Laurence Jouniaux, CNRS et Université de Strasbourg, Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg

Articles de rang A et Chapitres d'ouvrages    

Mots-clés: électrofiltration; électrocinétique; propriétés électriques; potentiel zeta; conversions sismo-électrique sismo-magnétique sismo-électromagnétique; roche; sable; calcaires; grès; roches volcaniques; teneur en eau; saturation partielle; mesures expérimentales; dispositif experimental; campagne de terrain; résistivité; déformation; perméabilité.

Key-words: Electrokinetics in Earth Sciences; streaming potential in rocks; electrical properties; zeta potential; water saturation; water content; partial saturation; carbonates; sandstones; sand; volcanic rocks; experimental setup; laboratory experiments; seismo-electric conversion; seismo-magnetic conversion; seismo-electromagnetic conversion; field observation; resistivity; mechanical deformation; permeability.

- Zyserman, F., L. Jouniaux, S. Warden, and S Garambois, Borehole seismoelectric logging using a shear wave source: possible application to CO2 disposal?, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 33, 89-102, 2015

- Allègre V., L. Jouniaux, S., F. Lehmann, P. Sailhac and R. Toussaint, Influence of water pressure dynamics and fluid flow on the streaming potential response for unsaturated conditions, Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 694-712, 2015

- Warden, S., S. Garambois, L. Jouniaux, D. Brito, P. Sailhac and C. Bordes, Seismoelectric wave propagation: numerical modeling in partially saturated media, Geophys. J. Int, 194, 1498-1513, 2013

- Warden, S., S. Garambois, P. Sailhac, L. Jouniaux, and M. Bano, Curvelet-based seismoelectric data processing, Geophys. J. Int, 190, 1533-1550, 2012 [pdf]

- Allègre, V., F. Lehmann, P. Ackerer, L. Jouniaux, and P. Sailhac, A 1-D modelling of streaming potential dependence  on water content during drainage experiment, Geophys. J. Int., 189, 285-295, 2012 [pdf]

- Jouniaux L. and C. Bordes, Frequency-dependent streaming potentials: a review, International J. of Geophysics, vol  2012, ID 648781, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, special issue on Electrokinetics in Earth Sciences, 2012 (open access [pdf]

- Jouniaux L. and T. Ishido, Electrokinetics in Earth Sciences: a tutorial, International J. Geophysics, vol 2012, ID 286107 Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Special Issue on Electrokinetics in Earth Sciences, 2012. (open access ) [pdf]

- Jouniaux, L., Electrokinetic techniques for the determination of hydraulic conductivity, in Hydraulic Conductivity -    Issues, Determination and Applications, Lakshmanan Elango (Ed.), InTech Publisher, ISBN 978-953-307-288-3, 2011 [pdf]

- Strahser, M., L. Jouniaux, P. Sailhac, P.-D. Matthey, and M. Zillmer, Dependence of seismoelectric amplitudes on water content,  Geophys. J. Int., 187, 1378-1392, 2011 [pdf]

-  Allègre, V., L. Jouniaux, F. Lehmann, and P. Sailhac, Reply to the comment on Streaming potential dependence on water-content in Fontainebleau sand, GJI by A. Revil and N. Linde, Geophys. J. Int., 186, 115-117, 2011 [pdf]

- Allègre, V., L. Jouniaux, F. Lehmann, and P. Sailhac, Streaming potential dependence on water-content in Fontainebleau sand, Geophysical J. Int., 182, 1248-1266, 2010. [pdf]

- Jouniaux, L., A. Maineult, V. Naudet, M. Pessel, and P. Sailhac, Reply to the comment by A. Revil on Review of self-potential methods in hydrogeophysics, by L. Jouniaux et al. [C. R. Geoscience, 341 (2009) 928-936], C. R. Geoscience, 342(10), 810-813, 2010 [pdf]

- Jouniaux, L., A. Maineult, V. Naudet, M. Pessel, and P. Sailhac, Review of self-potential methods in hydrogeophysics, C. R. Geoscience, 341, 928-936, doi:10.1016/j.crte.2009.08.008, 2009 [pdf]

- Bordes, C., L. Jouniaux, S. Garambois, M. Dietrich, J.-P. Pozzi, and S. Gaffet, Evidence of the theoretically predicted seismo-magnetic conversion, G.J.I., 174, issue 2, 489-504, 2008 [pdf]

- J. Schmittbuhl, A. Steyer, L. Jouniaux, and R. Toussaint, Fracture morphology and viscous transport, Int J Rock Mech Mining Sci., doi:10.1016/j.ijmms.2007.07.007, 2007.    

- Maineult, A., Jouniaux, L., and Y. Bernabé, Influence of the mineralogical composition on the self-potential response to advection of KCl concentration fronts through sand, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L24311, doi:10.1029/2006GL028048, 2006 [pdf]

- Jouniaux, L., M. Zamora, and T. Reuschlé, Electrical conductivity evolution of non-saturated carbonate rocks during deformation up to failure,  Geophys. J. Int., 167, 1017-1026, 2006 [pdf]

- Guichet, X., L. Jouniaux, and N. Catel, Modification of streaming potential by precipitation of calcite in a sand-water system: laboratory measurements in the pH range from 4 to 12, Geophysical J. Int., 166, 445-460, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02922.x, 2006 [pdf]

- Bordes, C., Jouniaux, L., Dietrich, M., Pozzi, J.-P., and S. Garambois, First Laboratory measurements of seismo-magnetic conversions in fluid-filled Fontainebleau sand, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 33, No. 1, L01302, 10.1029/2005GL024582, 2006 [pdf]

- Bourlange, S., Jouniaux, L., and Henry, P., 2004. Data report: Permeability, compressibility, and friction coefficient measurements under confining pressure and strain, Leg 190, Nankai Trough. In Mikada, H., Moore, G.F., Taira, A., Becker, K., Moore, J.C., and Klaus, A. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 190/196, 1–16- [pdf]

- Lei, X.-L., K. Masuda, O. Nishizawa, L. Jouniaux, L. Liu, W. Ma, T. Satoh, K. Kusunose, Detailed analysis of acoustic emission activity during catastrophic fracture of faults in rock, Jou. Struct. Geol., 26, 247-258, 2004.

- Guichet, X., L. Jouniaux, and J.P. Pozzi, Streaming potential of a sand in partial saturations conditions, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 2141, 2003 [pdf]

- Henry, P., L. Jouniaux, E.J. Screaton, S. Hunze, and D. M. Saffer, Anisotropy of electrical conductivity record of initial strain at the toe of the Nankai accretionary wedge, J.Geophys.Res.,108(B9), 2407, ETG 2-1 - 2-12,  doi:10.1029/2002JB002287, 2003.[pdf]

- Pinettes, P., Bernard, P., Cornet, F., Hovhannissian, G., Jouniaux, L., Pozzi, J.-P., and V. Barthès, On the difficulty of detecting streaming potentials generated at depth, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 159, 2629-2657, 2002 [pdf]

- Doussan, C., Jouniaux, L., and J.-L. Thony, Variations of self-potential and unsaturated water flow with time in sandy loam and clay loam soils, J. of Hydrology, 267, 3/4, 173-185, 2002.[pdf]

- Fontaine F., Rabinowicz, M., Boulègue J., and Jouniaux L., Constraints on hydrothermal processes on basaltic edifices: Inferences on the conditions leading to hydrovolcanic eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island, Indian Ocean, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 200, 1-14, 2002.[pdf]

- Reppert, P.M., F.D. Morgan, D. Lesmes, and L. Jouniaux, Frequency dependent streaming potentials, J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 234, 194-203, 2001.[pdf]

- Jouniaux, L., Masuda, K., Lei, X., Nishizawa, O., Kusunose, K., Liu,L., and W. Ma, Comparison of the microfracture localization in granite between fracturation and slip of a pre-existing macroscopic healed joint by acoustic emission measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8687-8698, 2001.[pdf]

- Jouniaux, L., Bernard, M.-L., Zamora, M., and J.-P. Pozzi, Streaming potential in volcanic rocks from Mount Pelee,  J. Geophys. Res., 105, 8391-8401, 2000.[pdf]

- Jouniaux, L., Bernard, M.-L., Pozzi, J.-P., and M. Zamora, Electrokinetic in rocks : Laboratory measurements in sandstone and volcanic samples, Phys. Chem. Earth, special issue on electrokinetics, 25, 329-332, 2000.

- Jouniaux, L., J.-P. Pozzi, J. Berthier. and P. Massé, Detection of fluid flow variations at the Nankai Trough by electric and magnetic measurements in boreholes or at the seafloor, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 29293-29309, 1999.[pdf]

- Liu, L., Ma, S., Ma, J., Lei, X., Kusunose, K., Nishizawa, O., and L. Jouniaux, Temporal and spatial distribution of microfractures in granites of different structures under triaxial compression and its significance in seismology, Chinese Science Bulletin, 44, 1321-1324, 1999.

- Liu, L., Ma, S., Ma, J., Lei, X., Kusunose, K., Nishizawa, O., and L. Jouniaux, effect of rock structure on statistic characteristics of acoustic emissions, Seismology and Geology, 21, 377-386, 1999.

- Jouniaux L. and Pozzi J.P., Streaming potential measurements in laboratory: a precursory measurement of the rupture and Anomalous 0.1-0.5 Hz measurements under geochemical changes, in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes, Ed. M. Hayakawa,Terra Scientific Publishing, 873-880, 1999

- Masuda, K., Jouniaux, L., Nishizawa, O., Lei, X., Liu, L., Ma, W., Satoh, T. And K. Kusunose, Fracture planes observed with X-ray CT images and AE hypocenter distribution, Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, 48, 469-473, 1997.

- Jouniaux, L. and Pozzi J.-P., Anomalous 0.1-0.5 Hz streaming potential measurements under geochemical changes: Consequences for electrotelluric precursors to earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 15335-15343, 1997.[pdf]

- Perrier, F., Petiau, G., Clerc, G., Bogorodsky, V., Choquier, A., Erkul, E., Jouniaux, L., Lesmes, D., Macnae, J., Marquis, P., Meunier, J.M., Nascimento, D., Oettinger, G., Schwarz, G., Toh, H., Valiant, M.J., Vozoff, K. and Yazici-Cakin, O., A one year systematic study of electrodes for long period measurements of the electric field in geophysical environments, J. Geomag. Geoelec., 49, 1677-1697, 1997.

- Jouniaux, L., Dubet, L., Zamora, M. and Morat, P., Physical properties of limestone from the quarry of Meriel, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.322, série IIa, 361-367, 1996.

- Jouniaux L. and Pozzi J.-P., Permeability dependence of streaming potential in rocks for various fluid conductivities, Geophys. Res. Letters., 22, 485-488, 1995 [pdf]

- Jouniaux L. and Pozzi J.-P., Streaming potential and permeability on saturated sandstones under triaxial stress : consequences for electrotelluric anomalies prior to earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 10197-10209, 1995 [pdf].

- Jouniaux L. and Pozzi J.-P., Détection de la localisation dans les roches par mesures électriques, dans Études en mécanique des matériaux et des structures, Tome 2, Ed. Hermès, 153-156, 1995.

- Jouniaux L. and Pozzi J.-P., Mesures électriques liées à la déformation et aux circulations de fluide, dans Études en mécanique des matériaux et des structures, Tome 3, Ed. Hermès, 205-210, 1995

- Jouniaux L., Lallemant S., and Pozzi J.-P., Changes in the permeability, streaming potential and resistivity of a claystone from the Nankai prism under stress,  Geophys. Res. Letters, 21, 149-152, 1994.[pdf]

- Pozzi J.-P., et Jouniaux L., Effets électriques des circulations de fluides dans les roches sédimentaires et prévision sismique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, série II, t. 318, issue 1, 73-77, 1994.

- Jouniaux L., Pozzi, J.-P., Brochot, M., et C. Philippe, Variation de résistivité sous contrainte triaxiale dans des grès de Fontainebleau saturés, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 315, Série II, 1493-1499, 1992.


Suite à interview, publication d’un article de vulgarisation : «Pas un bruit, on scrute la terre» dans le magasine ulp.sciences, avril 2005, n°19, p.19, 2005 [pdf]