52) Sauter D., J.C. Ringenbach, M. Cannat, T. Maurin, G. Manatschal, K.G. McDermott, 2018, Intraplate deformation of oceanic crust in the West Somali basin; insights from long offset seismic reflection data. In press at Tectonics
51) Nirrengarten M., G. Manatschal, J. Tugend, N. Kusznir and D. Sauter, 2018, Kinematic evolution of the southern North Atlantic: implications for the formation of hyper-extended rift systems, Tectonics, 37(1), 89-118, doi: 10.1002/2017tc004495.
50) Sauter D., J. Tugend, M. Gillard, M. Nirrengarten, J. Autin, G. Manatschal, M. Cannat, S. Leroy, M. Schaming, 2018, Oceanic basement roughness at magma-poor rifted passive margins: insight into initial seafloor spreading after lithospheric breakup. Geophysical Journal International, 212, 900–915, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx439
49) Gillard, M., D. Sauter, J. Tugend, S. Tomasi, M.-E. Epin, and G. Manatschal, 2017, Birth of an oceanic spreading center at a magma-poor rift system, Scientific Reports, 7(1), 15072, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15522-2
48) Karpoff, A.M., D. Sauter, M. Cannat, M. Ulrich, G. Manatschal, 2017, Fe-Si oxides tracing the ongoing low-T° hydrothermal alteration of exhumed serpentinites at the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17C, 280-283. doi: 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.055
47) Nirrengarten, M., Manatschal, G., Tugend, J., Kusznir, N.J., and Sauter, D., 2017, Nature and origin of the J-magnetic anomaly offshore Iberia–Newfoundland: implications for plate reconstructions, Terra Nova, v. 29, p. 20-28. doi:10.1111/ter.12240
46) Stanton N., Manatschal G., Sauter D., Maia M., Autin J., Viana A., 2016, Geophysical fingerprints of hyper-extended, exhumed and embryonic oceanic domains: the example from the Iberia-Newfoundland rifted margins, Mar. Geophys. Res., 37(3), 185-205, doi:10.1007/s11001-016-9277-0
45) Sauter D., Unternehr P., Manatschal G., Tugend J., Cannat M., Le Quellec P., Kusznir N., Munschy M., Leroy S., Mercier de Lepinay J., Granath J.W. and Horn B.W., 2016, Evidence for magma entrapment below oceanic crust from deep seismic reflections in the western Somali basin, Geology, 44(6), p. 407-410, doi:10.1130/g37747.1.
44) DeMets C., Merkouriev S., Sauter D., High resolution estimates of Southwest Indian Ridge plate motions, 20 Ma to present. Geophys. J. Int., 203, p. 1495-1527, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv366
43) Gillard, M., Autin, J., Manatschal, G., Sauter, D., Munschy, M., and Schaming, M., 2015, Tectono-magmatic evolution of the final stages of rifting along the deep conjugate Australian-Antarctic magma-poor rifted margins: constraints from seismic observations: Tectonics, v. 34, p. 2015TC003850, doi: 10.1002/2015TC003850
42) Niu X., Ruan A., Li J., Minshull T. A., Sauter D., Wu Z., Qiu X., Zhao M., Chen Y.J., Singh S., Along-axis variation in crustal thickness at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (50°E) from a wide-angle seismic experiment, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 16, 468-485, doi:10.1002/2014gc005645
41) Bronner A., Sauter D., Munschy M., Carlut J., Manatschal G., Searle R., Cannat M., 2014, Magnetic signature of large exhumed mantle domains of the Southwest Indian Ridge, results from deep-tow geophysical survey above the 0 to 11 Ma seafloor. Solid Earth, 5(1), 339-354. www.solid-earth.net/5/339/2014/. doi:10.5194/se-5-339-2014
40) Zhao M-H, Qiu X-L, Li J-B, Sauter D., Ruan A-G., Chen J., Cannat M., Singh S., Zhang J-Z, , Wu Z-L, Niu X-G, 2013, Three-dimensional seismic structure of the Dragon Flag oceanic core complex at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (49°39′E). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.14, 4544-4563, doi:10.1002/ggge.20264
39) Sauter D., M. Cannat, S. Rouméjon, M. Andreani, D. Birot, A. Bronner, D. Brunelli, J. Carlut, A. Delacour, V. Guyader, C. MacLeod, G. Manatschal, V. Mendel, B. Ménez, V. Pasini, E. Ruellan, R. Searle, 2013, Continuous exhumation of mantle derived-rocks at the Southwest Indian Ridge for 11 million years. Nature Geoscience, 6(4), 314-320, doi: 10.1038/NGEO1771.
38) Bronner A., M. Munschy, D. Sauter, J. Carlut, R. Searle, A. Maineult, 2013, Three components deep-tow magnetic measurement: solutions for calibration and preliminary interpretation. Geophysics, 78(3), J15-J23, doi:10.1190/geo2012-0214.1.
Mendel V., D. Sauter, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, P. Patriat, F. Lefebvre and L.M. Parson, 2012, Magmato-Tectonic Cyclicity at the Ultra-Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence from Variations of Axial Volcanic Ridge Morphology and Abyssal Hills Pattern. Translated World Seismology, 3, 59-80, article initialement paru à Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. en 2003 et traduit en chinois.
37) Bronner A., D. Sauter, G. Manatschal, G. Péron-Pinvidic and M. Munschy, 2012, Reply to comment by B. Tucholke and J.C. Sibuet on “Magmatic breakup as an explanation for magnetic anomalies at magma-poor rifted margins”. Nature Geoscience, 5(10), p.677.
36)Sloan H., D. Sauter, J. Goff and M. Cannat, Abyssal Hills characterization at the Ultra-slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13(1), Q0AE06, 15 pp., doi:10.1029/2011GC003850
35) Bronner A., D. Sauter, G. Manatschal, G. Péron-Pinvidic and M. Munschy, 2011, Magmatic breakup as an explanation for magnetic anomalies at magma-poor rifted margins. Nature Geoscience, 4(8), 549 – 553, doi:10.1038/ngeo1201
34) Sauter D., H. Sloan, M. Cannat, J. Goff, P. Patriat, M. Schaming and W. Roest, 2011, From slow to ultra-slow: How does spreading rate affect seafloor roughness and crustal thickness? Geology;39 (10) 907-910, doi: 10.1130/G32028.1
33) Manatschal G., D. Sauter, A.M. Karpoff, E. Massini, G. Mohn and Y Lagabrielle, 2011, The Chenaillet Ophiolite in the French/Italian Alps: an ancient analogue for an Oceanic Core Complex? Lithos, .124(3-4), 169-184, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.10.017
32) Sauter D. and Cannat M., 2010, The ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, in “Diversity of hydrothermal activity at slow and ultra-slow spreading ridges” (eds Rona P. et al.), Geophysical Monograph Series, AGU, vol 188, 153-173.
31) Cannat M., D. Sauter, J. Escartin, L. Lavier and S. Picazo, 2009, Oceanic corrugated surfaces and the strength of the axial lithosphere at slow spreading ridges, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 288, 174-183.
30) Sauter D., Cannat M., Meyzen C., Bezos A., Patriat P., Humler E. and Debayle E., 2009, Propagation of a melting anomaly along the ultra-slow Southwest Indian Ridge between 46°E and 52°20’E: interaction with the Crozet hot-spot? Geophys. J. Int., 179(2), 687-699.
29) Cannat M., Manatschal G., Sauter D. and Peron-Pinvidic G., 2009, Assessing the conditions of continental breakup at magma-poor rifted margins: what can we learn from slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges? C. R. Geoscience, 341(5), 406-427.
28) Sauter D., Cannat M. and Mendel V., 2008, Magnetization of 0-26.5 Ma seafloor at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge 61-67°E. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 9, Q04023, doi:10.1029/2007GC001764.
27) Cannat M., Sauter D., Bezos A., Meyzen C., Humler E. and Le Rigoleur M., 2008, Spreading rate, spreading obliquity, and melt supply at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian ridge. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 9(4), Q04002, doi:10.1029/2007GC001676.
26) Patriat P., Sloan H. and Sauter D., 2008, From slow to ultra-slow: A previously undetected event at the Southwest Indian Ridge at ~24Ma. Geology, 36(3), 207-210.
25) Cannat, M., Sauter, D., Mendel, V., Ruellan, E., Okino, K., Escartin, J., Combier, V. and M. Baala, 2006, Modes of seafloor generation at a melt-poor ultra-slow-spreading ridge, Geology, 34(7), 605-608.
24) Gomez O., Briais A., Sauter D. and Mendel V., 2006, Tectonics at the axis of the very slow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Insights from TOBI sidescan sonar imagery. Geochem. Geophys., Geosyst., 7, Q05K12, doi:10.1029/2005GC000955.
23) Bernard A., M. Munschy, Y. Rotstein, and D. Sauter, 2005, Refined spreading history at the Southwest Indian Ridge for the last 92 Ma, with the aid of satellite gravity data. Geophys. J. Int., 162(3), 765-778.
22) Murton B.J., A.G. Tindle, J.A. Milton and D. Sauter, 2005, Heterogeneity in southern Central Indian Ridge MORB: implications for ridge-hot spot interaction., Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 6(3), Q03E20, doi:10.1029/2004GC000798.
21) Mendel V., M. Munschy, and D. Sauter, 2005, MODMAG, a MATLAB program to model marine magnetic anomalies. Computers and Geosciences, 31(5), 589-597.
20) Sauter D., V. Mendel, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, L. M. Parson, H. Fujimoto, C. Mével, M. Cannat and K. Tamaki, 2004, Focused Magmatism versus Amagmatic spreading along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge. Evidence from TOBI sidescan sonar imagery. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 5 (10), Q10K09, doi 10.1029/2004GC000738.
19) Sauter D., H. Carton, V. Mendel, M. Munschy, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, J.J. Schott and H. Whitechurch, 2004, Ridge segmentation and the magnetic structure of the Southwest Indian Ridge (at 50°30'E, 55°30'E and 66°20'E): Implications for magmatic processes at ultraslow-spreading centers. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 5(5), Q05K08, doi:10.1029/2003GC000581.
18) Mendel V., D. Sauter, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, P. Patriat, F. Lefebvre and L.M. Parson, 2003, Magmato-Tectonic Cyclicity at the Ultra-Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence from Variations of Axial Volcanic Ridge Morphology and Abyssal Hills Pattern. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4(5), 9102, doi:10.1029/2002GC000417.
17) Sauter D., L.M Parson, V. Mendel, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, O. Gomez, A. Briais, C. Mével, K. Tamaki and the FUJI scientific team, 2002, TOBI Sidescan Sonar Imagery of the Very Slow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence for Along-Axis Magma Distribution. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 199, 81-95.
16) Sauter D., P. Patriat, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, M. Cannat, A. Briais, and the Gallieni Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001, The Southwest Indian Ridge between 49°15’E and 57°E: focused accretion and magma redistribution. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 192, 303-317.
15) Mendel V., Sauter D., Patriat P. and Munschy M., 2000, Relationship of the Central Indian Ridge segmentation with the evolution of the Rodrigues triple junction for the past 8 Myr. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 16563-16575.
14) Cannat M., Rommevaux-JestinC., Sauter D., Deplus C. and Mendel V., 1999, Formation of the axial relief at the very slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (49˚-69˚E). J. Geophys. Res., 104, 22825-22843.
13) German, C.R., Baker, E.T., Mével, C. and Tamaki, K. and the FUJI Scientific team (dont D. Sauter), 1998, Hydrothermal activity along the South West Indian Ridge. Nature, 395, p.490-493.
12) Mendel V., and Sauter D., 1997, Seamount volcanism at the super slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge between 57˚E and 70˚E. Geology, 25, p. 99-102.
11) Mendel V., Sauter D., Parson L.M. and Vanney J.R., 1997, Segmentation and morphotectonic variations along an ultra-slow spreading center: the South-West Indian Ridge (57˚E-70˚E). Mar. Geophys. Res., 19, p. 503-533.
10) Parson, L.M, Sauter D., Mendel, V., Patriat P. and Searle R., 1997, Evolution of the axial geometry of the South-West Indian Ridge between the Melville fracture zone and the Indian Ocean Triple Junction - Implications for segmentation on very slow-spreading ridges. Mar. Geophys. Res., p. 535-552.
9) Patriat P., Sauter D., Munschy M. and Parson L.M., 1997, A survey of the South-West Indian Ridge between the Atlantis II fracture zone and the Indian Ocean Triple Junction: regional setting and large scale segmentation. Mar. Geophys. Res., 19, p. 457-480.
8) Sauter D. and Mendel V., 1997, Variations of backscatter strength along the super slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge between 57˚E and 70˚E. Marine Geology, 140, p. 237-248.
7) Sauter D., Mendel V., Rommevaux-JestinC., Patriat P. and Munschy M., 1997, Propagation of the South-West Indian Ridge at the Rodrigues triple junction. Mar. Geophys. Res., 19, p. 553-567.
Avant 1996
6) Sauter D., Whitechurch H., Nafziger J.M., and Munschy M., 1996, Segmentation and morphotectonic variations of the Central Indian Ridge between 21˚10'S and 22˚25'S. J. Geophys Res., 101, B9, p. 20233-20256.
5) Sauter D., and Parson L.M., 1994, Spatial filtering for speckle reduction, contrast enhancement and texture analysis of GLORIA images. IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 19, p.563-576.
4) Sauter D., Whitechurch H., Munschy M. and Humler E., 1991, Periodicity in the accretion process on the Southeast Indian Ridge at 27˚40'S. Tectonophysics, 195, p. 47-64.
3) Humler E., Sauter D., Munschy M., Whitechurch H., Schlich R. et Ruhland M., 1988, Etude d'une image Seabeam de la dorsale est-indienne à 27˚40'S (océan Indien). 2. Interprétation préliminaire. Sci. Geol., Bull., 41, 2, p. 219-232.
2) Sauter D., Humler E., Munschy M., Whitechurch H., Schlich R. et Ruhland M., 1988, Etude d'une image Seabeam de la dorsale est-indienne à 27˚40'S (océan Indien). 1. Traitement et analyse de l'image. Sci. Geol., Bull., 41, 2, p. 207-217.
1) Sauter D., Mawhin B., Froesch A., De Fraipont P. et Ruhland M. 1988, Mise en évidence d'une maille tectonique par autocorrélation d'image. Sci. Geol., Bull., 41, 2, p. 193-205.