Agenda Archives

Teba Gil Diaz, KIT

Reactivity and bioaccumulation of rare earth elements and metalloids in contrasting hydrological systems: searching for elemental traits and understanding system behaviour The European Union has identified, among many elements, the rare earth elements (REEs), and several metalloids (i.e., arsenic…

27 janvier 2025
13h 14h
Salle de Réunion

Philippe Danré, ITES

Some interesting features of natural and injection-induced earthquake swarms   Earthquake swarms are a peculiar type of earthquake sequence : instead of exhibiting a clear mainshock and the expected seismicity decay after it, they rather consist in a continuous yet moderate seismicity episode.…

16 janvier 2025
13h 14h
Salle du Conseil

Laurent Louis, Aramco

A clay story: From structural studies to poroelasticity This presentation will confront insights regarding the role of clay as a marker of geological deformation, and how its structure and fabric influence elastic and poroelastic properties used to discover, appraise, produce and/or store fluids in…

17 décembre 2024
13h 14h
Salle du conseil

Anne-Elisabeth Lebatard, CEREGE

Les radionucléides cosmogéniques et leur utilisation en archéologie et paléoanthropologie Depuis les années 90, le nombre des études s’appuyant sur les quantifications rendues possibles par les nucléides cosmogéniques s’est accru de manière quasi exponentielle, du fait essentiellement des…

16 décembre 2024
13h 14h
Salle du conseil

Zongbo Xu, IPGP

Microseism: A Messenger of Earth’s Ocean Environment Ocean activity generates low-frequency seismic waves, known as microseisms, propagating across the world. These waves carry valuable information about their sources (i.e. ocean activity) and the  media they travel through (including crustal…

5 décembre 2024
13h 14h
Salle du Conseil

Pierre Romanet, Geoazur

A perspective on earthquake cycle modelling The modelling of earthquake cycle, including, the stress build up during inter-seismic stage, the nucleation of earthquakes or slow slip events, their propagation and their arrest before building up again the stress, has undergone rapid improvement over…

28 novembre 2024
13h 14h
Salle du Conseil

Gaspard Farge, University of California, Santa Cruz

The perturbing influence of small earthquakes on slow fault slip synchronization Tectonic tremor tracks the repeated slow rupture of certain major plate boundary faults. One of the most perplexing aspects of tremor activity is that some fault segments produce strongly periodic, spatially…

11 mars 2025
13h 14h
Salle du Conseil

Matteo Scarponi, LGL-TPE

Gravimetric and seismological investigations in the Western Alps: targeting outstanding geophysical anomalies across scales The Western Alps (Europe), and the Ivrea-Verbano Zone in particular (IVZ, Piedmont, Italy), constitute one of the best open-air natural laboratories for the study of the…

27 février 2025
13h 14h
Salle du conseil

Adriano Gualandi, Cambridge University

Near-real time Cascadia slow earthquake kinematics and dynamics from GNSS position time series Slow slip events (SSEs) show many similarities with regular earthquakes but are characterised by a much shorter recurrence time (months/years instead of decades/millennia), offering us the possibility…

7 novembre 2024
13h 14h
Salle su conseil

Les ateliers "chapeaux de Bono"

Le 17 octobre de 14h30 à 16h30 nous organisons des ateliers "chapeaux de Bono", outil d'intelligence collective, afin de développer une démarche participative pour une réduction de notre empreinte environnementale tout en améliorant la qualité de vie au travail.  Tout le personnel est…

17 octobre 2024

René Steinmann, GFZ Postdam

Exploring Earth’s Vibrations Using Machine Learning: From Giraffe Footfalls to Volcanic Eruptions Our planet undergoes continuous unrest across a broad spectrum of scales, ranging from the gentle footfalls of giraffes to the immense forces unleashed during volcanic eruptions and megathrust…

17 octobre 2024
13h 14h
Amphi Rothé

Apolline Mariotti, GFZ Postdam

Impact of climatic forcings on landscape evolution: long-term (0-75 ka) and short-term (2016-2021) comparison of denudation dynamics in the Var basin (France) Reconstructing the evolution of denudation rates over time is an important task for quantifying and understanding the impact of climate and…

25 septembre 2024
13h 14h
Salle du conseil

Pic-nic "éco" de l'EOST, le vendredi 14 juin 2024

Les personnels de l'EOST/ITES sont chaleureusement conviés à partager notre petit pic-nic "éco", moment convivial autour du jeu  carbonomètre, du jeu consomètre et de posters sur l'impact carbone de l'alimentation : Vendredi 14 juin à partir de midi  (En extérieur, sous les arbres, en sortant de…

14 juin 2024
12h 14h

Laëtitia Pantobe, IPGP

Identification and modeling of forcings influencing seasonal microseismicity at La Soufrière in Guadeloupe: combining GNSS and hydrological data with M-SSA Volcano-Tectonic (VT) seismicity is commonly recorded prior to magmatic eruptions but not always prior phreatic or hydrothermal eruptions.…

13 juin 2024
13h 14h
Salle du Conseil

Aurélien Mordret, GEUS Denmark

Aperiodic Seismic Arrays The recent discovery of a family of aperiodic monotiles has profoundly impacted the mathematical community, capturing significant attention from specialized and non-specialized audiences. This discovery resolves a long-standing mathematical problem regarding the existence…

11 juin 2024
13h 14h
Salle du conseil

Mohamed Azaroual, ISTO Orléans

O-ZNS Platform: Observatory of mass and heat transfers throughout the continuum “Soil – Vadose Zone – Saturated Zone” of the Beauce aquifer The observatory (O-ZNS platform) aimed to understand the water-rock-biosphere interactions and the mass (water and contaminants) and heat transfers in the…

6 juin 2024
13h 14h
Salle du conseil
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