Agenda Archives Thème : Séminaire

Thibault Clauzel, CEA

Stable isotope study of bone and dental remains from Northern Gallic populations during the Second Iron Age: climate, diet, migrations The Gauls occupied the Western Europe territory during the Second Iron Age (500 BCE - 50 BCE). Originating from the Celts, the Gauls gathered in tribes and…

22 février 2024
13h, Salle su Conseil

Quentin Chaffaut, METIS, Sorbonne Université

How can geophysics help characterize groundwater dynamics and water fluxes at the soil-plants-atmosphere interface? The critical zone is the thin layer of the Earth's surface that supports most of the terrestrial biosphere. It is a coupled system involving the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere,…

15 février 2024
13h, Salle du conseil

Serge Sambolian, ITES

 High-resolution seismic imaging: from tomography to full-waveform inversion. Can we exploit our data in a better way? In active seismic imaging, the tomographic macro-model is seen as a smooth representation, containing only the long wavelength components, of the exact subsurface model. We often…

8 février 2024
13h, salle du conseil

Jean-Philippe Malet, ITES

Le noeud ossature de l'infrastructure numérique GAIA-DATA à Strasbourg : point d'avancement et opportunités pour la communauté EOST - ITES Le projet GAIA-DATA a pour objectifs de faciliter l’accès aux données et à des services d’analyses pour étudier les grandes questions du système Terre, autour…

30 janvier 2024
Salle du conseil, 13h

Clara Jodry, ITES & UFAZ

Hydrogéophysique 4D – Imager les structures et suivre les circulations de fluides dans les zones endommagées Les premières centaines de mètres de la subsurface présentent des milieux géologiques dynamiques et complexes. Les interactions fluides-roches-structures génèrent notamment des processus…

18 janvier 2024
Salle du Conseil, 13h

Nicolas Harrichhausen, ISTerre & IPGP

Determining active fault kinematics in paleoseismic studies and the implications of temporal and spatial slip-rate variability for seismic hazard assessment I will present methodologies for determining fault kinematics and earthquake histories in paleoseismic studies on southern Vancouver Island,…

14 décembre 2023
Virtual Seminar 1pm

Flore Rembert, Université d'Orléans

Multi-scale geoelectrical characterization of critical zone processes The critical zone is the near-surface environment that supports most drinking water resources and continental life. The study requires an interdisciplinary approach based on the characterization of the mechanisms involved between…

7 décembre 2023
13h, salle du conseil

Matthias Hinderer, The Technical University of Darmstadt

Impact of medieval and modern cities on lakes and landscapes – an interdisciplinary case study from southern Germany Lakes next to prehistoric and historic urban settlements were exposed to human activities much earlier than the often-assumed natural reference conditions before 1800 AD. The direct…

30 novembre 2023
13h, salle du conseil

Roberto Rizzo, University of Florence

Pixels Rock: A Journey from Simple Segmentation to Deep Learning Techniques to Unravel Deformation in Rocks Short Abstract: In the presentation "Pixels Rock: a journey from simple Segmentation to Deep-Learning Techniques to unravel deformation in rocks," we embark on a comprehensive exploration of…

23 novembre 2023
13h, salle du conseil

Claire Lauvernet, INRAE Centre Lyon-Grenoble

Data assimilation to quantify and reduce uncertainty in ecohydrology modelling Physically-based models represent detailed surface/subsurface transfer, but the required spatial information does not allow their operational use. In situ data on pesticides in a catchment are usually rare and…

13 novembre 2023
13h30, salle du Conseil

Victor GARCIA, Pontifical Catholic University of Perú 

Structural and neotectonic features of the  Cordillera Oriental and Santa Bárbara System, Central Andes of NW Argentina In this presentation I will show the main results obtained during more than 10 years of research on the characterization of Quaternary tectonics and identification of potential…

26 octobre 2023
Salle du conseil, 13h

Nolwenn Lesparre, Julia Autin et Amélie Aubert, ITES (egal'ITES)

Sexist and sexual violences in science, results from an IPSOS survey In the EOST and the ITES units, women researchers represent a proportion of less than 30% of rank B and less than 20% of rank A scientists. In the recent years, we observe a progression of the recruitment of women in rank A.…

12 octobre 2023
13 h, Amphi Rothé

SEMINAIRE Julien Ackerer, ISTerre Grenoble

Explorer l’hétérogénéité de la zone critique à travers la modélisation intégrée du cycle de l’eau dans 3 observatoires de l’IR OZCAR Une étude comparative menée dans trois observatoires de la zone critique en France (Naizin, Auradé, Strengbach, IR OZCAR) nous permet d'explorer comment…

5 octobre 2023
13h - Salle du conseil