Doctorante / PhD Student
Beginning and end of thesis:
September 2023 - July 2026
- Mathieu SCHUSTER, EOST-ITES, University of Strasbourg – FRANCE
- Guilherme BOZETTI, EOST-ITES, University of Strasbourg - FRANCE
- Jean François GHIENNE, EOST-ITES, University of Strasbourg - FRANCE
Subject description:
Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein Formation
The Buntsandstein Formation consists of thick Triassic siliciclastic deposits that occur widely in the Germanic and Paris Basins. The Vosges Mountains and the Upper Rhine Graben make it possible to study this unit in extensive outcrops and in the subsurface by using core samples. The combination of these methods favors the interpretation of a depositional model and enables a better understanding of the sedimentological and stratigraphic conditions in the subsurface geothermal reservoir.
The doctoral project aims to reconstruct the temporal and spatial evolution of the Grès Vosgien and Conglomérat Principal (Middle Buntsandstein, Lower Triassic) and understand the relationship between depositional environments and the geothermal reservoir.
Research interests:
Sedimentology; Stratigraphy; Fluvial systems; Fluvial-eolian interaction; Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate reconstruction.
- Knobelock, G.M.N. (2023): Evolução paleoambiental da Formação Juruá (Bacia do Solimões) e sua relação com eventos tectônicos e climáticos do Gondwana [Paleoenvironmental evolution of the Juruá Formation (Solimões Basin) and the relation to tectonic and climatic events in Gondwana]. Master thesis. Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 111 pp.
- Knobelock, G.M.N. (2021):Análise tectono-estratigráfica dos fragmentos Apati e Boici da Bacia do Camaquã, RS [Tectonostratigraphic analysis of the Apati and Boici fragments of the Camaquã Basin, RS]. Graduation thesis. Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 95 pp.