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Meghraoui, M., A. Harbi and H. M. Hussein, 2014, Preface to the special issue “Seismotectonics and Seismic hazards in North Africa”, J Seismol. 18, 2, 203-204, DOI 10.1007/s10950-014-9424-5.

Cetin, E., Z. Cakir, M. Meghraoui, S. Ergintav and A. M. Akoglu, 2014, Extent and distribution of seismic slip on the Ismetpaşa segment of the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) from Persistent scatterer InSAR, G-Cubed - Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 15, 7, 2733 - 3106, July 2014, DOI:10.1002/2014GC005307.

Cakir, Z., S. Ergintav, A. M. Akoğlu, R. Çakmak, O. Tatar, and M. Meghraoui, 2014, InSAR velocity field across the North Anatolian Fault (E. Turkey): Implications for loading and release of interseismic strain accumulation, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JB011360.

Meghraoui, M., and K. Atakan, 2014, The contribution of paleoseismology to earthquake hazard evaluations, in Earthquake hazard, risk and disasters, book edited by M. Wyss, Chapter 10, 237-271, Elsevier, London.

Meghraoui, M. Paleoseismic History of the Dead Sea Fault Zone. In Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering. 2015.

Shipton, Z. K., M. Meghraoui and L. Monro, 2016, Seismic slip on the west flank of the Upper Rhine Graben (France-Germany): Evidence from tectonic morphology and cataclastic deformation bands, Geol. Soc. London, Special Publication, Eds. Landgraf, A., Kuebler, S., Hintersberger, E. & Stein, S. (eds) Seismicity, Fault Rupture and Earthquake Hazards in Slowly Deforming Regions. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 432,

Meghraoui, M., P. Amponsah, A. Ayadi, A. Ayele, B. Ateba, A. Bensuleman, D. Delvaux; M. El Gabry, R.-M. Fernandes, V. Midzi, M. Roos, Y. Timoulali, 2016, The Seismotectonic Map of Africa, Episodes Vol. 39, no. 1, DOI:10.18814/epiiugs/2016/v39i1/89232

Meghraoui, M., P. Amponsah, A. Ayadi, A. Ayele, B. Ateba, A. Bensuleman, D. Delvaux, M. El Gabry, R. Fernandes, V. Midzi, M. Roos and Y. Timoulali (2016). Seismotectonic Map of Africa, Scale 1: 10 000 000, Commission for the Geological Map of the World, 1st Edition 2016, (Available:

Kariche, J., M. Meghraoui,  A. Ayadi and M. S. Boughacha, 2017, Stress change and fault interaction from a two century-long earthquake sequence  in the central Tell Atlas (Algeria), Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., Vol. 107, No. 6, pp. 2624–2635, December 2017, doi: 10.1785/0120170041.

Kariche, J., M. Meghraoui, Y. Timoulali, E. Cetin, and R. Toussaint, 2018, The Al Hoceima earthquake sequence of 1994, 2004 and  2016: Stress transfer and poro-elasticity in the Rif and Alboran Sea region, Geophys. J. Int. (2018) 212, 42–53, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx385

Soumaya, A., N. Ben Ayed, M. Rajabi, M. Meghraoui, D. Delvaux, et al.. 2018. Active Faulting Geometry and Stress Pattern Near Complex Strike‐Slip Systems Along the Maghreb Region: Constraints on Active Convergence in the Western Mediterranean. Tectonics, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 37 (9), pp.3148–3173.

Kharrat, S., A. Harbi, M. Meghraoui and S. Bouaziz, The Tunisian Homogenized Macroseismic Database (Second Century to 1981): First Investigations. Seismological Research Letters (2018) 90 (1): 347-357., 2018.

Salama, S., M. Meghraoui, M. El Gabry, S. Maouche, M. H. Hussein, and I. Korrat, 2018, Paleotsunami deposits along the coast of Egypt correlate with historical earthquake records of eastern Mediterranean, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2203–2219,

Dikbaş, A., H. Serdar Akyü, M. Meghraoui, M. Ferry, E. Altunel, C. Zabcı, R. Langridge, C. Ç. Yalçıner, 2018, Paleoseismic history and slip rate along the Sapanca-Akyazı segment of the 1999 İzmit earthquake rupture (Mw=7.4) of the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey), Tectonophysics 738–739 (2018) 92–111,

Meghraoui, M., 2018. Earthquake faulting and their implications for the seismic hazard assessment along the plate boundary in north Africa. In: Kallel, A. (Ed.), Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation,

Meghraoui, M., P. Amponsah, P. Bernard and B. Ateba, 2019, Active Transform Faults in the Gulf of Guinea: Insights from geophysical data and implications for the seismic hazard, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 56: 1398–1408 (2019)

Nemer, T., and Meghraoui, M., 2020. A non-active fault within an active restraining bend: The case of the Hasbaya fault, Lebanon, J. Struct. Geol. 136,

Bahrouni, N., Masson, F., Meghraoui, M. et al., 2020. Active Tectonics and GPS data analysis of the Maghrebian Thrust Belt and Africa-Eurasia plate convergence in Tunisia, Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2020, DOI.10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228440⟩

Bahrouni, N., Meghraoui, M. , Hinzen, K., Arfaoui, M., Mahfoud, F. 2020. The damaging earthquake of 9 October 859 in Kairouan (Tunisia): Evidence from historical and archeoseismic investigations, Seismological Research Letters, 2020, DOI.10.1785/0220190258⟩

Henrion, E., Masson, F., Doubre, C., Ulrich, P., Meghraoui, M., 2020. Present-day deformation in the Upper Rhine Graben from GNSS data, Geophysical Journal International 223, 599–611, DOI.10.1093/gji/ggaa320

Meghraoui, M., Hinzen, K., & Malik, J., 2021, Paleoseismology, Archeoseismology and Paleotsunami Studies, Encyclopedia of Geology (2nd Edition), Eds.Scott Elias & David Alderton, ISBN: 9780081029084, Academic Press, 636 - 655.

Gasperini, L., Stucchi, M., Cedro, V., Meghraoui, M., Ucarkus, G., Polonia, A., 2021. Active fault segments along the North Anatolian Fault system in the Sea of Marmara: implication for seismic hazard. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews.

Meghraoui, M., Toussaint, R., Aksoy, E., 2021, The slip deficit on the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) in the Marmara Sea: insights from paleoseismicity, seismicity and geodetic data, Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews,

Meghraoui, M., Yıldırım, C., Zabcı, C., Akyüz, S., Ergintav, S., 2021, The 20th anniversary of the Eastern Marmara Earthquakes: active tectonics of continental strike‑slip faults, Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews,

Bagdi-Issaad, S., Meghraoui, M., Nedjari, A., 2021, Active folding in the Tenes region (Tell Atlas, Algeria): modelling the 1922 earthquake fault-related fold (Mw 6.2), J Seismol.,


Invited lectures

Meghraoui M., Structural control and multi-segment ruptures along main continenetal faults in the Middle East: Implications for earthquake recurrence, Hokudan International Symposium on Active Faulting 2005, Japan Geological Survey, Hokudan, January 17 – 24, 2005.

Meghraoui, M., Large Continental Faults and Earthquake Sequences in the Eastern Mediterranean: Their scars and aftermath throughout civilization. US Geol. Survey Menlo Park, 12 juillet 2006

Meghraoui, M., Déformation active et rupture sismique : Paléosismologie des failles continentales majeures, Colloque INSU-CNRS de prospective  - 3F, Oléron, les 17-19 octobre 2006.

Meghraoui, M., Large Continental Earthquakes and Active Deformation : GPS / Geological Rates, China Earthquake Administration, Wuhan Institute of Seismology, 2 Février 2007.

Meghraoui, M., Earthquake clustering along major continental faults: The influence of Strain pattern and geometrical complexities on rupture propagation, Invited presentation, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-11485; Geophys. Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, Avril 2007. Vienne (Autriche).