M. (ed): River Culture – Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters. UNESCO Publishing, Paris, DOI 10.54677/DTUQ3662

Rueda-Delgado, G. & Wantzen, Karl M.; et al. (2022): Benthic communities. In Tockner, K. & Mehner, T. (eds). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd edition. vol. 3, pp. .... Elsevier

Wantzen, Karl M., Beer, Felix; Jungkunst, Hermann F.; Glatzel, Stephan (2022): Carbon Dynamics in Wetlands. In Tockner, K. & Mehner, T. (eds). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd 2nd edition. vol. 3, pp. 169-181. Elsevier

Jähnig, Sonja C.; Dehnhard, Alexandra; Jardine, Tim; Pusch, Martin; Scholz, Mathias; Tharme, Rebecca; Wantzen, Karl M.; Langhans, Simone D. (2022): Ecosystem services of river systems - undervalued, irreplaceable, and at risk. In Tockner, K. & Mehner, T. (eds). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd ed. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences,ISBN 9780124095489,

Wantzen K.M., Uehlinger U., Van der Velde, G., Leuven R. S.E.W., Schmitt, L., Beisel, J.N. (2022): The Rhine River Basin.PPP 331-389 in: Tockner K., Zarfl, C. and Robinson C.T. (eds.) Rivers of Europe 2nd ed. Academic Press, London (ISBN 9780081026120), pp. 333-391

Wantzen, Karl M., Beer, Felix; Jungkunst, Hermann F.; Glatzel, Stephan (2022): Carbon Dynamics in Wetlands. In Tockner, K. & Mehner, T. (eds). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd 2nd edition. vol. 3, pp. 169-181. Elsevier

Parolin, P. and  Wantzen K.M. (2021), Tropische Feuchtgebiete und ihre klimatische Bedeutung am Beispiel des Pantanals In: Lozán J. L., S.-W. Breckle, H. Graßl & D. Kasang (Hrsg.). Warnsignal Klima: Boden & Landnutzung. Pp. 135-142. DOI:10.25592/warnsignal.klima.boden-landnutzung.18Abbildungen, 34 Tabellen & 4 Tafeln. 400 Seiten. ISBN/EAN 978-39820067-58

Moatar, F., Descy, J.-P., Rodrigues, S., Souchon, Y., Floury, M., Grosbois, C., Minaudo, C., Leitao, M., Wantzen, K.M., Bertrand, F. (2021): 5.3. The Loire River basin. In: Tockner K., Zarfl, C. and Robinson C.T. (eds.) Rivers of Europe 2nd ed. Academic Press, London, pp 245-270

Wantzen, K.M. & Rodrigues, S. (2019): Chapter 12.1. Odtworzenie dynamiki środowiska Loary (Francja) z wykorzystaniem ograniczonych zasobów (Resource-limited restoration of habitat dynamics in the Loire River, France), pp. 192-194 in Zalewski, M. (ed.): Ekohydrologia. PWN Wydawnictwo Naukowe SA Publishers, Warszaw, Poland. 262pp. ISBN 978-83-01-20804-2

Schmitt, L., Beisel, J.N., Preusser, F., De Jong, C., Wantzen, K.M., Chardon, V., Staentzel, C., Eschbach, D., Damm, C., Rixhon, G., Salomon, F., Glaser, R., Himmelsbach, I., Meinard, Y., Dumont, S., Hardion, L., Combroux, I., Houssier, J., Rambeau, C., Chapkanski, S., Brackhane, S. (2019): Sustainable Management of the Upper Rhine River and its Alluvial Plain: Lessons from Interdisciplinary Research in France and Germany. Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg.